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This release note provides information on the latest posting of the ATI Proprietary Linux driver. The software release note provides information on the following:
ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Features
Web Content
ATI Workstation Product Support
ATI Mobility™ Product Support
ATI Desktop Product Family Support
Operating Systems Distributions Supported
Minimum System Requirements
System Recommendations
New Features
Known Issues
ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Installer
Un-installing the ATI Linux Proprietary Driver
Driver Update Notification
ATI Customer Care
Linux Feedback Program
ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Features
The ATI Proprietary Linux driver provides TV Output support for ATI graphics cards that support TV out. The ATI Proprietary Linux driver also allows for the following monitor arrangements:
Single Head Mode (single display)
Clone Mode (same content on both screens)
Mirror Mode (same content on both screens, with identical display resolution and refresh rates)
Big Desktop (one desktop stretched across two screens)
Dual Head (separate instances of X running on each screen)