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August, 2011

Cute Animal Pictures That Make You Say AWWW

Awesome Examples of Water Reflection Photography (20 Pictures)
Promised Land – Apocalyptic World
Cute Animal Pictures That Make You Say AWWW

Posted by Boost Inspiration in Photography | 0 Comments

We featured many pictures of animals in past and here's another collection of cute pictures of baby animals that make you say AWWW. We love to collect animal pictures and you can browse through many baby pictures of animals on this blog.

Sometime it happens when you're feeling down or having a bad day and need a doze of cute pictures for inspiration to put you back in a good mood and feel better. Below you will find some cute animal pictures that may bring smile to your faces and make your day.

BitCoin FAQ + dyskusja - Forum
VIM an a PHP IDE - Thomas Koch

Today I read an article from Matthew Weier O'Phinney on Planet-PHP about Programming PHP with VIM. Since he want's to continue his series and I wrote a similiar text these days, I thought to post the text I wrote so far.

Maybe we can continue together to write a nice teaser to for PHP with VIM. It would be fine, to have one place (, ?) to collect all those nice helper scripts and plugins. The main benefit could be, that all the scripts can be installed together without overlapping key mappings.

So much for now, since I'm with my family to celebrate easter. Happy Easter to everybody celebrating it today!

6 Best Cross platform mobile development tools

Everyone uses different kinds of mobile devices built using different mobile operating systems.The two popular mobile Operating system are iOS and Android since these two contribute majority of market share.

Not just two,windows phone 7,blackberry OS are also popular in mobile space.So if you are a developer who want to build applications for mobile ? the very first obvious question that rise in your mind would be “which platform to choose ?”

Developers often choose a platform which reaches to more people or devices hence they develop applications in one common language and deploy them to all the popular platforms at once-This is called as cross platform mobile development.

8 Excellent WordPress Caching Plugins to Speed Up Your Site

If you use WordPress as your publishing platform and are concerned about speeding up your website, caching will help you. The faster a web page loads, the better the user experience is.

This is how WordPress caching works: it generates a copy of your web pages and stores them in your server as static files (i.e. as HTML documents) and/or cached database queries. Afterwards, when a site visitor arrives at a particular page, the server gives them the cached page rather than re-querying your database and dynamically generating it, thus speeding up page response times and potentially reducing the server resources required for generating and serving a web page.

SQL: Znajdowanie rekordów w przedziale czasu. « Tomasz Kowalczyk

Dzisiejszy wpis ponownie będzie krótki i prosty, ponownie też podejmę temat zapytań SQL przydatnych w codziennej pracy programisty. Czym w takim razie się zajmiemy? Otóż, w związku z tym, że "czasem" musimy wykonać pewne instrukcje w zależności od istnienia bądź nieistnienia rekordów dodanych w konkretnym przedziale czasu (np. wczoraj, w ostatnim tygodniu), w tym wpisie chciałbym pokazać, jak to zrobić w prosty i przyjemny sposób. Zapraszam do lektury.

Drag and Drop MooTools File Uploads

Honesty hour confession: file uploading within the web browser sucks. It just does. Like the ugly SELECT element, the file input is almost unstylable and looks different on different platforms. Add to those criticism the fact that we're all used to drag and drop operations, yet up until recently, you couldn't drag files into a browser to upload them, making file uploading within the browser unintuitive. With recent advancements in browser technology, the drag and drop method is not supported, but it doesn't look good without a bit of work. Luckily MooTools Core Developer Arian Stolwijk has created a set of classes to accommodate styling drag and drop file uploading within the browser. Let's have a look at how it works!

Building Web Pages With HTML 5 | Webmonkey |

Depending on who you ask, HTML 5 is either the next important step toward creating a more semantic web or a disaster that’s going to trap the web in yet another set of incomplete tags and markup soup.

The problem with both sides of the argument is that very few sites are using HTML 5 in the wild, so the theoretical solutions to its perceived problems remain largely untested.

That said, it isn’t hard to see both the benefits and potential hang-ups with the next generation of web markup tools.

Małe przydatne programy
Jo HTML5 Mobile App Framework

The simple app framework for HTML5
For iOS, Android, webOS, BlackBerry, Chrome OS & anything else with HTML5
Widgets, lists and scrolling goodness using JavaScript & CSS3
Make native mobile apps or web apps with the same code
Works great with PhoneGap

JavaScript and CSS Spinners with spin.js

I think it's safe to say the days of using images to provide the "small touches" are over. We can now safely create gradients, drop shadows, rounded corners, and scaled, rotated, transformed animations. It seems we've now moved on to replacing more complex effects, like spinner images. A great project called spin.js has surfaced, allowing developers to create CSS-powered spinners where keyframes are available, and uses VML as a fallback for Internet Explorer. spin.js is very customizable and is built with pure JavaScript so that no toolkit is required (though a jQuery plugin is available within the site demo). Let's have a look at how to use and customize spin.js!

PHP Team: QR Code for your blog

A QR Code is a matrix code (or two-dimensional bar code) created by Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. The "QR" is derived from "Quick Response", as the creator intended the code to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed. QR Codes are common in Japan where they are currently the most popular type of two dimensional codes.

PHP Scripts - Easy QrCode Generator - CodeCanyon

Qr Code is type of Barcode that you use on your website. This type of barcode you can read by mobile phones like iphone or all with Android system (youtube link with example of use : ). Inside you can insert some informaction like link or text and this message we read by your phone. Normaly you to create this you can use google chart but the syntax use terrible this class create link for you in easy way you pass only some information and you get corect link fot google chart

New demo page wad add : demo was created for .net but funzionality is the same

As return give you link or image html tag that you can use on your page.

-Useful for any PHP website
-Cross-browser compatible
-simple to use (2 line of code)
-detailed documentation included

Introduction to HTML5 Web Storage

Web Storage is a new HTML5 API offering important benefits over traditional cookies. Although the specification is still in W3C draft status, all major browsers support it already.

This means you can start using the API’s sessionStorage and localStorage objects (we will discuss these later on) and enjoy their benefits.

HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default template for HTML5 awesome.

HTML5 Boilerplate is the professional badass's base HTML/CSS/JS template for a fast, robust and future-proof site.

After more than three years in iterative development, you get the best of the best practices baked in: cross-browser normalization, performance optimizations, even optional features like cross-domain Ajax and Flash. A starter apache .htaccess config file hooks you the eff up with caching rules and preps your site to serve HTML5 video, use @font-face, and get your gzip zipple on.

Boilerplate is not a framework, nor does it prescribe any philosophy of development, it's just got some tricks to get your project off the ground quickly and right-footed.

jQuery Chosen Plugin

Without a doubt, my least favorite form element is the SELECT element. The element is almost unstylable, looks different across platforms, has had inconsistent value access, and disaster that is the result of multiple=true is, well, a disaster. Needless to say, whenever a developer goes the extra mile to offer solution to these issues, a big smile gets painted on my face. Harvest recently released Chosen, a SELECT enhancer which offers autosuggest, search, stylability, and an elegant solution for multiple selection. Better yet, Chosen is available for both jQuery and Prototype. Let's take a look at how to use Chosen!

Simple Website Layout Tutorial Using HTML 5 and CSS 3

Simple Website Layout Tutorial Using HTML 5 and CSS 3

As most of us know HTML 5 has created a big buzz on internet and is sure to give Adobe a hard time. Apple believes that HTML5 is what will define the web and would love to see more developers adopt it instead of Flash. Now that big video sites such as YouTube are testing support for HTML5 (Mashable).

jQuery Plugins : Best jQuery Social Media Plugins

Social Media is playing very important role in the marketing of products and websites. This is the reason the integration of Social Media into websites has become more essential now. In this post I collected the best jQuery Social Media Plugins for web developers to make their websites social media friendly with a wow effect of jQuery.

Koszulki z nadrukiem, kubki, bluzy, polo, poduszki, misie - CupSell - to darmowa platforma do projektowania, kupowania i sprzedaży odzieży z Twoim indywidualnym wzorem.

  1. Załóż swój sklep !

Na wystawienie sklepu jak i produktów jest całkowicie darmowe, nie ponosisz żadnych opłat miesięcznych czy jednorazowych. Jedyną rzeczą za którą się płaci na są zakupione produkty. Ty projektujesz wzory i wystawiasz w sklepie, klient kupuje, a my wykonujemy produkty i dzielimy się pieniędzmi ze sprzedaży - idealne rozwiązanie

Send Text Messages with PHP

Unbeknownst to me, sending text messages can be as easy as sendmail, because you can send your text to an email address and it will be delivered. There are two pieces of information you must know: the phone number and the carrier's text message email domain. Needing to know the recipient's carrier is not ideal, but necessary.

BarcodeContents - zxing - A rough guide to standard encoding of information in barcodes - Multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library with clients for Android, Java - Google Project Hosting

Much has been said about 2D barcodes, and the discussion has focused on the format of the 2D barcode itself -- QR Code, Data Matrix, and so on. But equally important is the format of what the barcode itself encodes.

2D barcodes encode text, generally, but that text can represent many things. Commonly, 2D barcodes encode text that represents a URL, like "". This is a special string of text since it is recognizable as a URL by readers, and therefore can be acted upon: the reader can open the URL in a browser.

2D barcodes can encode many types of actionable text. Text representing contact information, when recognized, could trigger a prompt to add the contact to an address book. But this only works when readers understand that text encodes contact information. For this, we need standards too.

There are some standards -- de facto and otherwise -- already in use. This wiki attempts to catalog some possible standards for encoding various types of information, and suggest a standard action associated to them. It is not necessarily complete and contributions are welcome.

The ZXing reader library supports all of the formats mentioned in this wiki and a bit more.

60 Totally Untamed Wildlife Photography Showcase - tripwire magazine

Wildlife photography is regarded as one of the more challenging forms of photography. As well as needing sound technical skills, such as being able to expose correctly, wildlife photographers generally need good field craft skills. For example, some animals are difficult to approach and thus a knowledge of the animal’s behavior is needed in order to be able to predict their actions. Photographing some species may require stalking skills or the use of a hide/blind for concealment.

Indeterminate Checkboxes | CSS-Tricks

Checkbox inputs can only have two states: checked or unchecked. They can have any value, but they either submit that value (checked) or don't (unchecked) with a form submission. The default is unchecked. You can control that in HTML like this:

HTML5: Atrybut download

W specyfikacji HTML5 pojawiła się całkiem interesująca nowość (Downloading resources), jaką jest nowy atrybut dla odsyłaczy (elementów a, area). Mowa tutaj o atrybucie download, dzięki któremu możemy „przekazać” przeglądarce, że dany link nie będzie tradycyjnie otwierany w oknie, lecz pobierany / zapisywany na dysku.

Niniejszy fjuczer ułatwia po raz kolejny życie, tym razem programistom serwerowym, bowiem nie muszą używać nagłówków HTTP do wskazywania plików do zapisu na dysku.


Cross-Browser CSS in Seconds.

The “inherit” Value for CSS Properties

In CSS, there are some properties that are naturally inherited from parent to child. This is useful because it prevents needing to define that same property for all children.

For example, the font-size property can be set (as it often is) on the <body> element, and virtually every element that is a child of <body> will inherit that font-size setting.

Jak założyć firmę - czyli działalność gospodarcza krok po kroku -

Z dniem 31 marca 2009 roku weszła w życie nowelizacja ustawy o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej, wprowadzająca zasadę tzw. "jednego okienka".

Nie wszyscy jednak mogą z niej korzystać; przedsiębiorcy wpisani do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego oraz ci, którzy do swojej działalności wymagają licencji i zezwoleń muszą osobiście udać się do ZUS i Urzędu Skarbowego.

Free 3D People And Animals Models You Can Download

I saw you liked the previous 3d article, the one with 3d Furniture Models so I thought you would also like one with 3D people and animals featuring various figures from business man or women to warriors, aliens or superheroes.

It’s a collection of almost 80 free 3D models from which you can download and use the model you need. Please read their licenses before using.

10 narzędzi, które ułatwią życie administratora MySQL - Portal technologii internetowych

Daniel Nichter przedstawił na łamach InfoWorldu listę 10 opensource'owych narzędzi dla administratorów baz danych MySQL, które powinny im znacznie ułatwić życie. Przytaczamy poniżej tę interesującą listę – wielu z tych programów wcześniej nie znaliśmy.