Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

August, 2010

40 Useful Tools For Web Designers and Developers » DJDESIGNERLAB – Find All Your Design Inspirations From This Laboratory

In this article you’ll find 40 useful tools for web designers and developers. It includes plenty of tools and utilities that can greatly increase development speed, reduce debugging and testing time, and improve quality of the output. The tools described below are a variety of utilities, optimizers, testing and many more.

How To Add Facebook “Like” Buttons to Your WordPress Blog | TutZone

Facebook being 2 top most visited site after Google has so much potential in regards of traffic that every blogger/website owner should use it. Facebook launched their Like button some time back and it spread like fire after being launched. Nearly all blogs use it now a days. Here is a simple tutorial if you want to integrate like button in your WordPress blog.

Beautiful Woodwork Art - Noupe Design Blog

In the age of the Web, with personal computers and tablets, we tend to forget that art has been around for a really, really long time and that this digital field is just one of the many media in which art and design have a form. Fortunately, there are many artists out there who still turn to more traditional methods of creative self-expression.

In this article, we’ve brought to you some of the finest woodwork art pieces. Hopefully, they’ll serve as some inspiration for your professional work, but also as a reminder that it’s always good to get out of your comfort zone and try out something new every once in a while.

Dynamic Drive DHTML Scripts- Continuous Reel Slideshow

Continuous Reel Slideshow lets you showcase images in a reel like fashion, one image at a time and in an continuous manner, with no breaks between the first and last slide. The reel can be played from left to right (horizontally), or top down (vertically), and pauses onMouseover. You can implement controls to allow users to manually move the reel forward and backwards, instead of it playing automatically.

EGroupware - Online Groupware, CRM: Wiki

Installing eGroupWare

There is a more condensed QuickInstallGuide available, too.

  1. Read Installation Checklist
  2. Setup Requirements
    • for Windows, Linux or MacOSX using XAMPP
  3. Downloading & unpacking the eGroupWare package
    • Package Formats ...
  4. eGroupWare Setup
    • Start Installation
    • Manage Header
    • Create Database and Install Programs
    • Configuration
    • Establish an Administrator Account
    • Advanced Administration of Applications
    • Backup and Recovery of the Database
  5. Update the Installation

How to reinstall egroupware: Reinstall

Manual|User Manual / Installation of eGroupWare

The user manual is published by Outdoor Unlimited Training GmbH.
EGroupware Support and hosting by Stylite GmbH

Porn EVO :: Like a Porn Oasis !
Go Green! – 50+ Beautiful Nature Vector Illustrations | Blog

We know it’s hard to find quality nature vectors and, to save you some time, we’ve made a selection of over 50 superb nature designs to inspire you in your art work. Here they are.

Fun with light (15 Photos)
Facebook | Barbara Radziejewska Sparks
Russian Wildfires (36 Photos)

Around the world disasters are striking at alarming rates. Floods, earthquakes, mudslides, and fires. Russia is currently battling hundreds of wild fires through the country caused by sweltering heat and very little rain. The smoke from the fires have practically covered every major city making the simple act of breathing a chore for many.

Cool collections of Panoramic Photography | Pokkisam blog

Eyes are the special lenses gifted by God to focus and view the nature in a panorama or capture the whole scene in one shot. Normal Photography can capture only that instant of time and the particular view so to get a complete view or a 360 degree view we go for Panoramic photography where we combine 2 or 3 photographs of a place and make it a single one to get that complete view as seen by human eyes.

Taking photographs takes the lead role here because we literally have to stitch the separate photos with the help of Panoramic cameras and methods to get that look which gives us the illusion of a complete view and carries us to the ambiance of the photograph.

CRUD using jQuery and Codeigniter – IV « iFadey

How to perform Ajax based CREATE operation.

How to switch jQuery tab programmatically.

30 Incredible Examples of Macro Photography | Inspiration

Macro photography is all about capturing things up close. There are special lenses designed specifically for this task, and they are very good at capturing the smallest of details on tiny objects. There is so much detail around us that goes unnoticed by the naked eye, but thanks to this type of photography, we get to see and appreciate all that detail. So here are 30 Incredible Examples of Macro Photography for your enjoyment.

Implement Google AJAX Search API

Let’s be honest…WordPress’ search functionality isn’t great. Let’s be more honest…no search functionality is better than Google’s. Luckily for us, Google provides an awesome method by which we can use their search for our own site: the Google AJAX Search API. Let me show you how to implement this awesome API within your own website!

25 Beautiful Image Styling Tutorials With CSS,jQuery

Recently I wrote article about post thumbnail and you saw some great examples of image styling. As I wrote there, neat styled images can attract more visitors and you will be more pleasant with them yourself too.

You don’t have to always use Photoshop to style your images. Some cool effects can be achieved trough CSS, jQuery etc too and I strongly suggest you to continue reading to find out how to do it!

Things You Might Not Know About Conditional Comments

Use of conditional comments to target certain versions of Internet Explorer is pretty commonplace nowadays, and is generally seen as the best-practice method for including separate styles for IE.

Of course, I’ve argued in a previous article that if your IE-only styles are minimal, then you should just include them in your main stylesheet, a notion that others have echoed.

But conditional comments have some unique possibilities and quirks that maybe you haven’t considered before, or have simply forgotten. Here is an overview of some things you may not know about conditional comments.

phpSEO – Class for better SEO in PHP | Neo22s

I’ve been working all the free time I had this week in the class to make better SEO in your PHP.

Few days a go I posted about some SEO functions for PHP but was still too many things to improve.

50+ Awesome Must See Photoshop Tutorials (Part1) |

Tutorials can often be your greatest source of inspiration when trying to design that project you have been putting off. In this post, I have rounded up a collection of very useful tutorials from around the web from the month of May and June 2010. You’ll find everything from creating a distressed vector typographic poster design, to creating an adrenaline filled car chase scene. So what are you waiting for…why not try one out?

70 Insanely Beautiful Dual Screen Wallpapers

Dual Screen as the name suggests helps you to work in two screens simultaneously. They are extremely helpful if you are working on many projects at the same time and do not like the idea of frequently switching on from one screen to another. It consumes less time from your side and you do not have to wait to look at your results.

Weird Nature Photography: Transparent Animals - Blog

Nature is fascinating and often weird, it surprises us when we expect less. Some creatures use the camouflage techniques as a hunting and defense mechanism, others show everything they have, literally. This post is dedicated to the latter ones.

Despite of what we are inclined to think, transparent and translucent animals live also on the ground, not only in the abyss of the ocean and we have visual proof of it. Nothing is photoshopped!

Ultimate Guide to HTML Emails - Tips,Tutorials and Resources
50 Useful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Plugins - Noupe Design Blog
15 High Quality Free E-Commerce Icon Sets | CreativeFan
Cloud Computing, 10 Web Operating Systems | Admix Web

A Web Operating System is a Web platform which allows the user to use a virtual Desktop through a web browser rather than using any particular local operating system. This amazing technology allows a user to access their own virtual desktop from anywhere around the world, without even using a network like with a remote PC.

Understanding border-image | CSS-Tricks

The new CSS3 property border-image is a little tricky, but it can allow you to create flexible boxes with custom borders (or drop shadows, if that’s your thing) with a single div and a single image. In this article I explain how the border-image shorthand property works in today’s browsers.

50 Tileable and Seamless Pattern Sets (500+ Patterns) :Speckyboy Design Magazine

There are no individual patterns in this post, only complete sets, with each set containing anything from 3 patterns all the way up to 100, and are available in a variety of popular formats: .eps, .ai, .png, .pat, .psd and .jpg.
You will find all kinds of varied patterns, such as fabrics, geometric shapes, flowery, retro, vintage, grunge, swirls, paper, dots, lines… and much more. And if all that is not enough we have also collected a selection of the best resources for you to dicover even more seamless backgrounds.

12 Usable Free Business Card Templates | Creativeoverflow
Link Building Tools for Better Online Visibility

Link Building Tools for Better Online Visibility has its own magical combination. When you create an authentic piece of content, it will bring value and worth to your company, and it will also attract many links over the course of internet time. Every online business person wishes to recognize Link Building Tools for Better Online Visibility. Applicable links will include articles that are very well-rounded and deeply researched. They will often resemble newsworthy posts or other helpful tools that will attract even more links as your business goes on. Within the following guide you will learn some of the most authentic and proven ideas to create killer links for your content, and you will learn tools that will help you analyze those links and those of your competitors. Therefore, this guide will help you utilize Link Building Tools for Better Online Visibility.

Getting to Work with CSS3 Power Tools | Nettuts+

CSS3 is one of the coolest new web technologies available to web developers right now. Using some of its many features, it is possible to reproduce the effects that you might have previously done in Photoshop, with CSS code that is more maintainable, faster to load, and hip with the latest trends. Read on to learn about the power tools available to you and how to combine them to produce the ultimate graphical effects.

Blowing up HTML5 video and mapping it into 3D space « Craftymind

I’ve been doing a bit of experimenting with the Canvas and Video tags in HTML5 lately, and found some cool features hiding in plain sight. One of those is the Canvas.drawImage() api call. Here is the description on the draft site.

13 tips for better HTML emails

Designing and sending HTML newsletters can be a little tacky sometimes. The output of HTML in email apps is still much more limited than in web browsers, which means that you have to adapt the way you are designing your email templates. Following are a few tips to improve the HTML of your newsletters.

THE MOST EXCLUSIVE ADULT XXX PASSWORDS » Edycja multimediów w Linuksie

Linuksowych programów do tworzenia i odtwarzania muzyki jest coraz więcej. Jeszcze niedawno nie było dobrego narzędzia do montażu wideo, teraz istnieje już kilka, np. takich do tworzenia małych,domowych filmów z wakacji, ale i takich, które mogłyby posłużyć do dużych, profesjonalnych produkcji filmowych. Również narzędzia do obróbki audio bardzo ostatnimi czasy wyewoluowały.We wpisie opisałem te, które według mnie są najprzydatniejsze i najciekawsze.

Installation guide for eGroupware on Ubuntu Server | Linux and Open Source |

One of the biggest demands for server installation is the groupware suite. There are plenty of them available. From Exchange to Zimbra (and everything in between), you will find groupware suites of all types, sizes, functionality, and reliability. One of those suites that I have found to be a bit better than most is eGroupware. Although eGroupware is not the easiest to install, it doesn’t come close to the complexity of installing Zimbra. And eGroupware has all of the features users and administrators would expect of a powerful groupware suite (and more!):

* Calendar
* Email
* Contacts
* Documents
* Project management
* Time sheet
* File manager
* Wiki
* News
* Polls

All of this is packed within a very user-friendly interface. But, as I said, the installation isn’t the easiest. It’s time-consuming and requires that numerous dependencies be resolved before the installation can be completed. The good news is that most of the dependencies will be spelled out for you during the installation process.

Hello World!: PHP do mnie mówi, czyli słówko o STDIN

Nie od dziś wiadomo, że PHP obsługuje operacje wejścia/wyjścia. Nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, aby pisać aplikacje konsolowe, które “rozmawiają” z użytkownikiem. Generalnie wszystko sprowadza się do jednego wiersza kodu, który pobiera wpisany przez użytkownika tekst, a następnie zwraca go na przykład do zmiennej.

40 Minimalist Icon, Symbol & Pictogram Sets | SpyreStudios

Minimalism is always a hot topic in web-design and there are many well-crafted minimalist websites and interfaces out there.

While searching for some icons for a recent project I came across some great minimalist icon and symbol sets and thought I’d expand my search and share my findings here with you.

27 Utilities for Saving and Sharing Code Snippets | Design Shack

You’ve got countless bits of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and PHP rolling around in your head and on your hard drive that you are forced to try to recall each time you start a project. It’s time to get organized.

This post will briefly point you to 27 great utilities that not only help you store your favorite snippets both locally and in the cloud, but also make sharing with others a breeze. Enjoy!

How to Authenticate Users With Twitter OAuth | Nettuts+

Beginning August 16th, Twitter will no longer support the basic authentication protocol for its platform. That means the only way to authenticate users will be through a Twitter application. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Twitter as your one-click authentication system

Ajaxian » Canto.js: An Improved Canvas API

Javascript author extraordinaire David Flanagan released Canto.js recently, a lightweight wrapper API for canvas, introduced here and documented at the top of the source code.

Hello World!: PFAf – pierwszy framework dla PHP for Android

PFAf (PHP for Android framework) jest pierwszym (i na pewno nie ostatnim) frameworkiem ułatwiającym pracę wszystkim tym, którzy chcieliby pisać aplikacje w PHP na telefony z Androidem. Framework znajduje się w bardzo wczesniej fazie, mimo to działa zaskakująco dobrze.

Ultimate List of Tools and Resources for IPAD Developers and Designers | Admix Web

It seems like everything Apple creates turns to gold, and the release of the new IPAD is no expection. Even though the IPAD has only been out a few months, many amazing applications are already available, with many of the applications being very useful for Web Developers, Web Designers, and Graphic Designers. Below is a selection of IPAD tools, applications, and resources which I found to be very useful. This round-up list features almost 30 IPAD tools and applications, as well as a list of IPAD resources, that I know web designers, web developers and all those with creatives minds will find very handy! I hope you enjoy this post and find it useful! Feel free to add any additional tools or resources I may have forgotten!

PHP User Class - php user class

php user class is an easy to use php snippet for user manipulation (register, login, etc.) for your php & MySQL driven applications. The aim of this project is to provide a generic class that can be used by any developer no matter what are the needs of the project that is going to be used.

Download Vector Wings

Good Day my friends =) today I’m sharing really cool and useful freebie - Vector Wings! Wings have always been in trend and there are so many ways you can use it in graphics. First of all I’m sharing 2 sets of my own detailed and feathery wings I draw and collect during last years. Plus I’m featuring the best sets of my friends.

Learning JavaScript and DOM with Console | TutToaster

In this tutorial, you are going to learn what a console is, and more importantly, how you can leverage it to learn JavaScript and DOM quickly.

Creative Pencil Sculptures (17 pics) » Izismile - Pictures, videos, games and more
5 Web Files That Will Improve Your Website

Which files are we going to be examining (and producing)? Deciding which files to cover was certainly not an easy task for me, and there are many other files (such as .htaccess which we won’t cover) you can implement that can provide your website a boost.

The files I’ll talk about here were chosen for their usefulness as well as their ease of implementation. Maximum bang for our buck.

We’re going to cover robots.txt, favicon.ico, sitemap.xml, dublin.rdf and opensearch.xml. Their purposes range from helping search engines index your site accurately, to acting as usability and interoperability aids.

Local Previews of Images from File Inputs (fail) | CSS-Tricks
40 Bizarre and Cool Google Earth Photos - Noupe Design Blog
52 Framework: The First Ever HTML5 and CSS3 Framework | Design Shack
Using SCRIPT's defer Attribute

One of the seldom used attributes within the HTML tag library is the defer attribute on SCRIPT elements. As you can probably tell by the name of the attribute, defer instructs the contents of the script tag to not execute until the page has loaded.

HTML5 Link Prefetching

One effort shared by both browsers and developers is making the web browsing experience faster. There are many common-known ways to keep your websites fast: using CSS sprites and image optimization, using .htaccess to set file headers for longer caching, javascript file compression, using CDNs, and so on. I’ve even detailed some of the website optimization efforts used on this website. Firefox introduces a new strategy for website optimization: link prefetching.

50 Electrifying Must Have HQ Music Wallpapers | Lava360
Convert Files - free online file converter / Flash video downloader (YouTube,DailyMotion,MetaCafe...)
Website wireframes: Mockingbird
ScreenCastle | One Click Screencasting
CSS3 demos and tools - GPS, Tracks, Trails, Tours, Converter: Wędrować - Walking - Jogging - Skating - Cross-Skating - Handbike - Wycieczka rowerowa - Rower wyścigowy - Mountainbike - Motocykl - enduro/quad - cabriolet - Auto - nordic Skiing - alpine skiing - rando
Think Vitamin » Getting Started with HTML5 Video

HTML5 Video. It just sounds sexy. Even typing it stirs an excitement inside me usually reserved for theme park rides and new episodes of Family Guy. It’s one of the most lauded features within the new HTML spec, and also one of the most divisive.

Perhaps not divisive in the web community, most designers and developers seem to love the idea of it, but certainly divisive in the real world of cross browser support, licensing and (dare we even mention it) Adobe Flash.

Create a Fun Animated Navigation Menu with Pure CSS | Design Shack

In recent years jQuery has become the easiest and best supported way to implement simple animations online. JavaScript is exceptionally good at what it does and this article is in no way an argument against it.

However, CSS3 offers a glimpse into a possible future where basic animations are performed with straight CSS completely independent of scripting. Today we’ll take a look at how to use CSS3 to create a fun and unique navigation menu that uses @font-face, transforms and transitions.

10 Free Website Chat Widgets to Make Your Site Interactive

If you want to make your website livelier, then adding a website chat widget is perhaps one of the more effective solutions for increasing user engagement and growing your community.

By putting a proper website chat widget on your site, you will get real-time feedback from site visitors regarding your product, services, or content. For sites that sell services or products, a chat widget will definitely help you communicate with your visitors in real-time and potentially make more sales.

This is a collection of 10 free website chat widgets that you can install on your websites.

PSI - eGroupWare

eGroupWare to system wielu elementów połączonych ze sobą, stanowiący elastyczną platformę CRM przeznaczoną do obsługiwania zadań takich jak: grupowy (korporacyjny) kalendarz, książka adresowa, kompleksowa obsługa poczty elektronicznej, rejestr kontaktów, zarządzanie projektami, menedżer plików, listy dyskusyjne, ewidencja zgłoszeń i wiele innych. Wszystkie te moduły mogą korzystać ze wspólnej bazy danych oraz wyjątkowo funkcjonalnych "list kontroli dostępu" (ACL) służących kontroli przepływu informacji oraz sterowaniem praw dostępu do nich. Dzięki modułowej konstrukcji, oraz licencji typu Open Source, eGroupWare stał się najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijanym systemem klasy CRM na świecie. Jego zdecydowana przewaga w stosunku do innych systemów tej klasy ma swoje źródło nie tylko w otwartym kodzie, ale także elastyczności, skalowalności i wieloplatformowości tego projektu.

8 Worthy Alternatives to Google Analytics | Web Designer Online

Each and every person who owns a website will likely have some sort of Analytics script installed to monitor traffic. And it is probably Google Analytics.

Don’t get me wrong, Google Analytics is an Awesome packages and gives you tons of data about your visitors but just sometimes you need something different (or you don’t like Google and want to host your data elsewhere :) ).

Whatever your reason, you need look no further.

Atatonic CSS framework

This is the project page for the CSS Framework Atatonic. Atatonic is meant to make your web—life easier and is created to provide a stable grid and solid typography.

How to use Photoshop Actions | nenuno creative

In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to use actions in Photoshop. It’s important to know how to use actions because they help automate a process in Photoshop. Say you took a picture of a tree and wanted to make it look dirty and grungy. Well you could take an hour playing around with levels, contrast, brightness and any other thing you can think of or you can use an action specifically made for that task.

The easiest way to use actions is by going out and downloading a pre-made action set up for a specific task like making a photo look dark. Follow these steps and you will learn how to use Photoshop Actions like a pro.

CRUD using jQuery and Codeigniter – III « iFadey

How to filter form values to prevent XSS attack.

What jQuery serialize method do and how to use it.

How to send Ajax call to perform UPDATE operation using POST method.

How to use jQuery advance selectors to update table rows.

How to Authenticate Users With Facebook Connect | Nettuts+

Lately, there’s been quite a fuzz about lazy registration. It turns out that the less the user has to think, the higher the conversion rates are! What a thought! If everybody seems to have a Facebook profile, why not add a one-click user registration? I’ll show you how to do that today.

Think Vitamin » OOP with PHP: Finishing Touches

This article is the last entry in the series of posts about using PHP 5 with object-oriented programming. The series began with an introduction, followed by some more advanced concepts. We then looked specifically at the magic methods in PHP and how Exceptions work.

Today we’ll take a tour of some of the advanced concepts that we haven’t covered yet, and this will give you a complete toolbox for working with OOP using PHP.

The Ultimate Search Engine SEO Checklist

I’ve previously had a go at creating a website checklist of the things you should pay attention to prior to the launch of a new site, however I haven’t went into great detail on the things which make a difference with regards to search engine optimisation and marketing. So here’s my own personal SEO checklist of things that are likely to increase the effectiveness of your website, and the exposure of your content.

xmpphp - Project Hosting on Google Code

XMPPHP is the successor to Class.Jabber.PHP that I've been promising for years. Taking advantage of PHP5, I believe it to be an elegant solution with a direct approach.

Some of the features include:

* Connect to any XMPP 1.0 server (Google Talk, LJ Talk,, etc)
* Supports TLS encryption
* Several XML processing approaches and supported styles (process indefinitely, processUntil an event, processTime for a number of seconds), waiting on events or map them, etc.
gapi-google-analytics-php-interface - Project Hosting on Google Code

GAPI is now at version 1.3 - This version contains fixes for the handling of very large metric values represented in scientific notation. Thanks to austinrehab for raising this issue.

Development is complete on the Google Analytics filter control. You can now filter your results using a simple GAPI filter string, for example:

$filter = 'country == United States && browser == Firefox || browser == Chrome';

You can create simple query strings that represent the logic Google Analytics requires, but it is abstracted enough to be more readable and easier to work with.

50 Must Have Open Source Application for Mac

Although there is the huge amount of free softwares available online but open-source softwares have numerous advantages, apart from their price (i.e. free), they provide you the right to modify and redistribute the software with modifications. The right to modify is important, it enables you to change the software the way you like, also there are plenty of softwares developed but never updated, in this case if you have the right to modify then they can be very handy for needy people as anybody can update it. So looking at their importance, in this article we will feature 50 essential “open-source” applications for your Mac; those which will help in performing your daily life task easily.

14 Light and Easy to Use Open-Source Content Management Systems :Speckyboy Design Magazine

An all singing and all dancing CMS (who uses all of there features anyway?) is not always the best option for every web design project, sometimes all you need is something with a little less punch, something with a smaller learning curve and something that is really, really light.

All of the CMSes below can be regarded as ‘light’, that’s not to say they are lightweights, but what they are is a simpler system, for you and your clients, to manage content.

And best of all? All of these CMSes are open-source.

30 Free Abstract Colorful High-Res Wallpapers For Your Desktop Screen | Wallpapers | Graphic Design Junction
Font Preview - Google Font Directory
GPS Visualizer

GPS Visualizer is a free, easy-to-use online utility that creates maps and profiles from GPS data (tracks and waypoints, including GPX files), driving routes, street addresses, or simple coordinates. Use it to see where you've been, plan where you're going, or visualize geographic data (business locations, scientific observations, events, customers, real estate, geotagged photos, "GPS drawing," etc.).

Beauty In The Sky: 20 Spectacular Photographs of Birds in the Wild | The Inspiration Blog

Birds enrich beauty into the sky, slipping into sunsets, diving into water and gliding through the clouds. It’s incredible to see such unique capture of photography on these diverse species.

Capturing the intensity of flight, the profound coloration in the feathers and the focus during hunting or simply sitting boldly within landscapes are rare opportunities to gain.

Take a look at twenty of the best bird photography moments that have been captured and kindly shared on the web. Let us know your favourite!

Cheat Sheets & Quick Reference Cards for Developers |

Programming & Scripting Languages: ActionScript :: Ada :: AJAX :: C :: C# :: C++ :: CFScript :: Clojure :: COBOL :: ColdFusion :: Common Lisp :: Delphi :: Emacs Lisp :: Erlang :: F# :: Factor :: Fortran :: Haskell :: Io :: J :: Java :: JavaFX Script :: JavaScript :: Lisp :: Lua :: MATLAB :: Objective-C :: Objective Caml (OCaml) :: Pascal :: Perl :: PHP :: Prolog :: Python :: R :: Ruby :: S :: S+ :: Scala :: Scheme :: Server Side Includes (SSI) :: Smalltalk :: Standard ML (SML) :: Tcl :: VB.NET :: VBScript :: Visual Basic (VB)
Markup Languages: CSS :: CSS 3 :: DocBook :: HTML :: HTML 5 :: JavaServer Pages (JSP) :: Markdown :: MathML :: Schematron :: Textile :: XAML :: XHTML :: XML :: XPath :: XSLT
Query Languages: LINQ :: PL/pgSQL :: PL/SQL :: SQL :: T-SQL :: XQuery :: Yahoo! Query Language (YQL)
Libraries & Frameworks: Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) :: ADO.NET :: ASP :: ASP.NET :: ASP.NET MVC :: Blueprint CSS :: CakePHP :: CodeIgniter :: Django :: Dojo Toolkit :: Drupal :: Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) :: Ext JS :: Framework One (FW/1) :: Fusebox :: GNU Readline :: Google Web Toolkit (GWT) :: Grails :: Hadoop :: Hiccup :: JavaServer Faces (JSF) :: Joomla! :: jQuery :: jQuery Validator :: JSTL :: Kohana :: KumbiaPHP :: Lift :: Lime Testing Framework :: Magento :: Microsoft .NET Framework :: MODx :: MooTools :: NetBeans Platform :: NumPy :: OpenGL :: OpenLayers :: OpenSSL :: Oracle ADF :: Papervision 3D :: Play Framework :: Prototype :: Pygame :: Pylons :: rSpec :: Ruby on Rails :: Scriptaculous :: SimpleTest :: Smarty :: Spring :: Symfony :: Textpattern :: TYPO3 CMS :: Vaadin :: Watir :: web2py :: WebGL :: wxWidgets :: Yii PHP Framework :: YUI :: Zend Framework
Operating Systems: BackTrack :: Debian :: FreeBSD :: IBM AIX :: Kubuntu :: Linux :: Mac OS X :: Microsoft Windows :: OpenBSD :: OpenWrt :: Unix :: Windows Server 2008 :: Windows Vista :: Windows XP
Version Control: Bazaar :: ClearCase :: CVS :: Git :: Mercurial :: Perforce :: Subversion (SVN)
Servers: Apache :: .htaccess :: IBM Lotus Domino :: IIS :: Microsoft Exchange Server :: Resin
Databases: Cassandra :: CouchDB :: DB2 :: Firebird SQL :: Informix :: Ingres :: Microsoft Access :: Microsoft SQL Server :: MongoDB :: MySQL :: Oracle :: PostgreSQL :: Redis :: SQLite :: Sybase
ORM: ActiveRecord :: Doctrine :: Hibernate :: NHibernate :: Propel
Blogs: Blogger :: Movable Type :: TypePad :: WordPress
Websites: :: :: Digg :: Facebook :: Flickr :: Gmail :: Google :: Google Adwords :: Google Buzz :: Google Docs :: Google Maps :: Google Reader :: LinkedIn :: MySpace :: Rambler :: Reddit :: Remember the Milk :: Shopify :: StumbleUpon :: Twitter :: Wikipedia :: Yahoo! :: Yandex :: YouTube
Text Editors: ed :: Emacs :: E Text Editor :: MicroEmacs :: TextMate :: TextPad :: Vi :: Vim :: Vimperator :: x-emacs
Applications: 3D Studio Max :: AAV ColorLab :: Adobe Acrobat :: Adobe After Effects :: Adobe ColdFusion Builder :: Adobe Contribute :: Adobe Dreamweaver :: Adobe Fireworks :: Adobe Flash :: Adobe Flash Builder :: Adobe Framemaker :: Adobe Illustrator :: Adobe InCopy :: Adobe InDesign :: Adobe Photoshop :: Adobe Photoshop Elements :: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom :: Adobe Premiere Pro :: Adobe Soundbooth :: Aperture :: Apple Mail :: AppleWorks :: AsciiDoc :: AutoHotKey :: Blender :: Capistrano :: Cinema 4D :: Coda :: Eclipse :: Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) :: Evernote :: Fgdump :: Final Cut Pro :: Firebug :: Front Row :: GIMP :: GNU Debugger (GDB) :: Google Chrome :: Google SketchUp :: Google Talk :: Hping :: iCal :: IDA Pro :: IntelliJ IDEA :: Internet Explorer :: Intuit Quickbooks :: Ircle :: iTunes :: Keynote :: Lotus Notes :: LyX :: Macromedia Freehand :: MacSpeech Dictate :: Maple :: Mathematica :: MediaWiki :: Metasploit :: Microsoft Entourage :: Microsoft Excel :: Microsoft Expression Blend :: Microsoft FrontPage :: Microsoft InfoPath :: Microsoft Office :: Microsoft OneNote :: Microsoft Outlook :: Microsoft PowerPoint :: Microsoft Project :: Microsoft Publisher :: Microsoft Silverlight :: Microsoft Visio :: Microsoft Visual Studio :: Microsoft Visual Web Developer :: Microsoft Word :: mIRC :: Mozilla Firefox :: Mozilla Thunderbird :: MPlayer :: Mutt :: Nessus :: NetBeans IDE :: Netcat :: Nmap :: Octave :: OllyDbg :: :: Opera :: Oracle SQL*Plus :: Outlook Express :: Pages :: PGP :: PowerShell :: QuarkXPress :: Quicksilver :: Robocopy :: Rpad :: rsync :: RubyMine :: Safari :: Sage :: Sage Peachtree :: SAS :: SharePoint Server :: Skype :: Stata :: WinDbg :: Wireshark :: XChat :: Xcode :: Xmonad
Mobile Applications: FourSquare
Security: SQL Injection :: XSS
Networking: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) :: Cisco IOS :: EIGRP :: First Hop Redundancy :: Heartbeat :: IEEE 802.11 :: IEEE 802.1X :: Internet Protocol (IP) :: IPsec :: IS-IS :: Junos :: Multiprotocol Label Switching :: Networking :: OSPF :: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) :: Ports :: Quality of Service (QoS) :: Spanning tree protocol (STP) :: Subnetwork :: TCP/IP :: Virtual LAN (VLAN) :: Virtual Private Network (VPN) :: WLAN
Math: Algebra :: Calculus :: Linear Algebra :: Trigonometry
Methodologies: Agile :: Test Driven Development (TDD)
Other: 960 Grid System :: Access Control List (ACL) :: Accessibility :: Adobe Apollo (AIR beta) :: Adobe Flex :: Android :: apt-get :: Arduino :: ASCII :: awk :: Bash :: BPMN :: Character Codes :: Check Point Firewall-1 :: chmod :: Cloud Computing :: Cluster :: Colors :: Compass :: Compter Hardware :: Country Codes :: Crontab :: cURL :: dbshell :: Design Patterns :: dig :: Disk Partitioning :: DOM :: DOS :: dpkg :: DTD :: esxtop :: Exim :: ExpressionEngine :: Fastboot :: FFmpeg :: Fonts :: Freenode :: FTP :: Funny :: fw monitor :: GNU Make :: Gnuplot :: Google Analytics :: Google Voice :: Google Wave :: grep :: Grid Engine :: HTML Entities :: HTTP :: Incanter :: Internationalization (I18N) :: Internet Relay Chat (IRC) :: iPhone :: iptables :: jQTouch :: Konqueror :: Korn Shell (ksh) :: Language Codes :: LaTeX :: ldapsearch :: Linode :: Marketing :: Microformats :: Mobile Applications :: mod_rewrite :: NetApp :: NetHack :: OAuth :: Org-Mode :: ParEdit :: Performance :: Programming :: RAID :: RDF :: RDFa :: Regular Expressions :: Repo :: ReSharper :: Reverse Engineering :: rpm :: RSS :: Ruby Javascript (RJS) :: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) :: screen :: Scrum :: Security :: sed :: SEO :: Shoulda :: Slicehost :: snmpget :: snmpwalk :: Social Media :: Sphinx (documentation) :: Spring Web Flow :: Sprinkle :: SSH :: SSL :: ssldump :: tar :: tcpdump :: Testing :: TeX :: Thematic :: Top-Level Domain (TLD) :: TrixBox :: Tweener :: txt2tags :: Typography :: Ubercart :: UML :: Unicode :: urpmi :: Usability :: UTF-8 :: VGAM :: Virtualization :: Visual Basic Editor (VBE) :: Visualization :: VMware ESX :: VMware Infrastructure 3 :: VMWare VI Toolkit :: VMware vSphere :: VOIP :: Wallpaper :: Web Design :: Website Launch :: Web Standards :: Win32 :: WPF :: x86 :: Xen :: XML Schema (XSD) :: XPather :: Yahoo! Search BOSS :: yum :: Zelig :: Zen Coding :: ZFS :: zypp