Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

January, 2011

Lightbox Technologies Inc - PostgreSQL to MySQL

The pg2mysql converter is an online tool to convert/migrate existing PostgreSQL databases into MySQL. Simply dumping from Postgres and importing to MySQL does not work because of differences in syntax and data types. To use this converter, just create a postgres SQL dump (pg_dump -U username -s dbname > dbname.sql), and copy and paste it into the text area below. Click the Convert to MySQL button and the page will re-load with your new MySQL code that you can copy out of the textarea into a text editor to save and import into your MySQL database.

Google Maps API: kilka lokalizacji

Google Maps API jest świetne – bardzo proste, wręcz intuicyjne, rozszerzalne, a w dodatku nieźle udokumentowane. Po prostu świetna robota ze strony Google.

Trafiłem jednak ostatnio na nietypowy problem – tworzyłem stronkę dla firmy, której siedziba mieści się w dwóch odległych od siebie miastach. Nie chciałem tworzyć dwóch osobnych map dojazdowych – stworzyłem więc jedną z dwoma przyciskami wskazującymi na konkretne miasta. O tym jak umieścić kilka lokalizacji na jednej mapie Google Maps przeczytasz poniżej.

The Essential Guide to @font-face

Fonts on the Web

The days of being limited to a handful of fonts on the web are very close to being a thing of the past. The problem is no longer a lack of viable solutions, but rather, an abundance of them.

Technologies like Cufon, sIFR, FLIR and @font-face all represent different groups of developers placing bets on what they believe to be the future of web typography.

There is, as of yet, no consensus in this ever-evolving game. All of these methods have perfectly valid arguments both for and against their use.

Further, even the most popular browsers support each of these technologies in widely varying degrees.

However, the @font-face CSS method is among the strongest, simplest and most flexible competitors in this game. It seems to be the current rockstar of the bunch, garnering all the attention and causing a number of sites to pop up offering both free and premium fonts in support of it.

This guide will teach you how to implement @font-face with cross-browser compatibility and will also look at a number of the supporting services that have arisen, making it even easier to use custom fonts in your web designs.

Obiekt prawie jak tablica - phpizer

Chyba mam pewnego rodzaju uraz. Jeśli chodzi o dane to lubię je ostatecznie przechowywać w tablicy i w ten sposób się do nich odwoływać. Na szczęście PHP daje możliwość definiowania klas, których obiekty w pewnym ograniczonym stopniu będą zachowywać się jak tradycyjne tablice.
W tym wpisie postaram się przybliżyć w jaki sposób osiągnąć taką udawaną tablicę, oraz z jakimi ograniczeniami to się wiąże.

Pausing JavaScript Timers

All over the Web, you’ll find tutorials explaining how to use the setTimeout() method in JavaScript to set up a timer and using clearTimeout() to cancel that timer. Unfortunately, it’s a little more difficult to find information about pausing and resuming those timers.

You could, of course, cancel the timer and start it all over again; which is probably fine if you’re using timers of short durations. However, if you’ve got a 30 second timer or something, you probably don’t want it to start all over again if someone pauses it at the 29-second mark.

There is a way to pause and resume those timers, though. In order to do so, you need to set a variable to capture the timestamp when the timer begins. Then, when you pause the timer, you need to figure out how much time has passed between the start of the timer and now. Once you resume the timer, you’ll simply pass the amount of time that was left to the new timer.

Google Goggles

Use pictures to search the web

Create Spinning, Fading Icons with CSS3 and jQuery

Last week I debuted a popular blog post titled Create Spinning, Fading Icons with CSS3 and MooTools. The post detailed how you could leverage CSS3's transformations and opacity properties, as well as the magical MooTools JavaScript framework, to create spinning, fading, animated icons. Due to popular request, I've duplicated the effect with another popular JavaScript toolkit: jQuery.

Mix of HD Wallpapers 1080p | Web Design Blog

One more day is between now and 2011…for those of you who are still looking around, here’s another wallpaper pack to make your day better and your desktop prettier.

This nice mix of HD wallpapers is all about beauty in all forms…beautiful girls, beautiful cars…animals and so on.

Although some of us try not to be that shallow we can’t help it…it’s in our nature to desire beauty!

So to sooth you aching desire…you shall receive this great pack of 80 JPG files at 1080p resolution.

Take just one or two, or take them all…check out the gallery below and decide what you want!

How To Integrate Facebook With WordPress Automatically

I got a question from Mike Winstanley on How do I publish my WordPress Post automatically on Facebook Fan page. This is something which I forget to write earlier, though I have already written about “Connecting Twitter account with Useful Applications“.

I did some research to find out how the integration of Facebook with WordPress and vice versa works, or — in other words — how you can present your WordPress blog on Facebook or use the functionality of Facebook on your WordPress-powered blog. Both of these can be achieved with a set of WordPress plug-ins, a couple of which I’ll present here in detail. Even on Facebook Fan page there is an option for this.

Dynamic Drive CSS Library- CSS3 Text Shadows

CSS3 throws its full weight behind text shadows, which as the name suggests, lets you add shadows to regular text on the page. And with support for multiple shadows simultaneously applied to the same text, CSS text shadows can produce some stunning textual effects without images.

Useful & Timesaving Wordpress Code Snippets | Lava360

Coding in wordpress is pretty state of the art and the code and logic behind the wp theme is much the same. So you can use many source codes and snippets to save your time while coding for wordpress. We are going to share with you some useful wordpress code snippets to save your time and you can design a great wordpress theme with these handy and ready to work code snippets. So build your wordpress plugins or theme with these ready made code snippets.

jQuery File Upload z paskiem postępu | Hello World!

Z serii ciekawe pluginy jQuery mam dzisiaj dla was jQuery File Upload. Oprócz standardowego uploadowania plików mamy możliwość skorzystania z paska postępu, a dodane już pliki możemy bez problemu usunąć. Do listy możliwości oferowanych przez plugin można również zaliczyć:

obsługa drag and drop
możliwość przerwania uploadu pliku
niewymagany Flash. Wszystko oparte o HTML5 i JavaScript
możliwość uploadowania plików do innej domeny

Do poprawnego działania plugin wymaga jQuery w wersji 1.4 oraz jQuery UI 1.8. Teoretycznie plugin działa w każdej przeglądarce (nawet IE6), w praktyce niektóre funkcjonalności w zależności od przeglądarki są okrojone.

HTML5 Grayscale Image Hover

Once upon a time, grayscale image has to be manually converted in order to be displayed on the web. Now with HTML5 canvas, images can be manipulated into grayscale without having to use image editing software. I’ve put together a demo to show you how to use HTML5 & jQuery to dynamically clone color images into grayscale

Alternatywne podejście do bazy danych – MongoDB

Ostatnio wiele mówi się o bazach danych NoSQL (NotOnlySQL). Jako, że nie zauważyłem nic w polskim światku PHP na ten temat, stwierdziłem, że pora wypełnić tę lukę i zagłębić się w temat.

Insane 44 Anti Smoking Ads | Top Design Magazine - Web Design and Digital Content

I smoked for 4 years but I left and I felt great. After a break of almost five years, I’ve started smoking again for six months without any good reason. Monday I make 2 weeks since I left again. For me, always it was very easy to quit smoking though I really was a smoker (one pack per day). Those ads are really awesome but I think that few people will quit smoking after seeing those anti smoking advertisements. I’m sure you know very well what I will say. It is proven that anti-smoking campaigns make some people quit but the real problem is not that is a small number but that those campaigns make many people start smoking, more than that who quits.



Free ringtones, themes, wallpapers, games. Millions of downloads for your mobile phone | Zedge

Free stuff for your phone
19 million people sharing their favorite stuff

konkurs knorr
Oldest computer ads | Top Design Magazine - Web Design and Digital Content

If you are feeling that you’ve seen many of those ads it means you really know the history of computers and how Apple for example was looking good since then ! Watching those ads make me wanna buy an HC or ZX-Spectrum to play with my friends some damn old games !

3D Spin Rotate & Zoom Javascript jQuery VR Objects 360° - Reel images

From Ver. 3.0.1 it is possible to display a series of images as VR Objects 360° with 3D Spin & Zoom. The sprite contains a set of single images of the same object.

Nice Roundup of Useful CSS Techniques You Need To Know | Modny73

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is just an important part of Web Designing. Without CSS, Websites can look untidy as it used to happen before. With time, the quality of CSS tutorials out there on the web has increased considerably. Here is a cool showcase of CSS Techniques that designer should know about them. You’ll notice that some of these techniques can be very useful, while others are simple for proving it can be done.

8 Amazingly Free Stock Photo Websites | NewEvolution

Looking for free stock photos that don't suck? Your search ends today! I have researched and compiled the best collection of free stock photo websites that can be found on the web today. Enjoy!

Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: January 2011 - Smashing Magazine

We always try our best to challenge your artistic abilities and produce some interesting, beautiful and creative artwork. And as designers we usually turn to different sources of inspiration. As a matter of fact, we’ve discovered the best one — desktop wallpapers that are a little more distinctive than the usual crowd. This creativity mission has been going on for almost two years now, and we are very thankful to all designers who have contributed and are still diligently contributing each month.

As the new year begins, we will continue to nourish you with a monthly spoon of inspiration for the next 12 months. This post features 65 free desktop wallpapers created by artists across the globe for January 2011. Both versions with a calendar and without a calendar can be downloaded for free. It’s time to freshen up your wallpaper!

12 Must See jQuery Slideshow (Sliders) Plugins and Tutorials

jQuery is a cross-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use today. There are so many jQuery slide show plug-ins to choose from and is very easy to implement them into your blog or Portfolio. In this article I collect 12 must see jQuery slideshow plugins and tutorials for the help of web designers. I hope you guys will like these slideshows.

LibreOffice 3.3: w pełni wolny pakiet biurowy już do pobrania – będzie lepszy niż OO.o? - Portal technologii internetowych

The Document Foundation właśnie poinformowała o dostępności pierwszego stabilnego wydania pakietu biurowego LibreOffice. To ważny moment dla wolnego oprogramowania, gwarantujący, że kod rozwijany przez społeczność w ramach projektu pozostanie na zawsze dostępny dla wszystkich.

Beginner’s Study Guide to HTML5 Microformats | Speckyboy Design Magazine

For years the web has been a static development block for housing information. It hasn’t been up until recently that micro-format designs have been released into the semantic web. These allow developers to contextually describe page elements for better representation of what the information holds.

Most of the tips below are useful for those still building their introduction into HTML microformats. Some are more common than others but the concept of contextual-based attributes isn’t a difficult one to grasp. Basic knowledge of HTML is all that’s required to work with microformats.

50 Collection of High Quality Free PSD Files - tripwire magazine

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most commonly used tool by designers in all fields such as web, printing, animation and UI design. Working with the Photoshop PSD files as source for design elements can help you get a quicker and more effective start. A PSD file is an image file created by Adobe Photoshop that may include image layers, adjustment layers, layer masks, annotation notes, file information, keywords, and other Photoshop-specific elements. The PSD files contain all the information and flexibility for being changed you could ask for.

While PSD files are saved in a proprietary format, they can be opened directly with Apple Preview, which is included with Mac OS X. They can be also opened by the media programs included with Windows 7 if the correct codec, such as the Ardfry PSD codec, is installed. These programs include Windows 7 Photo Viewer, Windows 7 Media Center, and Windows Media Player.

30+ Funny Anti Microsoft Windows Wallpaper | Multy Shades

Microsoft Corporation is an American public multinational corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services mainly related to computing through its various product divisions. Microsoft Windows is a series of software operating systems and graphical user interfaces produced by Microsoft.

Well, it was a brief introduction about Microsoft Corporation and Microsoft windows but what we are going to share with you today, its all about fun which we got from some funny but artistic graphic designers around the world, its a unique collection of funny anti Microsoft windows wallpapers. I’m sure that there are no such companies involved to create that kind of stuff, but some creative graphic designers are making these funny wallpapers, any how we don’t know the truth behind this but we hope even Microsoft Corporation won’t mind this at all, have a look and enjoy these funny anti Microsoft Windows wallpapers…

ATI Catalyst™ Proprietary Display Driver

AMD has moved a number of DX9 ATI Radeon™ graphics accelerators products to a legacy driver support structure. This change impacts Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Linux distributions. AMD has moved to a legacy software support structure for these graphics accelerator products in an effort to better focus development resources on future products.

25+ Examples of New Creative Facebook Profile Pages |

With the new release of Facebook pages many people are getting very creative with their own profile pictures. French artist Alexandre Oudin (#8 below) is the one responsible for this awesome creativity. Today we will showcase some creative profile page designs for you to get inspired, and hopefully make your very own.

If you dont wish to mess around and try to figure out this hack yourself, we have included a useful tutorial by photographer Florian Stravock( Youtube video below). You can download the Photoshop document used in the video here. However if you are like me and are very lazy, check out this image tool created by TechCrunch reader Trevor Farbo. This tool is named Piccut, it will allow you to upload a desired image that you would like to use for your profile picture. Once uploaded to Piccut, the software will then cut it into correct pieces that you will upload in order to Facebook and achieve this task.