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July, 2011

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brunomoura/blog – 45 Really Funny Print Ads

In today’s world advertisement plays very important role for a product or company to be successful the advertisement must deliver powerful message which attracts the consumer’s attention. Humorous advertisement is one of the best way to grab more consumer’s attention. In this roundup I have showcase some of the best humorous print ad which makes you laugh. Enjoy!

40+ Awesome JQuery Tutorials & Cheat Sheets | Tutorials Share | Tutorials, Resources & Tips for Designers!

Here is a large collection of awesome Jquery Tutorials & Cheat Sheets from around the web!

14 free Android apps for designers

Android devices may not be as trendy as iPhones, but they are very popular too. Developers enjoy creating apps for Android too and the market gets tons of free applications to chose from. If you are a designer with a phone or a tablet with the Android OS, you may be interested by the following cool (and free) apps.

25 Crazily Best Free iPhone Games

Now when you own a iPhone, why not explore the games arena? iPhone has a treasure of amazing games developed specially for you. We have picked up the games that will interest people from all walks of life.

With Real-time 3D graphic, Liquid crystal display and Multi-Touch interface you will experience a new excitement and fervor in these Best iPhone games.

Did we mention that all these games are free to download? So just grab your iPhone and start checking these Best Free iPhone games.

15 Photoshop Cheat Sheets | 39Articles

Photoshop is one handy tool that the web designers today use to give shape to their ideas. Whatever wonders they wish to do with their creative ideas, Photoshop never disappoints them. You all know that there are lot many options readily available to create amazing designs but that doesn’t mean its as easy as to handle Photoshop as it sounds to be.

The World Inside Out – 50 Examples of Professional X-Ray Photography

X-radiation (composed of X-rays) is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Hard X-rays can penetrate solid objects, and their most common use is to take images of the inside of objects in diagnostic radiography and crystallography. ( wikipedia )

X-Ray photography has been widely used in medicine for a long time, but in the past years, a real photographic art developed from this, first out of curiosity and fun – later on, for the sake of its beauty.

This type of photography is not very spread yet, due to the fact that a normal camera can not achieve such results – special equipment is needed and some creative ideas. Today’s showcase shows part of the world “inside-out”, in 50 beautiful and interesting X-ray photos.

Lista zadań - Google TODO
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30 Helpful Wireframe Tools

The wireframe tools help us to show how the page layout or arrangement of the website’s content will look like before actually designing it, including interface elements and navigational systems, and how they work together.

It may not depicts the typographic style, color, or graphics, since the main focus lies in functionality, behavior, and priority of content. Aside from websites, wireframes are utilized for the prototyping of mobile sites, computer applications, or other screen-based products that involve human-computer interaction

Today we have collected both free and paid Wireframe Tools, some of which are for online use and others are for desktop use. You can check the features available in each of them and choose the one that boosts up your creativity and makes your work easier.

15 Important CSS Print Page Tricks

CSS Print Page Tricks comes as a great help to the environment at least if your sites deals with some educative stuff. Being an environment thinker, we should all try to conserve what we have.

Students and even professionals likes to take printouts of important information, they find on websites. Now, this can be called as a grey area of the website design, where although the design is great, but nothing has been done to make it printer friendly

We have collected some important CSS Print Page Tricks that can turn your website into printer friendly version without much hue and cry. That will not only save paper while taking print outs but also portrait you as an environmental conscious person. So go on and turn your website into printer friendly version with these important CSS Print Page Tricks.

60 Best Free BlackBerry Apps You Can't Afford To Miss

No doubt that iPhone’s outshines Blackberries in making a brand name and giving a brand value. But Blackberry has been constantly trying to cling it position tight.

BlackBerry has come up with many free apps ranging from news to entertainment, from games to social media, and from lifestyle to sports. BlackBerry is also introducing new phones with cutting edge technology like Curve, Tour, Storm, Pearl to name a few. Today we will showcase Best Free Blackberry apps that will surely make a place in your Blackberry.

30 Best Macro Photography Shots | Flash User

Macrophotography is close-up photography, usually of very small subjects. What is great about this type of photography is that you can discover things unnoticed by the human eye, such as the wings details of a butterfly or the tiny hair of a fly. a If you are an amateur photographer and you like to explore this new world, consider that you have to be equiped with special “macro” lens that are specifically designed for close-up work.

Here’s a list of 30 Best Macro Photography Shots that will inspire you. If you want to see larger versions just click the images. Share with us your favourite one.

100 Amazing Examples Of Macro Photography

Macro photography is close-up photography, usually of very small subjects. Classically a macro photograph is one in which the size of the subject on the negative is greater than life size. However in modern use it refers to a finished photograph of a subject at greater than life size. In this post I collected a huge list of amazing macro photographs for the inspiration of photographers.

Creative Ads for Coca Cola | Daily Inspiration

In this weekly series I show you a selection with creative advertisement prints for a brand, a company, from a country or with a special theme. Last week, I showed you ads for Pepsi... Today I have a selection with creative ads made for another well known company: Coca Cola.

"Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines in more than 200 countries.[1] It is produced by The Coca-Cola Company of Atlanta, Georgia, and is often referred to simply as Coke (a registered trademark of The Coca-Cola Company in the United States since March 27, 1944). Originally intended as a patent medicine when it was invented in the late 19th century by John Pemberton, Coca-Cola was bought out by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coke to its dominance of the world soft-drink market throughout the 20th century."

25 Google+ Tips to Enhance Your Google Plus Experience

Google has finally rolled out Google+ which is not yet another service like Google Wave and Buzz, but is an amazing and power packed social networking website which is deemed to rise very high and compete with today’s biggies ‘Facebook and Twitter’.

7 Mistake in Project Management, Solve in Less Time | 39Articles

It doesn’t matter how talented you are, if you can’t manage your projects, then you will struggle to achieve success. To help you avoid that undesirable outcome, here are seven project management problems that designers and developers often face, as well as how to deal with them when they arise. Coordinating multiple projects around the world with a variety of outsourcers is just asking for trouble. It’s no wonder there is a break in communications that create costly delays – businesses are still relying on old tech in order to make things flow. What they don’t realize is that project management software can alleviate those problems where data via emails is corrupt, lost, sent to the wrong address, etc.

Web Development & Web Application Blog – Unmotivated Genius » Blog Archive » Cheat Sheet Week: Day 1 (PHP)

Welcome to Day 1 of Cheat Sheet Week. Today we are kicking off Cheat Sheet Week by posting our favorite PHP cheat sheets.

CSS3 Playground by Mike Plate
How To Use Media Queries For Device Targeting | Van SEO Design

Media queries are a way to serve different css rules to different devices and device characteristics. They’re the final piece in allowing us to create designs that are truly responsive to our audience and how our visitors choose to view our sites.

The last few weeks we’ve been building up toward responsive layouts, first by creating flexible girds and then by adding flexible images and media inside those grids. Today we’ll add media queries to the mix.

50 Creative Advertisements You Never Will Forget | Smashing Wall

Now days Advertisements are everywhere, Always stand out in finding the message what your brand wants to convey. Advertisements must have strong connection between them. In short a confident and physically powerful strategy should convey a message through the design. The creativity is the prime concern that a designer should always keep in mind while designing the ads try to make as simple but it should be eye catching. Here are some creative advertisements for inspiration, broken down into direct marketing, ambient, outdoor, commercials and print.

WDF: 50 Amazing Wildlife & Animal Wallpapers

Wildlife animals play more important part than humans in ecosystem. As well they greatly inspire almost every industry. One of the closest examples would be Apple’s cat-naming convention for their operating systems. Some times ago we have showcased a gallery of underwater wallpapers. Let’s get our desktop wild; here are 50 amazing wildlife and animals wallpapers. Check out our gallery for more wallpapers.

RGB Classic Games

Welcome to RGB Classic Games. This is a very simple web site about a very simple time.

A long time ago, when the PC was new, the best games were shareware or, more accurately, the first few levels were free and you had to pay for the rest. These were the games my friends and I spent our childhood playing, which are now at risk of being lost forever because modern operating systems no longer natively support them. RGB Classic Games is devoted to preserving classic games for defunct PC operating systems (DOS, CP/M-86, OS/2, Win16, Win9x) and making it easy to play them on modern computers.

This particular classic games site is a little more focused than most. Companies and individuals produced thousands of shareware games for the PC and, like movies and books and anything else, a lot of them weren't very good. Most sites aim for quantity. This site is almost exclusively dedicated to games that were distributed commercially, except for a select few games that were extremely good and achieved the same level of quality. Only the best games make it to this site.

This website is unique. I am attempting to include every version of each listed game. A lot of research has gone into making sure that all of the information on this site is correct. You'll quickly notice that there is no other web site that has all of these files in one place. RGB Classic Games is quite possibly the most complete, and most accurate classic DOS games resource in the world.

60 Bizarre and Creative Business Cards - Noupe Design Blog

Your business card is the slogan of your business. The more creative, unique and appealing your business card is, the more it will help you to move forward and give your business a great enhancement.

A few months ago, we had published a post about some quite unusual business card ideas and designs. This is yet another post on more bizarre and creative business cards — a collection of more than 70 business cards designs to enhance your inspiration!

Free Handwriting And Script Fonts - 70 Examples

I like this handwriting typography a lot cause it is used in a lot of places and looks good thanks to the multitude of fonts you can choose from. It’s not Comic Sans, it’s a good looking style that can be integrated in websites, posters, typography experiments and a lot more type of projects.

Handwritten or handwriting fonts, however you want to call them, attract the visitor’s attention thanks to the fact that the user identifies his writing (with a certain similarity, of course) with the one he sees on the website. The most obvious application for these I believe is using it in kids projects in an attempt to approach them with a calligraphy font or one that looks drawn instead of the mechanical looking ones that we, adults, face every day.

In this article you’ll find 70 examples of free handwritten and script fonts from which you’ll surely choose one to use. Bookmark the article cause you never know when a client comes up with a project and demands the use of a good handwritten font.

HTML5 Placeholder stylization with the help of CSS | Splashnology

Typically, this text is displayed with grey color, but let’s say we have a need to stylize the text using CSS.
While this can be done only in Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox, in Opera as yet there is no opportunity specify the styles, and IE doesn’t support it at all.

25 Awesome Tattoo Fonts

Tattoos are not just a modern day phenomena, it’s a form of art that has its roots in history. Then tattoos depend on the writing or designing style of the tattooist, but now you can choose among variety of fonts to make your tattoo even more exceptional.

There are many verities if font to choose from, but the decision should be made after analyzing tattoo design and overall readability of the font.

Today we are showcasing you some fonts that can truly be called tattoo fonts and these fonts can really add the desired oomph effect to your tattoo designs. Please have a look, and let us know if you have some other fonts in your sight that you can add as a tattoo font.

Showcase Of Fascinating Infrared 40+ Photography | Nerd Treasure

There are numerous way to capture photography and some are so exclusive than others. Here in our today post you will see infrared photography, we presenting an astonishing compilation of Infrared Photography and photos taken by talented artists. So have a look Showcase Of Fascinating Infrared 40+ Photography and get inspire.

In Infrared Photography, the film or image sensor used is sensitive to infrared light. The part of the spectrum used is referred to as near-infrared to distinguish it from far-infrared, which is the domain of thermal imaging. Wavelengths used for photography range from about 700 nm to about 900 nm. To record the “invisible light” has always been an intriguing and fascinating experiment for photographers.