Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

February, 2014

PHP REST Framework: Handle REST requests with command classes - PHP Classes

This package is a framework to handle REST requests with command classes.

It can process and route HTTP requests to command classes based on the REST request URL.

The command class objects are instantiated by the observer class which may call the command objects to execute the request REST API action.

If necessary an API request token is checked to authorize the action API call access.

The command classes are responsible for returning the request response data.

What is ISO: camera sensitivity settings (and the best ways to use them) | Digital Camera World

What is ISO? Discover how your camera’s sensitivity to light is measured and when you should increase your camera’s ISO setting.

30 Best Free HTML5 Templates 2014 - TemplateSpicy

HTML5 may not be a fully developed field but it has brought with it a numerous features new to the dish. Many of the latest browsers also support these cool templates and new features are on their way making way to the list.
As far as web designing is concerned we have the top hit going this as to be HTML5. The reason behind the success of this Web Design is tat this design is compatible with every platform, old browsers and even handles errors gracefully. Using this user friendly templates you can create powerful, easy to maintain future proof web pages. Many of the common tasks are now simplified providing more power in your hands frankly speaking for customization. HTML5 may not be a fully developed field but it has brought with it a numerous features new to the dish. Many of the latest browsers also support these cool templates and new features are on their way making way to the list. HTML5  tags and features are providing the feature of development of a future proof website that will also be free from the use of any additional plugin like Flash. HTML5 templates is the latest member of the list that has brought a revolution to the web design industry. Support to multimedia elements like video,audio along with the latest types of form controls, new and global attributes further add to the reason of popularity of the free HTML5 templates.

LightZone | Open-source digital darkroom software for Windows/Mac/Linux

Effective September 10, 2013, you must be a fully registered member of The LightZone Project in order to download the program. See the message above about registration.  Once the registration process is fully completed, including approval, and you have logged in after approval, you will see the download links for Linux, Windows, and Mac in the left sidebar---not the bottom right corner.   The program remains free of charge.  We are doing this now for security purposes and to better track the downloads and to help build the community.  It is fine if you do not wish to participate in the forums---no one is forcing you to---- but we would like you to participate and believe that in the long run a larger member base will be better for the project, especially in terms of attracting development support.  We do not think it is too much to ask that you register in exchange for free and quite interesting software.  We hope that you like it as much as we do, and will share with the community your experiences, questions, and comments.

Raspberry Pi jako serwer NAS: Samba, MPD oraz DAC »

rządzenie miało spełnić kilka wymogów:

zamontowanie dysku zewnętrznego i udostępnianie plików domownikom – widoczność jako dysk sieciowy
serwer muzyczny sterowany za pomocą tabletu z Androidem
bezproblemowe oglądanie filmów oraz przeglądanie zdjęć
niska cena, stabilność, szybkość działania, obsługa bez dodatkowych monitorów, klawiatur i innych bzdetów
możliwość rozbudowy w wolnym czasie (automatyczne wyłączenie listwy z prądu po wyłączeniu serwera czy inna automatyzacja domu)

Geolokalizacja i Google Maps, cz. 5 – stylizacja mapy | - blog programisty i web developera

Zdecydowana większość aktywnych internautów zapewne bez problemu rozpoznaje mapy od Google. Jednak, nie zawsze musi tak być :). Jako programiści możemy w znaczny sposób zmienić wygląd map. Jak to zrobić?

Wycofywanie działań ręcznych - krok po kroku |

W związku z coraz większą liczbą powiadomień o nienaturalnych linkach postanowiliśmy zebrać w jednym miejscu nasze doświadczenia związane z wycofywaniem działań ręcznych.

Opiszę tutaj stosowaną przez nas procedurę, która sprawdziła się w przypadku wielu serwisów, w tym dużych witryn e-commerce.

(Analogiczną procedurę — oczywiście bez ostatniego kroku — stosujemy dla przejmowanych stron bez działań ręcznych, aby zabezpieczyć się przed ew. filtrami algorytmicznymi i ręcznymi w przyszłości).

W zdecydowanej większości przypadków zgłaszane pliki disavow.txt zawierają tylko wpisy obejmujące całe domeny, więc w poniższej procedurze zakładam właśnie takie rozwiązanie.

◉ Installation Guide (Article) | Phabricator

Installation Requirements
You will need a computer. Options include:

A Normal Computer: This is strongly recommended. Many installs use a VM in EC2. Phabricator installs properly and works well on a normal computer.
A Shared Host: This may work, but is not recommended. Many shared hosting environments have restrictions which prevent some of Phabricator's features from working. Consider using a normal computer instead.
A SAN Appliance, Network Router, Gaming Console, Raspberry Pi, etc.: Although you may be able to install Phabricator on specialized hardware, it is unlikely to work well and will be difficult for us to support. Strongly consider using a normal computer instead.
A Toaster, Car, Firearm, Thermostat, etc.: Yes, many modern devices now have embedded computing capability. We live in interesting times. However, you should not install Phabricator on these devices. Instead, install it on a normal computer.

30 Best Free HTML5 CSS3 Templates - TemplateSpicy

With the help of CSS as well as HTML the modern world of internet is highly developed. CSS or we can say Cascading Style Sheet is a language which is basically a style sheet language of computer used in achieving the basic targets of expressing the presentation and arrangement of electronic document made up of embedded coding. Formatting the documents that are based on markup languages is the basic motive of the utilization of the CSS. Now designers have broadened their scope of development by including abstract designs that before were not possible before or meant to be difficult. By trying these great tutorials and layouts new features of HTML5 and CSS3 are to be experimented along with the improved coding skills. HTML5 is the next revision developed for the core markup language of the World Wide Web. And to present the latest development tools CSS3 is one of the latest tools available. Today with the boomed development of  web designing the websites look is required to be more appealing and attractive. And for this most of the developers prefer HTML5 and CSS3 as the best solution.

How to take good photos: 10 simple ways to boost your hit rate | Digital Camera World

Tired of deleting more photos than you keep? Hit your image target every time with our sure-fire guide to how to take good photos and get it right in-camera.

10 camera techniques to master in 2014: learn basic TTL flash techniques | Digital Camera World

As our Shoot Like a Pro series on mastering some of the fundamental camera techniques continues we introduce you to several basic TTL flash techniques that can transform your images.

80+ Free CSS3 HTML5 Menu Tutorials [updated] | Pixelbell

HTML5 and CSS3 have both revolutionised web design and we all see more powerful and functional websites using these two languages.HTML5 and CSS3 have many advantages like faster loading times,greater functionalities and more flexibility.You can apply to any website very easily.

In today’s post we have collected free CSS3/HTML5 menu tutorials and plugins.This is a really huge list.Enjoy..!!

16 Free Education HTML Website Templates | TemplateMag

In this post, we showcase 16 Free Education HTML Website Templates that are suitable for creating websites for colleges, schools, education centres, play schools, kindergartens, educational advisers, etc. You can download and use these HTML templates for your personal or commercial websites. Please read the license of the provider first before using any template. Enjoy!

27 Free Bootstrap HTML Templates | TemplateMag

ootstrap is an open-source CSS and JavaScript framework developed by the team at Twitter. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. Bootstrap makes front-end web development faster and easier.

In this post, we have collected 27 Free Bootstrap HTML Templates available from various sites across the web. You can download and use these templates for your personal or commercial websites. Please read the license of the provider first before using any template. Enjoy!

Uploading Files with AJAX - Treehouse Blog

The introduction of AJAX marked a huge leap forward in the history of the web. The ability to communicate with a web server without reloading the page has revolutionised how web applications are built. The primary technology that enables AJAX (XMLHttpRequests) has evolved significantly since the initial conception of dynamic websites.

A nice feature added to XMLHttpRequests in recent years is the ability to handle file uploads. Traditionally many developers have resorted to using technologies like Flash to upload files to a server. The problem with this approach is that the user needs to have a third-party browser plugin installed.

In this post you’ll learn how to upload files to a server using native JavaScript technologies. The example we’re going to use supports uploading multiple files in a single request. However, you can apply the same principles to single-file uploads too.

Free Programming Books Download
40 jQuery & CSS3 Loading Animation And Progress Bar Plugins | Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers

Another amazing and wonderful collection of jQuery and CSS3 for you is presented here. In this collection we are showcasing 40 jQuery and CSS3 loading animation and progress bar plugins and tutorial. One thing keep in your mind that CSS3 animations are not yet supported in old browsers so you have to try modern browsers if you want to see the live action of these outstanding plugins. With loaders and progress bars users know that something is still going on that’s why loaders and progress bars are very essential for users.

Build your own CCTV system with Zoneminder | TuxRadar Linux

The three main reasons for surveillance are security, safety and nosiness. Whether you need a visual check on a sleeping baby, or a video of a stranger putting your cat in a wheelie bin, Zoneminder fits the bill. Zoneminder is a sophisticated camera manager, including support for multiple image sources, motion detection, email alerts, and X10 automation. It supports most V4L (Video for Linux) devices, and can control network IP cameras. The web interface makes it ideal for use on our headless server.

In the following tutorial, we will take you through the process required to build a headless surveillance server which can manage image feeds, upload images to another PC, and is accessible from the internet, even using a mobile phone.

Domy szkieletowe - Buduj z drewna - domy z drewna, Domy drewniane budownictwo drewniane. Domy z bali, domy szkieletowe, domy drewniane, budownictwo szkieletowe, konstrukcje drewniane, projekty domów.

1.7. Wymagania techniczno-montażowe dla konstrukcji stropów

1.7. Wymagania techniczno-montażowe dla konstrukcji stropów

Konstrukcja stropu w budynku musi przenosic obciążenia własne, obciążenia stałe i zmienne związane z używalnością stropów.
Wymagania przedstawione dotyczą elementów konstrukcji stropów o osiowym rozstawie belek stropowych nie przekraczającym 400 mm i minimalnym przekrój belki stropowej wynoszącym 38 x 184 mm.
Strop winien być zaprojektowany tak by przenieść przewidziane obciążenia przy minimalnym ugięciu z zachowaniem wymaganej sztywności.

Creating an app to post tweets with Laravel and the Twitter API

In this tutorial we will build a fun little tool for internal/personal usage that posts random tweets at pre-defined times with Laravel and the Twitter API. We will use some of Laravel 4′s powerful features such as Artisan commands, Eloquent ORM and some external packages to make creating an application to post tweets with Laravel 4 quick and easy!

Our application will:

Allow us to insert a tweet into the database
Allow us to insert tags into the database
Link tags to a tweet
Have a command that grabs a random tweet and appends tags in a random order

How to spoof the MAC address of a network interface on Linux - Linux FAQ

A 48-bit MAC address (e.g., 08:4f:b5:05:56:a0) is a globally unique identifier associated with a physical network interface, which is assigned by a manufacturer of the corresponding network interface card. Higher 24 bits in a MAC address (also known as OUI or "Organizationally Unique Identifier") uniquely identify the organization which has issued the MAC address, so that there is no conflict among all existing MAC addresses.

While a MAC address is a manufacturer-assigned hardware address, it can actually be modified by a user. This practice is often called "MAC address spoofing." In this tutorial, I am going to show how to spoof the MAC address of a network interface on Linux.


is an image cropping jquery plugin that will satisfy your needs and much more

Float Labels with CSS | CSS-Tricks

You've probably seen this pattern going around. It's an input that appears as if it has placeholder text in it, but when you click/tap into that input, that text moves out of the way and allows you to type there. It's rather clever, I think. Brad Frost has a really good post on it, detailing the pros and cons and such.

Many of the demos I've seen involve JavaScript. The other day I was checking out at, saw their technique for it, and I thought of a way I could pull that off without JavaScript. So here we are.

techPortal | Speedy Sites: Nginx and PHP

Speedy Sites: Nginx and PHP
In the previous article in this series, we looked at using Apache with mod_pagespeed to perform on-the-fly enhancements to decrease page load times. Getting an optimised page is only half the battle however; we need to ensure that our backend is doing as little work as possible in order to be highly scalable. In this article, we look at how we can achieve this while improving performance – all with nginx.

What is nginx?
For those unfamiliar with nginx, it describes itself as “a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy”, first released publicly in 2004, and becoming one of the most successful webservers in the past few years – their wiki has an impressive list of sites powered by it. The biggest advantage it has over the tried-and-tested Apache webserver is that it uses an event-driven, asynchronous architecture – so it doesn’t rely on threads to handle requests. What does this mean in real terms? Well, apart from predictable increases in memory usage under load, the key point for us at the moment is that it can serve static content fast. Really fast.

10 Incredible Bird Photography Tips for Beginners - Digital Photography School

What is the most important factor in getting your bird photographs noticed by a large audience? Is it the camera or the lens or the bird?

Tips for your Next Adventure Photography Trip

Many landscape photographers’ love for wilderness, drives them to venture far in search of wild and remote locations. The lure of solitude and unfamiliar scenery motivates many to photograph far off the beaten path. Adventure photography at it’s best.

Backpacking, rafting, canoeing, trekking, climbing, and other self-propelled modes of travel are a few of the ways these remote locations are accessed and used. Those adventures are often with other people and the rewards can be stunning scenery, wildlife, and of course: the wilderness experience.

On a canoe trip with my son we discovered this campsite on the shore (see image below). Earlier in the day I photographed the mountain reflecting in the lake before realizing the setting would make for a stunning photograph of a camp scene.

20 Useful HTML5 Code Snippets You Should Know | RealcomBiz

Users expect to get to information anywhere, anytime and expect it to be fast. Meeting all those expectations and providing users with what they want is the single best way to keep clients focused on your product, service or website.

HTML5 is the latest iteration of HTML addressing modern needs and expectations of websites. It deals with things like semantic markup, providing information about content it describes, it is becoming new standard for all good web developers and browser vendors love it as it does its magic on.

Video Surveillance With ZoneMinder On Ubuntu | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

ZoneMinder is the top Linux video camera security and surveillance solution. In this document I will cover how to get ZoneMinder up and running on Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS or Dapper Drake with the recent updates included.

Strop drewniany na wiązarach kratowych |

Kolejnym przykładem nowoczesnej metody wykonania stropów drewnianych są belki stropowe wykonane jako drewniane wiązary kratowe połączone przez płytki kolczaste.

Strop drewniany - tradycyjna metoda budowy |

Strop to pozioma przegroda między kondygnacjami domu, której podstawowym zadaniem jest przenoszenie obciążeń pochodzących od ciężaru własnego i ciężaru użytkowego oraz oddzielenie pomieszczeń kondygnacji wyższej od tych znajdujących się na niższej kondygnacji. Ma on za zadanie również usztywnić budynek w kierunku poziomu i zwiększyć jego sztywność przestrzenną. Odpowiednia izolacja stropu sprawia również ograniczenie przenikania ciepła i dźwięków.

Domy szkieletowe - Buduj z drewna - domy z drewna, Domy drewniane budownictwo drewniane. Domy z bali, domy szkieletowe, domy drewniane, budownictwo szkieletowe, konstrukcje drewniane, projekty domów.

1.2. Materiały na konstrukcję budynku

1.2. Materiały na konstrukcję budynku

Głównym materiałem stosowanym do budowy domów o konstrukcji szkieletowej jest drewno sosnowe. Na poszycia ścian, stropów i połaci dachowych są płyty drewnopochodne 6 płyta OSB/3, płyta V-100 bądź sklejka. Przy czym na poszycie ścian mogą być stosowane także płyty gipsowo-włóknowe. Do łączenia drewnianych elementów konstrukcji stosuje się gwoździe, wkręty, zszywki i łączniki metalowe.