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Nothing can bring your landscape photography to life more than a sharp, stunning water reflection. In this tutorial we explain how to photograph a reflection and suggest several key techniques and tips for finding suitable subjects.
I have been busy trying to make a small website with a simple cms. It uses the twig for the layout.
I wanted the cms to have a login so after searching here and there, and after a bit off trial and error I came to a working system.
Although it works, I am not really sure if its a good approach or if there are any thins that can be better. Especially on the authenticate matter. Also I wonder if the authenticate function is necessary on the $app->put and $app->put routes.
Any thoughts on this code is appreciated.
At Moz, we strive to include social media metadata in all new pieces of content that we publish. This allows us to optimize for sharing Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinerest by defining exactly how titles, descriptions, images and more appear in social streams.
Think of it as conversion rate optimization for social exposure.
Lately, there has been a lot of experimentation with very short programs that synthesize something that sounds like music. I now want to share some information and thoughts about these experiments.
First, some background. On 2011-09-26, I released the following video on Youtube, presenting seven programs and their musical output:
analizę prawną praktyki służb drogowych takich jak Główny Inspektorat Transportu Drogowego, Straż Miejska i Straż Gminna dotyczącą karania za wykroczenia drogowe ujawnione za pomocą stałych rejestratorów (radarów), za niewłaściwe parkowanie ujawnione przez funkcjonariuszy pod nieobecność kierowcy w samochodzie, oraz za wykroczenie polegające na odmowie wskazania przez właściciela pojazdu sprawcy wykroczenia.
Why use icon fonts?
Just so we're all on the same page, I'll summarize the pros/cons of using webfonts to display icons.
Fonts are vectors, so there is no pixelation or blurring on high-resolution screens as there would be if the graphic was raster and needed to scale up.
The browser support is as good as you need it to be
Once the system is in place, using them is very convenient.
Arguably easier than spriting images.
They can be controlled with CSS, like the size, color, shadow, etc.
The icons will be single-color. There are some fancy (hacky) techniques for multi-color however, and modern trends and HIGs (human interface guidelines) suggest single colors anyway.
A więc surfowałeś po Internecie przeglądając blogi i portale, gdy twoją uwagę przykuło znajome zdjęcie… Pamiętasz dokładnie chwilę jego wykonania, moment, gdy nacisnąłeś spust migawki, nie przypominasz sobie jednak abyś wyrażał zgodę na jego wykorzystanie przez właściciela strony. Jako autor zdjęcia nie jesteś w takiej sytuacji pozostawiony bez możliwości ochrony swoich praw. Jest szereg kroków, które możesz, a nawet powinieneś wykonać. Prawdopodobnie będziesz jednak musiał wykazać się cierpliwością i determinacją.
Youtube is a great source for watching videos or listening to music on-line via their website. But if you want to download the video or audio to your computer, you need some special tool, and you need to know the URL for the youtube video you wish to download.
Zend Framework: Surviving The Deep End
Najmniejsza (minimalna data) w Oracle Czasami zdarza się, iż musimy porównać datę faktyczna do jakiejś mniej „rzeczywistej”, aby na przykład mięć pewność, że nasze zapytanie zwróci dane dla całego zakresu dat. Można tu skorzystać z minimalnej daty dostępnej w bazie Oracle którą jest 1 styczeń 4712 BC. Datę tą można odczytać w prosty sposób korzystając z funkcji TO_DATE.
Ethan Marcott, the one who coined the term Responsive Web Design, stated in his article that Fluid Image is one of the ingredients of Responsive Web Design. The problem with Fluid Image, however is that eventhough the image seems to be responsive and could fit nicely in various viewport size, the same image size is downloaded by the users regardless of the medium the image is being viewed on.
We all lose our photographic mojo once in a while or maybe find that we are effectively taking the same images over and over again. In their latest guest blog post, our friends at the photo management blog Photoventure compiled 6 tried and tested techniques to help you break out of this photographic rut and start taking more creative images.
If you’ve bought yourself a DSLR and, after unpacking it from the box, you are intimidated by the number of buttons and dials, and by the thickness of the manual, it can be very tempting to put the manual down, flick it onto ‘Auto’ and start shooting. Whilst that is fine for some, it may not be long until you crave the creative control that inspired you to purchase a DSLR in the first place, but where do you begin?
Responsive elements makes it possible for any element to adapt and respond to the area they occupy. It's a tiny javascript library that you can drop into your projects today.
Since the 70′s, vi and vim are very popular text editors among programmers. 5 years ago, I wrote an article named “100 vim commands every programmer should know” and here is a reworked, updated version. Enjoy!
In our latest Professional Photographer to the Rescue series post our pro shares his best macro nature photography tips to help our apprentice learn how to take pin-sharp pictures of wildflowers, lichen, butterflies and much more.
One of the reasons that certain technocrats favor native applications is their ability to store data locally on the client. HTML5 made a breakthrough by allowing web applications to store data in the browser.
Although cookies are available to store data in the browsers, there are certain disadvantages to that – which were addressed with the invention of HTML5 Web Storage.
Mobile Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.
You may consider this script as being part of the RESS (Responsive Web Design with Server-Side Component) movement. You can find out more on the topic by reading these articles: Improve Mobile Support With Server-Side-Enhanced Responsive Design and RESS: Responsive Design + Server Side Components.
You can also benefit from Mobile Detect by using any of the 3rd party plugins available for: Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, etc.
phpFastCache is a high-performance, distributed object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.
phpFastCache dropped the database load to almost nothing, yielding faster page load times for users, better resource utilization. It is simple yet powerful
Panoramic photography: tips for making high-res images from multiple pictures | Digital Camera World
There’s nothing new about panoramic photography: it’s just that it’s now easier than ever before. In this tutorial we’ll run through the basics of panoramic photography, offer some tips on how to shoot your scene and then show you an easy way to stitch them together.