Monthly Shaarli

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January, 2014


Phabricator, an open source software engineering platform
Phabricator is a collection of open source web applications that help software companies build better software.

How to install Cacti (Monitoring tool) in ubuntu 13.10 server | Ubuntu Geek

Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed to harness the power of RRDTool's data storage and graphing functionality. Cacti provides a fast poller, advanced graph templating, multiple data acquisition methods, and user management features out of the box. All of this is wrapped in an intuitive, easy to use interface that makes sense for LAN-sized installations up to complex networks with hundreds of devices.

Getting started with Laravel - CodeForest

Laravel is a modern and robust PHP framework. There are several tutorials available here on CodeForest, but I still receive plenty of questions on getting started with Laravel, How to use Composer and similar.

Wall Plug | Fibaro - Inteligentny Dom i Budynek - System i inteligentne instalacje Z-wave

FIBARO Wall Plug jest najbardziej wysublimowanym, zdalnie sterowanym, inteligentnym włącznikiem sprzętów elektrycznych z funkcją pomiaru zużywanej energii.
To niezwykle funkcjonalne urządzenie w formie przejściówki podłączanej bezpośrednio do dowolnego gniazda zasilającego znajdzie zastosowanie wszędzie tam, gdzie chcemy w wygodny i bezobsługowy sposób zdalnie zarządzać urządzeniami elektrycznymi.

Form validation in HTML5 / HTML & CSS / Markup languages / Programming languages / Articles - BASICuse

Form fields are designed to collect information from visitors of a certain page. But despite the best efforts and explanations, getting the correct information from an average user can be difficult. Impatient or careless visitors may miss important fields, only partially fill one or several fields, or simply press the wrong keys. After filling the form this way they click "Send" button. The server program receives a set of data and if data validation is not implemented on the server side, the server program has no idea what to do with it.

A professional web page requires data validation, i.e. a method for detecting errors in the input data, or even better - a way to avoid mistakes in the first place. Over the years, web developers have been doing this using JavaScript procedures of their own design or through professional JavaScript libraries. To be honest, these approaches gave excellent results.

10 of the Best Webpage Weight Analysis Tools

Unless you continually monitor page weight, you won’t know how your diet is progressing. The average page now exceeds 1.7Mb and increased by 32% in 2013 alone. If your developers are secretly gorging themselves on fattening widgets, any of the following assessment tools will highlight their gluttony. They’re all free and take a few seconds to run — what are you weighting for…

42 Mockup And Wireframing Tools For Developers | Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers

Wireframing and mockup tools are very important for the developers as they make the process of creating a cloud computing based SaaS app or website fundamentally easier. They are the most crucial tools when it comes to communicating a prototype’s usability and functionality to clients. Therefore, almost all developers spend loads of their time in searching good and high quality mockup and wireframing tools.
Below, we have put together top 42 mockup and wireframing tools for developers. With these tools, they can provide their clients a streamlined and uncluttered visual to supplement verbalized ideas and designs. Check this out and get to pick one!

highlight.js – JavaScript Syntax Highlighter | jQuery Plugins

Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on blogs, forums and, in fact, on any web page. It's very easy to use because it works automatically: finds blocks of code, detects a language, highlights it.


71 languages and 44 styles
automatic language detection
multi-language code highlighting
available for node.js
works with any markup
compatible with any js framework

Sorting Algorithm Animations
Hover.css - A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects

A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to call to actions, buttons, logos, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS and SASS.

White balance explained: how cameras correct the color of different types of light | Digital Camera World

The White Balance setting you choose will change the colour balance in your pictures, making it warmer or cooler depending on how the sort of light you’re shooting in affects things.

Using Auto White Balance is the simple option, but your camera’s White Balance presets give you more control over colour.

In this tutorial we’ll explain exactly how these work and how to fine-tune your white balance settings to ensure the most accurate colours possible.

Your logs are your data: logstash + elasticsearch | Radialpoint Blog

Topic of today’s post stays a bit aside from day-to-day coding and development but nonetheless covers a very important subject: our application log files. Our apps do generate enormous amount of logs which if done right are extremely handy for problems troubleshooting.

It’s not a big deal if you have a single application up and running, but nowadays apps, particularity webapps, run on hundreds of servers. With such a scale figuring out where is a problem becomes a challenge. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some kind of a view which aggregates all logs from all our running applications into single dashboard so we could see a whole picture constructed from the pieces? Please welcome: Logstash, the logs aggregation framework.

Although it’s not the only solution available, I found Logstash to be very easy to use and extremely simple to integrate. To start with, we don’t even need to do anything on the application side, Logstash can do all the job for us.

Database seeding in Laravel 4 using - Creative Punch

Database seeding in Laravel 4 can be quite cumbersome for things such as user information. Luckily there are tools that can help us with that!

Recently I have been using for filling up my database with randomly generated user profiles.