Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

September, 2010

7 Great Online Alternatives to Photoshop | Web Designer Online

We all love Photoshop and many of you will use it for hours on a daily basis. The question is, have you ever been in a situation where Photoshop isn’t installed on a computer you are using?

Of course you have. This is why this post is important.

The Ultimate Guide to Object Oriented Basics of JavaScript

Thanks to expertly crafted libraries such as jQuery and MooTools, JavaScript has become a foundation of Front-End Development. However, it’s extremely important that we note the higher level concepts utilized in these wonderful libraries. Why is that? As web developers, we must equally balance learning the current programming trends with attempts to push the boundaries of those trends. Without this balance, no innovation will occur in web development. So let’s take a moment to appreciate the fundamentals of JavaScript Object Oriented Programming, which include classes, inheritance, and scope.

Creating an Interactive Travel Map using the Google Maps API

This is my third tutorial on the Google Maps API v3. I’m going to show you how to use some other google maps features by building an interactive travel map. Everyone will be able to add new locations on the map and view the locations added by others. We will also be using MySQL databases to store the values of different locations so let’s get started.

What google maps features you’ll learn?

* Adding a map to your site
* Adding controls for the map and settings the options for the controls
* Responding to events
* Adding markers, settings options for markers and dynamically changing marker settings
* Geocoding a location
* Creating tabbed infowindows (using jquery, jquery ui and some sample code from google code)
40 Beautiful Triple Screen Wallpapers - Noupe Design Blog

Today, when most designers have switched to the workflow with multiple displays, the popularity of multiple screen wallpapers has tremendously increased. Keeping this in mind, we are presenting 40 eye-catchy triple screen wallpapers for your desktop. We have carefully picked the wallpapers from different genres to help you set your mood right on your displays.

Rethinking Forms in HTML5 | Nettuts+

While there are many changes for the better in the HTML5 specification, there is no better bang for the buck for the data driven website than the transformation of forms. These simple changes will transform how you enter, validate, process, and even display inputs. You will be able to create more usable web applications with less code and less confusion.

30 Useful and Free Chinese-Styled Fonts | Naldz Graphics

Fonts are highly useful resources that allows the designer to create a theme and adds meaning to a design. A font can usually compliment an artwork and adds definition to it… Various font types have been showcased before in accordance to the user’s preference. Today, a new compilation is brought to you as an added bonus to font-lovers out there. This fonts are styled from one of the most amazing culture in the world.

If you are a designer clamoring for uniqueness, this 30 Free Chinese Styled Fonts will surely help you establish such aim… Come and check out this chinese-styled fonts and create designs with the same themes. Move forward to greater and bigger design possbilities… Enjoy!!!

An HTML5 Slideshow w/ Canvas & jQuery | Tutorialzine

You’ve probably heard a lot about the new HTML5 canvas element. As the name implies, this is a special element that allows us to create and modify graphics. In addition, we can also use it like any other element on the page – apply jQuery animations on it, listen for events and integrate it deeply into our layouts.

All uses of canvas you’ve come so far are probably limited to games and other proof of concept demos. Today, however, we are doing something practical – we are making a progressively enhanced slideshow with a fancy transitioning effect, which is perfectly functional in older browsers as well.

Home - Pencil Project

The Pencil Project's unique mission is to build a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use.

Top features:

* Built-in stencils for diagraming and prototyping
* Multi-page document with background page
* Inter-page linkings!
* On-screen text editing with rich-text supports
* Exporting to HTML, PNG, document, Word document and PDF.
* Undo/redo supports
* Installing user-defined stencils and templates
* Standard drawing operations: aligning, z-ordering, scaling, rotating...
* Cross-platforms
* Adding external objects
* Personal Collection
* Clipart Browser
* Object snapping
* Sketchy Stencil
* And much more...
CSS Counters: counter-increment and Friends

The CSS2.1 spec introduced a new technique allowing developers to combine three CSS properties and a pseudo-element to create auto-incrementing counters — similar to what is displayed in an ordered list.

While counters for lists are limited to <ol> or <ul> elements and only with simple incrementation, the new counter method introduced in CSS2.1 allows for integers to be prepended to any set of elements, and is quite flexible.

This technique is a bit confusing because it uses multiple CSS properties, and looks different than most CSS code. I hope to clarify how it’s used and I’ll run down some possible ways it can be implemented, along with some benefits and drawbacks.

47 Amazing and Beautiful Female Artworks | CreativeFan

Female artworks are a very common subject for digital artists, whether they are done in 3D using computer graphics software or drawn by hand using a mouse or tablet. Whether an artist is depicting someone they know or have met, or an imagined character, the artistic interpretation is often brilliant.

In this post, we’ve gathered up 47 amazing and beautiful female artworks, from digital artists around the globe, using a variety of formats and techniques. The one common feature is that they are all amazingly detailed and depict beautiful women.

More Board Babes (29 Photos)

More sexy babes surfing and enjoying the waves.

800+ Must Have HQ Textures Images | Web Design Blog

The web is full with texture images, and let’s face it, it’s hard to find high quality textures for free.

WDB wants to help you out and today releases for all its readers a mega lists with so many textures that you can’t handle (at least this is what we hope :p )

Because of the high resolution of the textures and the huge size on every image we have grouped the textures by category and will offer separated downloads for every texture pack.

Direct download links, with no wait time can be found at the bottom at the post.

porn - Recherche Google
Mother Nature gets Angry (20 Photos)

With a huge hurricane moving up the east coast of the US this week I think we should remember how angry Mother Nature can become.

PHP Depend - Software Metrics for PHP
Flash loop - pwned - - anime, blue, car, driving, japan, party, Power, soundfx, yotsuba, zone - 5078

POWN Flash Loop 5078

29 Travel Icon Set Free Vector | Web Design Blog

Beautiful travel icons in EPS vector format perfect for designing a travel website, logo, app, etc.

You will receive 4 EPS files with different travel icons.

If you enjoy this pack please share the article using the buttons on the left side – digg, retweet, etc. Thanks!

BonBon Buttons - Sweet CSS3 buttons

There was a goal: Create CSS buttons that are sexy looking, really flexible, but with the most minimalistic markup as possible.

And voila.. here they are, the BonBon Buttons. Named after the French word for "Candy". So, let's take a tour trough the candy store.

50 Amazing Free Icon Sets

There are a lot of free icon sets out there for you to use. In this collection, we rounded up a few icon sets from all over the web that you can use in your design projects.

The hundreds of featured icons here are diverse in their styles: glossy, hand-drawn, realistic, textured are among the design themes you’ll find. I hope you find a handful of icon sets that you’ll bookmark, download, and use!

A Collection of PSD to Html Conversion Tutorials | Naldz Graphics

More and more designers are into creating their own blogs and websites either to showcase their works or to advertise. At this pace, it is quite important that as designers who are interested in blogging, one should learn the basics in PSD to HTML, turning Photoshop designs into HTML format. If you are equipped with this technique, you will be able to simply turn your designs into codes that are good enough to turn into active blogs or sites.

This new post is a compilation of tutorials on converting PSD into HTML. Learn the basics of this technique to apply them to your designs and be one-step ahead from the rest… Enjoy!!!

60 Beautiful Examples Of Night Photography

“Night photography refers to photographs taken outdoors between dusk and dawn. Night photographers generally have a choice between using artificial light or using a long exposure, exposing the scene for seconds or even minutes, in order to give the film enough time to capture a usable image, and to compensate for reciprocity failure. With the progress of high-speed films, higher-sensitivity digital image sensors, wide-aperture lenses, and the ever-greater power of urban lights, night photography is increasingly possible using available light.” according to Wikipedia. Today I collected some of the most beautiful examples of night photography to inspire the photographer’s community. Enjoy!

JQuery Based Flipped Image Gallery with Bounce Effects | 99Points

Image galleries are most important element of any website. Here, I have created a simple jQuery based flipped image gallery. On hover the images will expand. Its simple and stylish gallery. My previous jquery image gallery was appreciated and I thought to give my readers an other one. Hope you will like it. Thanks.

10 Excellent Tools for Testing Your Site on Mobile Devices

With the ever-increasing sales of smartphones and the burgeoning tablet market starting to skyrocket, coupled with far greater access to more robust mobile data networks, the internet is now being accessed by our users in a multitude of new ways.

The huge range of mobile devices used to browse the web now means you really have to consider making your site mobile-compatible.

But how do you go about it? Testing your site on mobile devices can be time-consuming and expensive due to the vast number of different mobile devices.

Fear not, because there are some handy tools available at your disposal for making sure that your website renders appropriately on the Mobile Web. This article shares and discusses 10 such tools.

50 High-Resolution Apple Wallpapers for your Mac |

Changing your desktop wallpapers constantly could inspire you in a sense that you will be motivated to get your work done easier due to the colorful and vibrant look of your desktop.
Today, we have come up with a collection of Apple-themed wallpapers to give your desktop refreshing to look at. Apple wallpaper is simple but provides an elegant look. It is one of the most in demand wallpapers especially for Mac owners and Apple addicts.

For those who love customizing your desktop, here are the 50 High-Resolution Apple Wallpapers that you could download for free.

Fresh and Useful HTML5 Tutorials, Techniques and Tricks | CreativeFan

HTML5 is the wave of the future when it comes to web development, so it is advantageous to get a head start on your competition by learning the essential tips, tricks and techniques with HTML5 that you can start using in your projects today, as well as ones you’ll be using in the future. When HTML5 is combined with CSS3 and jQuery, some of the finished results that can be achieved are spectacular.

In this roundup of HTML5 tutorials, you’ll find tutorials on the video element, the audio element, doing PSD to HTML5 and CSS3 conversions, and also tutorials on combining HTML5 with CSS3, jQuery and even PHP for finished results.

Top 10+ Tools For Profiling Your Websites Speed

The goal of any great website is to provide quality content for its readers and clients, though no website can be truly successful if it cannot provide the content in a timely manner. How much time is acceptable isn’t always up to you though. It’s in the eyes of the beholder, hence the readers.

If you have a flash based website that is media heavy, and your users knows is, they will probably be ok waiting a minute or two while your page loads. Though, if on the other hand you have a mostly text based website and it takes two minutes to load, there is 99.99% chance the person will not wait. These days, people want information and websites to be practically instantaneous.

5 WordPress Plugins to Monitor Your Blog’s Traffic | TutZone

Traffic on your blog represents everything from your popularity in the marketplace to your income and lifestyle, making it very important to track. The better you know what attracts visitors and what topics and titles are popular, the better you can serve your visitors and the more success you will have. Monitoring traffic to your blog can be confusing, especially when dealing with all those mysterious log files that come from your hosting provider. Here are 10 WordPress plugins to monitor your blog’s traffic that makes checking your traffic as easy as pushing a button or clicking a link.

Periodic Table of the Elements - Josh Duck

HTML5 Elements

The table below shows the 104 elements currently in the HTML5 working draft and two proposed elements (marked with an asterisk).

Building a custom HTML5 video player with CSS3 and jQuery - Opera Developer Community

The HTML5 <video> element is already supported by most modern browsers, and even IE has support announced for version 9. There are many advantages of having video embedded natively in the browser (covered in the article Introduction to HTML5 video by Bruce Lawson), so many developers are trying to use it as soon as possible. There are a couple of barriers to this that remain, most notably the problem of which codecs are supported in each browser, with a disagreement between Opera/Firefox and IE/Safari. That might not be a problem for much longer though, with Google recently releasing the VP8 codec, and the WebM project coming into existence. Opera, Firefox, Chrome and IE9 all have support in final builds, developer builds, or at least support announced for this format, and Flash will be able to play VP8. This means that we will soon be able to create a single version of the video that will play in the <video> element in most browsers, and the Flash Player in those that don't support WebM natively.

CMS Discovery: 15 New Content Management Systems to Check OutFreelance Review | Freelance Review

Joomla!? Nah. WordPress? Been there, done that. Yes, we all know about LightCMS and Business Catalyst, but what else is out there? While there are dozens and dozens of content management systems on the market that range in quality from excellent to crappy and range in price from free to expensive, we’ve narrowed things down to 15 of the best CMS solutions you may not have heard of before. So, if you’re a savvy designer, developer or publisher who is on the hunt for a new content management system then you’re definitely in the right place. If it’s here it’s still new enough that it may have escaped your detection so far. Any opinions on which one looks the best?

To assist you in your CMS window-shopping efforts we’ve listed the prices, some keywords and a short description for each CMS.

Wyciąganie klatek z filmów za pomocą PHP – /home/Śpiechu-&gt;Blog

Tytuł brzmi nieco niedo­rzecz­nie, co? Język stwo­rzony do tworze­nia stron WWW posłuży nam do mani­pu­lo­wa­nia plikami multi­me­dial­nymi. Za sprawą Vladi­mira Goreja i jego skryptu FFmpeg PHP opubli­ko­wa­nego na jest to możliwe.

Skrypt korzy­sta z biblio­tek ffmpeg (wersji na Windowsa chyba nie ma). Mając duży plik na serwe­rze możemy wycią­gać z niego takie rzeczy jak czas trwa­nia, liczba klatek na sek., szero­kość i wyso­kość, bitrate i inne. Najistot­niej­szą dla nas funk­cją jest możli­wość wycią­gnię­cia danej klatki z pliku i zapi­sa­nie go na dysku w postaci pliku jpg.

15 New and Awesome Developer Icon Sets | Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers

The icons you get for your computer’s shortcuts are separate from developer set icons. While creating a program, web application, or website developers have to come up with small images for buttons, shortcuts, etc. The icons used here come in the form of developer icon sets.

You can find many free great developer icon sets online. They often come in ZIP files; the images contained in the archives can be used in private projects by the developer; some of the icon sets allow the developer to use them in commercial projects as well. Below you will find 15 of the best developer icon sets you will come across on the web

Kernel Panic | Poradnik Admina Howto install Proxmox, VMware, Xen, Debian, Apache, PHP5 , Postfix, Bind, SVN, MT
How Do I Block an IP Address on My Linux server?

In order to block an IP on your Linux server you need to use iptables tools (administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT) and netfilter firewall. First you need to log into shell as root user. To block an IP address you need to type the iptables command as follows:

45+ Very Functional Javascript Sliders and Scrollers

Every web developer needs to use Javascript in creating web applications, and when it comes to displaying multiple items on a page with a focus on a single item Sliders and Scrollers comes in handy. You can use Javascript Sliders and Scrollers with news, images or products to display data in an organized and user friendly way. In this article I compiled a list of 46 Very Functional Javascript Sliders and Scrollers for you to use in developing web applications.


TinyCA is a simple graphical userinterface written in Perl/Gtk to manage a small CA (Certification Authority).
TinyCA works as a frontend for openssl

Currently TinyCA supports the following features:

* Unlimited CAs possible
* Support for creating and managing SubCAs
* Creation and Revocation of x509 - S/MIME certificates
* PKCS#10 Requests can be imported and signed
* RSA and DSA keys can be generated and used
* ServerCertificates
      o Certificates can be exported as: PEM, DER, TXT and PKCS#12
      o Certificates may be used with e.g. Apache, Postfix, OpenLDAP, Cyrus, FreeS/WAN, OpenVPN, OpenSWAN, FreeRadius
* ClientCertificates
      o Certificates can be exported as: PEM, DER, TXT and PKCS#12
      o Certificates may be used with e.g. Netscape, Konqueror, Opera, Internet Explorer, Outlook (Express) and FreeS/WAN
* Certificate Revocation List
      o CRLs can be exported as: PEM, DER and TXT
* Language Support:
      o English
      o German
      o Czech (Thanks to Robert Wolf <gentoo at slave dot umbr dot cas dot cz>)
      o Swedish (Thanks to Daniel Nylander <yeager at lidkoping dot net>)
      o Spanish (Thanks to Ramon Pons Vivanco <rpons at rinu dot org>)
      o French (Thanks to Thibault Le Meur <Thibault dot Lemeur at supelec dot fr>)
53 Smashing National Geographic Photos | Design your way

The people at National Geographic always had beautiful professional pictures to show us and each month they’re featuring some of the best photos in the Visions of Earth photography section showing us the world seen through the photographer’s eyes. Be careful, these are not stock photos, they belong to the photographers who have taken them and National Geographic.

20 Most Efficient jQuery Lightbox Plugins | DJDESIGNERLAB - Find All Your Design Inspirations From This Laboratory

jQuery is a most powerful tool for web designing. It can transform a web page to an entertaining and variable. jQuery is very popular for its very easy implementation. In this article you can see 20 most efficient jQuery lightbox plugins that will be very much useful for your next design. Enjoy!

Incredible Super Car Photography: Bugatti Veyron (Part Four) | The Inspiration Blog

In the last of our super car photography posts,we are looking at the most expensive car money can buy, the Bugatti Veyron; Volkswagen’s five million pound super car experiment has astounded everyone.
This car offers some incredible design features which helps keep it on the ground, yet still manages to look incredibly sexy! Will the future ever be able to provide a better super car?
What’s your favourite Bugatti photograph here, and what are you favourite design features of this stunning car?

HTML5 Local Storage – Complete Guide Tutorial

HTML5 is one of the most fashionable topics in today’s web programming world. HTML5 contains lots of new features that allege to change the web face, big players like Google and Apple are pushing for it and browsers competes to implement more and more html5 features. In this conditions there is no surprise that everyone is talking about it.

In this post we are going to analyse exhaustively an HTML5 simple feature which is already implemented in all the modern browsers: local storage. Local Storage is just a part of the Web Storage api. It is already defined in the HTML5 specifications and it’s implemented in all the modern browsers

Zenoss Core - Enterprise IT Monitoring | Download Zenoss Core - Enterprise IT Monitoring software for free at

Zenoss Core is an enterprise network and systems management application written in Python/Zope. Zenoss provides an integrated product for monitoring availability, performance, events and configuration across layers and across platforms. Zenoss can monito

Hello World!: Bing Maps dla programistów Javascript

Najpopularniejszym serwisem dostarczającym mapy w Internecie jest Google Maps. Nie oznacza to, że konkurencja pogodziła się z porażką na tym polu. Jedną z ciekawszych alternatyw dla Google Maps jest Bing Maps. Oprócz API dostępnego w języku Javascript programiści mogą korzystać z Silverlighta oraz usług sieciowych. Co więcej, programiści PHP również mają możliwość korzystania z map Bing. Gdyby nie jeden drobny szkopuł, Google mogłoby poważnie obawiać się konkurencji ze strony Bing Maps. Niestety mapy w wydaniu Bing nie są zlokalizowane na polski rynek i wyszukanie adresu lub trasy dojazdu graniczy z cudem.

Free Wordpress Themes
500+ Stock Vector Floral Artwork | Web Design Blog

Not so long ago we released another huge pack of vector flowers and now we are back with another major release with these beautiful designs that are so common in vector art, websites, etc.

We will be featuring over 500 stock flowers vectors and flower related designs (180 mb download)

Scroll down and see all the 500+ previews of what you will get in this pack.

55 Beautiful Photographs to Refresh Your Day

Photography is one of the best sources of encouragement of my past work. Here we conversation about photography of a range of forms like drops, nature, aerial, wildlife, underwater, portrait, nature, travel etc. which I find usually amaze me more than anything.

There are many ways to express photography. Here in this showcase, we presenting a Some Beautiful Photos to Refresh Your Day taken by various artists in which all pictures are linked to the author’s pages.

500+ Human Silhouettes Vector Art Pack | Web Design Blog

You can search on Google for Human Silhouettes Vector, free of course, but I can tell you personally that all the sites you’ll find don’t offer you this much!

This is an amazing pack, with over 500 human shapes, doing different things, scaleable EPS and AI format

Incredible Super Car Photography: Lamborghini (Part One) | The Inspiration Blog

Supercars are incredibly expensive, and the chances are the majority of us reading this will never have the luxury of owning one ourselves. That doesn’t however mean we can’t enjoy the beautiful design aspects of these cars, and of course the inspirational photographs!

This post features a selection lovely, sleek and stylish Lamborghini photographs that serve as not only photography inspiration but design inspiration too.

This is part one of our new supercar series, so check back soon for various other parts featuring different car brands.

Create the SSL CA [ispCP Documentation]

This Howto explains how you can create your own SSL Certification

SEO Tips and Tricks for Mobile | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE

Since the mid 90’s marketers and companies have been optimizing their sites for search engine optimization. Now SEO has evolved in a way no one could have imagined back then. Smartphones are taking over the mobile market, and most cell phones have access to the Internet.

21 Ridiculously Impressive HTML5 Canvas Experiments | Nettuts+

HTML5 is the thing to talk about these day. Today, we have a collection of some ridiculously impressive HTML5 canvas-based experiments that will make you say, “Wow!” Let’s take a peek at some of the latest, cutting edge examples out there.

CSS hack for Firefox 1.x/2.x only

These hacks don't validate, but are 100% safe according to CSS parsing rules.

HTML5 Canvas and Audio Experiment
50 Beautiful and Mysterious Underwater Photos You Have to See to BelieveFreelance Review | Freelance Review

I’m no underwater photographer myself, but I can still say that underwater photography is in a class of it’s own. I can imagine how difficult it is to get the perfect lighting and setup for each shot–I’d imagine a good bit of it comes down to luck and being in the right place at the right time. Like so many of our collections, this roundup is useful not only to photography enthusiasts but also to graphic designers–just look at all of the vibrant colors and patterns you can find under the sea. I’m sure there are a few vector illustrators out there who could draw some inspiration from the faces of some of these interesting sea creatures.