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February, 2011

40 Magnificent and Outstanding Digital Abstract Wallpapers - tripwire magazine

Abstraction indicates a departure from reality in depiction of imagery in art. Abstract Art can be traced back to as early as 19th century where many artists felt a need to create a new kind of art which would depict alternative ways of describing visual experience, it basically uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. Its rather hard to judge a good abstract art and a bad one, we tried to do our best to put up this excellent showcase of the best Digital Abstract Art.

Digital abstracts represents the depiction of imagery in arts. Abstraction exists along a continuum. Even art that aims for verisimilitude of the highest degree can be said to be an abstract. Here in this post i have gathered a unique variety of digital abstract wallpapers to garnish your thoughts and desktop as well. Please share your opinion and links to other great examples of digital abstract art.

Create a shoutbox using PHP and AJAX (with jQuery) | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding

We will learn how to create a dynamic ajax based shoutbox with jQuery from scratch. It will be very interesting to know how to use the ajax function of jQuery and how it can be used to insert and recover data from a MySQL database via PHP in a way asynchronous

Thumbnails Preview Slider with jQuery | Codrops

In this tutorial we will show you how to create and use a thumbnails preview slider with jQuery. Since we got a lot of requests to show how to make the preview slider work separately from the full image view, we decided to make a tutorial on how to use the little thumbnails preview part only.

CSS Specific for Internet Explorer

As much as we don’t like to deal with the IE bugs, we still have to face it because your boss and visitors are still using Explorer. It gets frustrating when different versions of Explorer displays web pages differently due to the inconsistent rendering engine. We typically use IE conditional comments to fix the IE issues. But there are more ways than the conditional comments…

The MediaLoot HTML5 Compendium | MediaLoot

Welcome to the MediaLoot HTML5 compendium! The purpose of this page is to be a consistently updated reference for web designers and developers who want to start using the new features of HTML5.

Let’s face it, it’s difficult to keep up with all the new changes to the language, and there’s a lot of pressure for designers to start using HTML5 and CSS3 too — both of which can be overwhelming at first.

The W3C specs for HTML5 and CSS3 are also incredibly long and practically unreadable, not to mention unfinished - so it’s easy to see why a lot of designers choose to hold off on taking the effort to learn the new languages, however it’s really not that hard to start using both languages today, there doesn’t need to be a lot of pressure either because the beauty of adopting early is that you can work your way into it slowly and the only thing you actually need to know if you’re already using XHTML/HTML4 and CSS2 is what’s new and how can it benefit you.

25 Amazing JavaScript Games (Some Fun And Inspiration)

JavaScript, with the rise of Ajax, is definitely a must-know-well for every web designer/developer.

Besides form controls, alerts & similar simple JavaScript usage, you can almost do anything with the help of JavaScript (& Canvas). Some samples are:

Drag’n drops
CSS manipulations, Ajax & more.
CamanJS - Image Manipulation in Javascript

The main focus of CamanJS is manipulating images using the HTML5 canvas and Javascript. It's a combination of a simple-to-use interface with advanced and efficient image/canvas editing techniques. It is also completely library independent and can be safely used next to jQuery, YUI, Scriptaculous, MooTools, etc.

CamanJS is very easy to extend with new filters and plugins, and it comes with a wide array of image editing functionality, which is only growing as the community makes more plugins. It has a powerful layering system, much like the one present in Photoshop and GIMP, that makes the sky the limit for your creativity.

40+ National Geographic Real Time Photography | Dzineblog360

I have never had enough of watching National Geographic, the people at National Geographic are just too professional with their cameras and skills. The inspiration led me to come up with some Breathtaking Real Time Inspirational Photography. The post contains images of diverse cultures, different places among lovely people.

The images may not be the best for designer’s but certainly they have a lot of inspiration for those who want use their camera effectively. Don’t miss out on these as every image tickles the senses.

WordPress: Import Images From Another Website

Within WordPress, it’s actually extremely simple to grab images from another website, and import them into your own installation. It takes just a handful of functions to do so. This can be extremely handy when trying to move content into WordPress from another system.

For instance, on most organizational websites, you’ll find an employee directory; and in a lot of those directories you’ll find photographs of the employees. Should you ever choose to move your employee directory into WordPress, you can easily import the information as posts (most likely a custom post type) and then pull the employee images and add them to WordPress, too.

Stu Nicholls | CSSplay | CSS play Image Magnifier version 2

Following on from the previous enlarger demo this one makes use of the general sibling selector with :hover (now that it can be made to work in Safari and Chrome) to have the large image occupy the same frame as the small image and have smooth scrolling in Safari, Chrome, Opera and Firerfox v4 beta.

IE7, IE8, IE9 and Firefox v3x will have a jumpy enlarging image but at least the general sibling selector works in all these IE browsers.

How to Write Cross Browser @font-face Syntax

In this article we will quickly go through the few steps of creating a cross browser compatible font face implementation.

HOWTO: Block China, Taiwan, etc. By IP Address With iptables on Linux - Mark S. Kolich

Sadly, most of the "attacks" on my home network appear to originate from China. I say "appear to originate" because there's really way for me to be sure; it is possible that a hacker in Europe, or elsewhere, has a network of compromised computers in China all pounding away on American systems. To American system administrators, it looks like the attacks originate in China but anyone could be behind the mischief. Heck, even my next door neighbor could be behind the attacks.

50 Free HD Dog Wallpapers | NewEvolution

Last week I posted HD cat wallpapers which had left people asking "what about dogs?" Now you can download a wallpaper of your "best friend." He'll be there for you, but won't beg or need a walk! All backgrounds are in full HD (1920x1080). Simply click on the image to view the full-size wallpaper.

HTML5 Sketching Tools Every Designers Must Know | Web Designer Aid

A week ago we featured HTML5 Canvas Graphing Solutions Every Developers Must Know; today we will compile some of the Sketching Tools that are build with HTML5 Canvas along with the help of Javascript Framework, because we do know that sketching is important aspect of designer’s workflow. The below experiments shows that HTML5 is indeed an exciting markup language to watch for. Our kudos to all developers who are never tired of doing such amazing and fun HTML5 experiments.

Javascript slideshow script html image slide show

You can use Scriptocean Javascript Slideshow Wizard to build:

  • Simple javascript slideshow with fade, scroll, or slide effect.
  • Javascript image gallery with thumbnails and control buttons.
  • Photo gallery.
  • Image based content slider.
  • Banner rotator.


5 different cross browser slideshow effects.
You can see the slideshow with Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome, and Safari.
The slideshow automatically advances the slides. You can set the duration.
You can create more than one slideshow on the same page.
Users can trigger the link for a slide by clicking the image.
CSS3 PIE: CSS3 decorations for IE

PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-8 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features.

20 Free HD Valentine's Day Wallpapers | NewEvolution

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, so it's time to start setting the mood! Download and decorate with a romantic, loveable or cute Valentine's Day inspired wallpaper, or send one to your special Valentine. All backgrounds are in full HD (1920x1080). Simply click on the image to view the full-size wallpaper.

Cool Free Facebook Fan Page Templates | Graphic Designer

Facebook is known to be the most popular social network allowing people all over the world connect to each other, make new friends, find some old acquaintances and follow the most relevant and interesting events. But apart from it Facebook gladly offers webmasters from every corner of the world not only to share their interests but promote their business as well. This is when Facebook fan pages are at issue.

Creating a Facebook fan page for your company, organization or product is a very cool practice nowadays as it helps you let the whole world known about your services. Moreover, it is an excellent and most affordable technique of attracting new customers and increasing your business profit as Facebook unites more than 500 million of people. What is not less pleasant, you need minimum efforts and absolutely no expenses to set up a Facebook fan page on your own using specially premade free Facebook templates.

Massive Collection of 3D Studio Max and Maya Tutorials | Designs Mag

Are you looking for 3D Studio Max and Maya Tutorials. Whatever is in your mind is available here. 3D Max and Maya are using in film industry of all over the world for making special effects. These software have strong modeling and animation capabilities and contain everything which you need to make high end 3D graphics and animations.

Colortip – a jQuery Tooltip Plugin | Tutorialzine

In this tutorial we are going to write a simple jQuery tooltip plugin. It is going to convert the title attributes of elements withing your page, into a series of colorful tooltips. Six color themes are available, so you can easily match it with the rest of your design.

30 Amazing Examples of Weather Photography

Weather is the state of the atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. Most weather phenomena occur in the troposphere, just below the stratosphere. Weather refers, generally, to day-to-day temperature and precipitation activity, whereas climate is the term for the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without qualification, "weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth. In this post I collected some of the examples of weather photography for the inspiration of our readers.

14 Prototyping and Wireframing Tools for Designers | Dezinerfolio

website wireframe is a basic design draft done before any artwork and used in web design to show the structure of a website, custom user paths, most important user interface elements, their position and relationships between website pages. Wireframes lay out in black and white schematically most important elements in the interface such as header, footer, contact form, navigation.

Wireframing is a process that can significantly decrease the amount of time required in design and development by removing potential visual distractions and focusing the attention of project stakeholders on vital functionality and strategic marketing factors.

Here are a few key reasons you should always wireframe:

Allows you get a clear picture of what information will be needed on each page before design
Allows you to spend time and really focus on what each page’s purpose is. Careful plannings is paramount.
Allows you a fail-safe for uneducated clients who tend to change their minds during the design phase of the project. If the site is planned out properly in the wireframe stage the functionality of the individual pages shouldn’t change much.
Allows you to set a fallback point. When a client signs off on a wireframe that means they agree to what’s on that page. Education of the client also plays an important role here as well as they need to know that changing items already signed off on the wireframe can and probably will bloat the budget.
Allows you to have a clear look at how the site will react to various visitors without the clutter of color or design elements.
Allows you to remove any clutter that may be added to to the site that may be unnecessary and detrimental to the site goal.
They’re easily adjustable (pre-signoff) and easy to produce allowing the planning process to move along smoothly and efficiently.
Reduces the chance of scope creep.
Gives the designer a clear view of what needs to be designed
Gets the client deeply involved in the planning process early and opens communication between both parties
Over 200 Extremely Cool Wallpapers - Webby freebies

A lot of web design blogs often collects wallpapers that they like and put them in their posts. In this post on Webby freebies you can find over 200 different wallpapers that you can use to make your desktop more beautiful. They can be found in all different screen resolutions so everybody can use them.

10 Cross-Browser Compatibility Tools For Designers

Whether you are an experienced Web programmer or just starting out, you know that there are many browsers currently in use and have probably had experience with the cross-compatibility issues. The frustration of building a beautifully functioning website using Firefox, then discovering it doesn’t render properly in IE6 is a definite learning experience. Testing your creations in as many browsers as possible is crucial to turning out a professional product.

There are a multitude of tools available to allow cross-browser testing with only one computer and your favorite browser. Many of them will let you do online testing of multiple versions of the most commonly used browsers and some will include applications you may never have heard about. A few require downloading and installation on your machine.

Stu Nicholls | CSSplay | CSS3 - The future now - Vertical Image Slide Menu

No javascript, no hacks, no expressions, just CSS and XHTML

The previous demonstration turned through 90 degrees and with the addition of a text menu in each panel.

The menu will function in all the latest browsers but the animation is only seen by Opera, Safari, Chrome and Firefox v4 beta at the moment. Unfortunately this menu will not work in IE6 as this browser only supports :hover on links.

Tested in IE7, IE7 emulation, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Avant, SeaMonkey, Flock and Maxthon. It should also work in Mac browsers.

Hair-raising and exciting photographs will blow your mind | Pokkisam blog

We have collected awesome photos and they are just as your favorite dish to satisfy your appetite of photography. This excursion is for refreshment and shows you all the possibilities in photography. They represent feelings, culture, beauty of the nature, magical world and so on. They can kindle your creativity and gives some idea to take such a perfect shots.

40+ Websites Providing Useful and Free 3D Models (Download) | DesignModo

Having a website is definitely one of the best tools a struggling business can have. It is a practically a free method of promoting your services and products especially if you target a certain niche of the market. Once you decide on starting a business and you have a limited budget, it is recommended that you do almost everything on your own. At least this is what I would do if I would decide to start my business. Attending business classes for instance or any other trainings that would improve your knowledge about the things you are going to sell. This also goes for websites – hiring professionals might cost you a good load of money as web design pro’s are pretty expensive.

35 Stunning Examples of Long Exposure Photographs - tripwire magazine

Most photography uses extremely fast shutter speeds, only allowing light into the camera for a fraction of a second, but when longer exposures are used there can be some remarkable results. Static objects are revealed in heightened detail, while anything moving becomes a blur.Long exposure photography entails using a long-duration shutter speed to sharply capture the stationary elements of images while blurring, smearing, or obscuring its moving elements.

ATI Proprietary Linux Release Notes

This release note provides information on the latest posting of the ATI Proprietary Linux driver. The software release note provides information on the following:

ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Features
Web Content
ATI Workstation Product Support
ATI Mobility™ Product Support
ATI Desktop Product Family Support
Operating Systems Distributions Supported
Minimum System Requirements
System Recommendations
New Features
Known Issues
ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Installer
Un-installing the ATI Linux Proprietary Driver
Driver Update Notification
ATI Customer Care
Linux Feedback Program 

ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Features

The ATI Proprietary Linux driver provides TV Output support for ATI graphics cards that support TV out. The ATI Proprietary Linux driver also allows for the following monitor arrangements:

Single Head Mode (single display)
Clone Mode (same content on both screens)
Mirror Mode (same content on both screens, with identical display resolution and refresh rates)
Big Desktop (one desktop stretched across two screens)
Dual Head (separate instances of X running on each screen)
60 Eye Catching Examples Of Macro Photography

Macro photography is close-up photography. The classical definition is that the image projected on the "film plane" is close to the same size as the Lenses designed for macro are usually at their sharpest at macro focus distances and are not quite as sharp at other focus distances. Today in this article I collected some of the eye catching macro photographs for the inspiration of fellow photographers. So go ahead see these pictures and get inspired to click more beautiful pictures like these. Enjoy!

35 High Quality Free Vector Icon Sets

Today we are pleased to provide another huge compilation of free downloads for our readers. This compilation includes so many vector icons sets of high quality vector icons. These sets have a variety of icons from application icons to transport and social media icons. We hope that you will find these icons really useful, please share your views in the comments section.

20 New Useful Time-Savers for Web Designers | Web Designer Aid

If you are a web designer who considers time as a essential factor of your productivity, then you will tend to find Free, or Paid online tools that will improve your workflow and increase your productivity without wasting so much time on it.

In this post, you’ll find a collection of cool websites and handy tools that will help you boost your work.
We do hope that this collection will give you an inspiration and we do hope that you will try some tools listed here.

5 Ways to Optimize Your PDF for SEO

Well PDF gives you let your design and fonts to be intact even after saving and opening on different systems but some people jerk the idea of using it because of the fear of lower search engine rankings. Today we will discuss someways to Optimize Your PDF for SEO.

PDF is an excellent format for many business materials that you post on your company website, such as flyers, resumes, company statistics, product information, and so on. Many business owners, however, feel that they cannot or should not use PDFs on their website for fear of hurting their search engine rankings. In actuality, PDFs can be optimized for the search engines just like any HTML Web page. Here are 5 SEO tips to help you create PDFs that will get the attention of the search engine spiders.

CSS3 Tools For Your Next Web Development | CSSHunt showcasing best hunted web and logo designs -

Today, we selected our Collection of CSS3 Tools for your Next Web Development. Let us know what you think about our collection and feel free to comment below.

9 Incredible HTML5 Canvas And Javascript Experiments | Queness

Chrome Experiment has been coming out with heaps of incredible HTML5 canvas and javascript experiments. Thanks to all the awesome developers, most of the experiments are truly unique and jaw dropping. I could never imagine with the combination HTML and javascript can achieve such an amazing result. Take Tank World as an example, stunning 3d graphic, and it's a game! However, it will take year before most of the modern browsers fully support them, and also, I can feel the slowness when the browser loads and renders the graphic. So in the mean time, flash is still the best solution for intensive animation and web based game development.

Check out the list, preferably with Google Chrome. Mind you, some of them are pretty addictive :)

Free JavaScript Game Frameworks To Create A Web-Based Fun

As JavaScript-HTML5 development is getting more popular and browsers supporting new features are being utilized by more users everyday, -as expected- many new games are being developed with JavaScript.

JavaScript-powered games are not only easier-to-develop for web developers but they are also the only cross-platform ones including desktop, web and mobile.

CSS3 Progress Bars | CSS-Tricks

They use no images, just CSS3 fancies. Like a good little designer always does, they fall back to totally acceptable experience. Here's what they look like in Opera 11 which supports some of the CSS3 used here but not all.

Script Junkie | Planning, Cheating and Faking Your Way Through JavaScript Tests

Good unit tests are focused, fast and isolated. Unfortunately, the code to test sometimes depends on other code that may comprise performance and/or isolation. In this article we will explore some of those cases, and how we can deal with them by planning for testability and loose coupling, and by using test fakes.

Huge collection of free Icons Download | Logolitic

There are a lot of free icons around the web but it’s really hard to pick the best ones and the ones that fits perfectly with your design style. So you need a mixed collection to choose from the best icons for your designs: from black mono icons to full effects icons, mini icons etc. The idea is to find the ones that you need what is really hard to do and takes time to find them. So I collected a huge collection of free icons, diversified, to help you choosing some really nice icons and add them to your resources.

Stu Nicholls | CSSplay | CSS3 - The future now - Expand and Slide Down Menu

Using CSS3 to produce an expanding menu animation with slide down sub menus.

Each section will expand to reveal the full width image on hover. The unhovered panels with shrink to keep the overall width of the menu the same.The hovered panel menu will expand vertically to reveal descriptive text which can contain any information you want with links possible.

Tested in IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome. It should also work in Mac browsers. IE7, IE8, IE9 and Firefox 3.x will see an instant change of image sizing and sub menus.

How to create a Progress bar with HTML5 Canvas / HTML 5 / Splashnology - Web Design and Web Technology Community

There is a great amount of articles about Canvas on the internet, but I would like to show the example of how you can use Canvas on practice, namely the creation of animated progress bar.

Strona główna - NndWiki

NND Linux Router jest projektem dystrybucji linuksowej dedykowanym do pełnienia roli routera i serwera dla małych sieci szkolnych, firmowych, czy osiedlowych. Może pracować na starszych i mniej wydajnych komputerach. Zaletą w stosunku do pełnych dystrybucji ma być łatwiejsza konfiguracja, a także specjalnie przygotowane pakiety z bezpiecznym oprogramowaniem.

70 Nike and Adidas Advertisements and poster - Best Commercial Ads

Using poster in advertising is the most preferable way to convey your message; poster design is challenge design to show you creativity so you need to make design unique, clear, attractive and convey client message.

So, we decide to make serious of showcases expose posters and advertising design trends and most popular advertisement design

We go today with fashion and we start with Nike and Adidas advertisements and poster design, In this showcase we choose 70 of best Nike and Adidas posters and advertising design, you’ll find a variety of creative, beautiful, unique, and inspirational designs.

200+ Best Apple iPad HD Wallpapers

We all know how beautiful the Apple iPad’s screen is. However, adding HD wallpapers to your ipad makes it even better. The high resolution, high quality screen of the iPad makes it beautiful for watching video, movies and pictures. There simply isn’t any match for the iPad screen in terms of vividness and quality. It makes sense to us to use only HD wallpapers on an equally high definition iPad screen.

Greedy Car Thieves
QFaktury - Darmowe Fakturowanie | Download QFaktury - Darmowe Fakturowanie software for free at

QFaktury to darmowy system fakturujący pracujący w systemach Windows, Linux i Mac OS X. Umożliwia on drukowanie faktury, faktury pro forma i korekty. Przechowuje bazę faktur, towarów i kontrahentów.

Link Nudging with CSS3 Animations

One of the more popular and simple effects I've featured on this blog over the past year has been linking nudging. I've created this effect with three flavors of JavaScript: MooTools, jQuery, and even the Dojo Toolkit. Luckily CSS3 (almost) allows us to ditch JavaScript entirely to create the link nudge effect!

CSS serwowane z nagłówków HTTP

Ostatnio natknąłem się na bardzo fajną rzecz – możliwość wysyłania pliku CSS w nagłówku HTTP. Daje to bardzo łatwą możliwość ukrycia swoich stylów CSS przed niedoświadczonymi developerami, niepożądanymi i wścibskimi oczami.

Oczywiście tak przesłane style CSS do strony nie stanowią większego problemu do obejścia dla doświadczonego developera (Firebug), niemniej nie każdemu będzie chciało się analizować nagłówki HTTP.