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Panoramic photography: tips for making high-res images from multiple pictures | Digital Camera World
There’s nothing new about panoramic photography: it’s just that it’s now easier than ever before. In this tutorial we’ll run through the basics of panoramic photography, offer some tips on how to shoot your scene and then show you an easy way to stitch them together.
When certain commands are run, Git searches the .git/hooks directory for suitable hook scripts which are then executed if found. You’ll find a small set of example scripts there (you can activate them by renaming them to remove the .sample prefix and setting their executable bit), and a complete list of hooks can be found in the githooks(5) man page.
This article suggests a handful of hooks which can streamline development and help improve your efficiency.
As an owner of the website it is very difficult to manage multiple websites without a control panel. However to suit the needs, we need a custom hosting plan.
A Web hosting control panel is a totally web-based interface which has capability to manage your web services under a single location. These web based control panels can manage email accounts, FTP accounts, file management functions, creation of subdomains, disk space monitoring, bandwidth monitoring, create backups and many more.
The OpenWeatherMap service provides free weather data and forecast API suitable for any cartographic services like web and smartphones applications. Ideology is inspired by OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia that make information free and available for everybody. OpenWeatherMap provides wide range of weather data such as map with current weather, week forecast, precipitation, wind, clouds, data from weather Stations and many others. Weather data is received from global Meteorological broadcast services and more than 40 000 weather stations.
Favico.js make use of your favicon with badges, images or videos. You can easily animate your favicon with animated badges. You can customize type of animation, background color and text color. It supports animation like slide, fade, pop. All code is open source and dual licensed under GPL and MIT.
Version 3 of Twitter Bootstrap is a major change from all its past versions. It is a mobile-first framework and can claim to be one of the best CSS frameworks for building responsive website designs.
In my last article I focused on building responsive websites using Twitter Bootstrap 2. From that, you should have an idea of how Bootstrap works.
Since Twitter Bootstrap 3 is a mobile-first framework, by default whatever you design or create will be mobile compatible or responsive. Isn’t that cool?
In the first part of this series we created the bare bones of a subscription-based website using Laravel. We also set the site up with roles, and granted a pending role to new users. We’re now at the point where we can perform basic registration, login, and logout. In this second part, we’ll integrate Recurly to set up our paid membership plans.
Laravel 4 is a huge step forward for the PHP community. It’s beautifully written, full of features and the community is presently exploding. It’s with this in mind that I would like to show how to deploy Laravel 4 applications, using Artisan.
Webpage forms are quite commonplace for a number of different purposes. Some examples include user registration, e-commerce checkouts, profile settings, or even contact forms. Input fields are much easier to style with modern CSS3 techniques – but what about improving the overall user experience?
In this post I want to showcase a number of free open source jQuery plugins to help developers create easier web forms. Visitors want to fill out forms quickly and without much hesitation. You don’t want too many flashy page elements distracting from the task at hand. Think of these additional features more like guidelines to help users fill out forms concerning unique or unfamiliar content.
The DebugBar integrates easily in any projects and can display profiling data from any part of your application. It comes built-in with data collectors for standard PHP features and popular projects.
Git is a powerful, sophisticated system for distributed version control. Gaining an understanding of its features opens to developers a new and liberating approach to source code management. The surest path to mastering Git is to immerse oneself in its utilities and operations, to experience it first-hand.
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Phalcon to framework zaimplementowany jako rozszerzenie C oferujący wysoką wydajność i małe zużycie zasobów
Introduction to Standard PHP Library (SPL)
VnStat PHP a graphical interface application for most famous console mode network logger utility called “vnstat“. This VnStat PHP is a graphical frontend to VnStat, to view and monitor network traffic bandwidth usage report in nicely graphical format. It display IN and OUT network traffic statistics in hourly, days, months or full summary.
This article shows you how to install VnStat and VnStat PHP in Linux systems.
Ajenti includes dozens of pre-made plugins that let you configure both your OS and server software. List of supported software includes Apache, Cron, CTDB, NFSD, Iptables, Munin, MySQL, Netatalk, NGINX, PostgreSQL, Samba, lm-sensors, Squid 3, Supervisor.
Fast and responsive interface, low memory footprint and handy tools like file manager, terminal and code editor - everything a happy sysadmin needs.