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Around the world disasters are striking at alarming rates. Floods, earthquakes, mudslides, and fires. Russia is currently battling hundreds of wild fires through the country caused by sweltering heat and very little rain. The smoke from the fires have practically covered every major city making the simple act of breathing a chore for many.
This is the project page for the CSS Framework Atatonic. Atatonic is meant to make your web—life easier and is created to provide a stable grid and solid typography.
Nie od dziś wiadomo, że PHP obsługuje operacje wejścia/wyjścia. Nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, aby pisać aplikacje konsolowe, które “rozmawiają” z użytkownikiem. Generalnie wszystko sprowadza się do jednego wiersza kodu, który pobiera wpisany przez użytkownika tekst, a następnie zwraca go na przykład do zmiennej.
Eyes are the special lenses gifted by God to focus and view the nature in a panorama or capture the whole scene in one shot. Normal Photography can capture only that instant of time and the particular view so to get a complete view or a 360 degree view we go for Panoramic photography where we combine 2 or 3 photographs of a place and make it a single one to get that complete view as seen by human eyes.
Taking photographs takes the lead role here because we literally have to stitch the separate photos with the help of Panoramic cameras and methods to get that look which gives us the illusion of a complete view and carries us to the ambiance of the photograph.
In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to use actions in Photoshop. It’s important to know how to use actions because they help automate a process in Photoshop. Say you took a picture of a tree and wanted to make it look dirty and grungy. Well you could take an hour playing around with levels, contrast, brightness and any other thing you can think of or you can use an action specifically made for that task.
The easiest way to use actions is by going out and downloading a pre-made action set up for a specific task like making a photo look dark. Follow these steps and you will learn how to use Photoshop Actions like a pro.
Minimalism is always a hot topic in web-design and there are many well-crafted minimalist websites and interfaces out there.
While searching for some icons for a recent project I came across some great minimalist icon and symbol sets and thought I’d expand my search and share my findings here with you.
How to filter form values to prevent XSS attack.
What jQuery serialize method do and how to use it.
How to send Ajax call to perform UPDATE operation using POST method.
How to use jQuery advance selectors to update table rows.
How to perform Ajax based CREATE operation.
How to switch jQuery tab programmatically.
You’ve got countless bits of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and PHP rolling around in your head and on your hard drive that you are forced to try to recall each time you start a project. It’s time to get organized.
This post will briefly point you to 27 great utilities that not only help you store your favorite snippets both locally and in the cloud, but also make sharing with others a breeze. Enjoy!
Macro photography is all about capturing things up close. There are special lenses designed specifically for this task, and they are very good at capturing the smallest of details on tiny objects. There is so much detail around us that goes unnoticed by the naked eye, but thanks to this type of photography, we get to see and appreciate all that detail. So here are 30 Incredible Examples of Macro Photography for your enjoyment.
Lately, there’s been quite a fuzz about lazy registration. It turns out that the less the user has to think, the higher the conversion rates are! What a thought! If everybody seems to have a Facebook profile, why not add a one-click user registration? I’ll show you how to do that today.
Beginning August 16th, Twitter will no longer support the basic authentication protocol for its platform. That means the only way to authenticate users will be through a Twitter application. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Twitter as your one-click authentication system
This article is the last entry in the series of posts about using PHP 5 with object-oriented programming. The series began with an introduction, followed by some more advanced concepts. We then looked specifically at the magic methods in PHP and how Exceptions work.
Today we’ll take a tour of some of the advanced concepts that we haven’t covered yet, and this will give you a complete toolbox for working with OOP using PHP.
Let’s be honest…WordPress’ search functionality isn’t great. Let’s be more honest…no search functionality is better than Google’s. Luckily for us, Google provides an awesome method by which we can use their search for our own site: the Google AJAX Search API. Let me show you how to implement this awesome API within your own website!
Javascript author extraordinaire David Flanagan released Canto.js recently, a lightweight wrapper API for canvas, introduced here and documented at the top of the source code.
Recently I wrote article about post thumbnail and you saw some great examples of image styling. As I wrote there, neat styled images can attract more visitors and you will be more pleasant with them yourself too.
You don’t have to always use Photoshop to style your images. Some cool effects can be achieved trough CSS, jQuery etc too and I strongly suggest you to continue reading to find out how to do it!
PFAf (PHP for Android framework) jest pierwszym (i na pewno nie ostatnim) frameworkiem ułatwiającym pracę wszystkim tym, którzy chcieliby pisać aplikacje w PHP na telefony z Androidem. Framework znajduje się w bardzo wczesniej fazie, mimo to działa zaskakująco dobrze.
I’ve previously had a go at creating a website checklist of the things you should pay attention to prior to the launch of a new site, however I haven’t went into great detail on the things which make a difference with regards to search engine optimisation and marketing. So here’s my own personal SEO checklist of things that are likely to increase the effectiveness of your website, and the exposure of your content.
It seems like everything Apple creates turns to gold, and the release of the new IPAD is no expection. Even though the IPAD has only been out a few months, many amazing applications are already available, with many of the applications being very useful for Web Developers, Web Designers, and Graphic Designers. Below is a selection of IPAD tools, applications, and resources which I found to be very useful. This round-up list features almost 30 IPAD tools and applications, as well as a list of IPAD resources, that I know web designers, web developers and all those with creatives minds will find very handy! I hope you enjoy this post and find it useful! Feel free to add any additional tools or resources I may have forgotten!
Use of conditional comments to target certain versions of Internet Explorer is pretty commonplace nowadays, and is generally seen as the best-practice method for including separate styles for IE.
Of course, I’ve argued in a previous article that if your IE-only styles are minimal, then you should just include them in your main stylesheet, a notion that others have echoed.
But conditional comments have some unique possibilities and quirks that maybe you haven’t considered before, or have simply forgotten. Here is an overview of some things you may not know about conditional comments.