32 private links
< zed0> can you get cp to give a progress bar like wget?
Damn right you can.
h5ai makes browsing directories on HTTP web servers more pleasant. Directory listings get styled in a modern way and browsing through the directories is enhanced by different views, a breadcrumb and a tree overview.
MySQL Proxy transparently passes information between a client and a MySQL server. The proxy can audit the information flow in both directions and change it if necessary, which could be useful for protecting the MySQL server from malicious queries or for altering the information clients receive without actually making changes to the database. The proxy can also do load balancing between MySQL servers, and perform flow optimization by directing SELECT statements to read-only slave servers, which enhances MySQL scalability by allowing you to add more servers for read operations.
This tutorial shows how to set up a standalone storage server on Ubuntu 12.10. Instead of NFS, I will use GlusterFS here. The client system will be able to access the storage as if it was a local filesystem. GlusterFS is a clustered file-system capable of scaling to several peta-bytes. It aggregates various storage bricks over Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP interconnect into one large parallel network file system. Storage bricks can be made of any commodity hardware such as x86_64 servers with SATA-II RAID and Infiniband HBA.
W dziale tym zajmę się programowaniem w C i C++ głównie dla Linuxa (ze względu na wykorzystywane funkcje systemowe tego systemu i testowanie w nim prezentowanych rozwiązań). Nie będzie to jednak typowe omówienie czy kurs tego języka, prócz krótkiego wprowadzenia w podstawy tego języka, zamieszczę tutaj szereg bogato komentowanych, niewielkich programów ilustrujących poszczególne zagadnienia. Omówię również korzystanie z ważniejszych/ciekawszych bibliotek (w tym bibliotek standardowych C i C++). Na wstępie zachęcam do zapoznania się z przykładem zamieszczonym w części "wstępu do techniki" poswięconej porgramowaniu, a także przykładom wprowadzającym w podstawy C i C++.
ifconfig in short “interface configuration” utility for system/network administration in Unix/Linux operating systems to configure, manage and query network interface parameters via command line interface or in a system configuration scripts.
The “ifconfig” command is used for displaying current network configuration information, setting up an ip address, netmask or broadcast address to an network interface, creating an alias for network interface, setting up hardware address and enable or disable network interfaces.
1 libvirt Wiki
1.1 General project documentation
1.2 Books
1.3 Configuration Management
1.4 Conversion
1.5 Guest Management
1.5.1 Concepts
1.5.2 CGroups
1.5.3 CPU
1.5.4 KVM / QEMU
1.5.5 Guest device Configuration
1.5.6 Virtio
1.6 libguestfs / guestfish
1.7 Networking
1.7.1 Concepts
1.7.2 Detailed networking pieces
1.8 Perl
1.9 Provisioning
1.9.1 Cobbler
1.9.2 Foreman
1.10 Remote Management
1.10.1 CIM
1.10.2 QPID
1.11 Security
1.11.1 Host Security
1.11.2 SSH
1.11.3 Transport Layer Security (TLS)
1.12 Storage
1.12.1 iSCSI
1.12.2 QCow2 disk encryption
1.12.3 Disk and Memory Snapshots
1.13 Third Party Libvirt Applications
1.14 Other
1.14.1 Images
1.15 Getting started with the Wiki
Czasami transfery w sieci są podejrzanie niskie i zachodzi konieczność wykrycia wąskiego gardła.
Najłatwiej zrobić to przy użyciu narzędzia iperf, dostępnego na wszystkie popularne platformy.
Użytkowanie narzędzia jest bardzo proste
The virsh command can be used to mange local or remote guest operating systems. The program can be used to create, pause, and shutdown domains. It can also be used to list current domains.
Krótki, ale mam nadzieję, że przydatny artykuł, który pomoże odzyskać stracone dane z dysków, uszkodzone tablice partycji i inne problemy. Do ratowania plików będziemy używać prostych, ale potężnych programów, które powinny być dostępne we każdej dystrybucji Linuksa. Poznamy również takie aplikacje jak TestDisk & PhotoRec, które również pomagają w odzyskiwaniu danych.
Kon-Boot is an prototype piece of software which allows to change contents of a linux kernel (and now Windows kernel also!!!) on the fly (while booting). In the current compilation state it allows to log into a linux system as 'root' user without typing the correct password or to elevate privileges from current user to root. For Windows systems it allows to enter any password protected profile without any knowledge of the password. It was acctually started as silly project of mine, which was born from my never-ending memory problems :) Secondly it was mainly created for Ubuntu, later i have made few add-ons to cover some other linux distributions. Finally, please consider this is my first linux project so far :) Entire Kon-Boot was written in pure x86 assembly, using old grandpa-geezer TASM 4.0.
sK1 illustration program
sK1 is an open-source illustration program that can substitute professional proprietary software like Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator*. Currently GNU/Linux is our main development platform, but porting on Win32 and MacOS X desktops has been scheduled. sK1 supports professional publishing features, such as CMYK color, separations, ICC color management and press-ready PDF output.
UniConvertor is a universal vector graphics translator. It is a command line tool which uses sK1 object model to convert one file format to another. The project is a multiplatform software and can be compiled under GNU/Linux (and other UNIX-like systems), MacOS X and Win32/64 operation systems.
CDR Explorer
CDR Explorer is a research tool for CorelDraw file formats. It was used to create a CDR import filter for sK1 Editor and UniConvertor. This tool is written on Python and works under GNU/Linux, MacOS X and Win32.
Every designer and developer wants cheat sheets to speed up their work and for fast reference. There are plenty of cheat sheets available online, but today I have compiled a collection of cheat sheets which can be used as desktop wallpapers; for super fast reference. You just have to click “Show Desktop” button and your cheat sheet will be in your sight. I hope you will like this collection.
I would like to extend my thanks to the gnome team/community for a great last moment with my dad. Adrian Hands (my father) wrote the patch above to improve the usability of gnome for himself and others. You see my dad was suffering from ALS and his hands were so crippled he could no longer use a keyboard. Thus we used a Darci usb morse code keyboard emulator to help him type. Even the morse code device was a struggle as the sensitivity adjustment and positioning of the nice two paddled key would fall out of whack. I rigged up a pvc cage that wrapped around his knee and fixed remote switches to the cage so that he could use the remaining strength in his legs to operate the Darci morse code device. He used this last bit of body movement to write this patch.
NND Linux Router jest projektem dystrybucji linuksowej dedykowanym do pełnienia roli routera i serwera dla małych sieci szkolnych, firmowych, czy osiedlowych. Może pracować na starszych i mniej wydajnych komputerach. Zaletą w stosunku do pełnych dystrybucji ma być łatwiejsza konfiguracja, a także specjalnie przygotowane pakiety z bezpiecznym oprogramowaniem.
This release note provides information on the latest posting of the ATI Proprietary Linux driver. The software release note provides information on the following:
ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Features
Web Content
ATI Workstation Product Support
ATI Mobility™ Product Support
ATI Desktop Product Family Support
Operating Systems Distributions Supported
Minimum System Requirements
System Recommendations
New Features
Known Issues
ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Installer
Un-installing the ATI Linux Proprietary Driver
Driver Update Notification
ATI Customer Care
Linux Feedback Program
ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Features
The ATI Proprietary Linux driver provides TV Output support for ATI graphics cards that support TV out. The ATI Proprietary Linux driver also allows for the following monitor arrangements:
Single Head Mode (single display)
Clone Mode (same content on both screens)
Mirror Mode (same content on both screens, with identical display resolution and refresh rates)
Big Desktop (one desktop stretched across two screens)
Dual Head (separate instances of X running on each screen)
AMD has moved a number of DX9 ATI Radeon™ graphics accelerators products to a legacy driver support structure. This change impacts Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Linux distributions. AMD has moved to a legacy software support structure for these graphics accelerator products in an effort to better focus development resources on future products.
Środowisko programistyczne Gambas 2 pozwala na zapoznanie się z programowaniem w języku ? No właśnie – jest to swego rodzaju visual basic dla linuksa. Wszyscy którzy już zetknęli się z visual basic – poczują się w Gambas 2 jak „U siebie w domu”. Gwoli sprawiedliwości jedno trzeba przyznać, że nie wszystko jest tak samo jak w visual basic to jednak nawet poczatkujący programista nie powinien mieć żadnego problemu z opanowaniem tego przyjaznego środowiska programistycznego.
Zenoss Core is an enterprise network and systems management application written in Python/Zope. Zenoss provides an integrated product for monitoring availability, performance, events and configuration across layers and across platforms. Zenoss can monito