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Facebook being 2 top most visited site after Google has so much potential in regards of traffic that every blogger/website owner should use it. Facebook launched their Like button some time back and it spread like fire after being launched. Nearly all blogs use it now a days. Here is a simple tutorial if you want to integrate like button in your WordPress blog.
HTML5 Video. It just sounds sexy. Even typing it stirs an excitement inside me usually reserved for theme park rides and new episodes of Family Guy. It’s one of the most lauded features within the new HTML spec, and also one of the most divisive.
Perhaps not divisive in the web community, most designers and developers seem to love the idea of it, but certainly divisive in the real world of cross browser support, licensing and (dare we even mention it) Adobe Flash.
CSS3 is one of the coolest new web technologies available to web developers right now. Using some of its many features, it is possible to reproduce the effects that you might have previously done in Photoshop, with CSS code that is more maintainable, faster to load, and hip with the latest trends. Read on to learn about the power tools available to you and how to combine them to produce the ultimate graphical effects.
In the age of the Web, with personal computers and tablets, we tend to forget that art has been around for a really, really long time and that this digital field is just one of the many media in which art and design have a form. Fortunately, there are many artists out there who still turn to more traditional methods of creative self-expression.
In this article, we’ve brought to you some of the finest woodwork art pieces. Hopefully, they’ll serve as some inspiration for your professional work, but also as a reminder that it’s always good to get out of your comfort zone and try out something new every once in a while.
In recent years jQuery has become the easiest and best supported way to implement simple animations online. JavaScript is exceptionally good at what it does and this article is in no way an argument against it.
However, CSS3 offers a glimpse into a possible future where basic animations are performed with straight CSS completely independent of scripting. Today we’ll take a look at how to use CSS3 to create a fun and unique navigation menu that uses @font-face, transforms and transitions.
I’ve been doing a bit of experimenting with the Canvas and Video tags in HTML5 lately, and found some cool features hiding in plain sight. One of those is the Canvas.drawImage() api call. Here is the description on the draft site.
If you want to make your website livelier, then adding a website chat widget is perhaps one of the more effective solutions for increasing user engagement and growing your community.
By putting a proper website chat widget on your site, you will get real-time feedback from site visitors regarding your product, services, or content. For sites that sell services or products, a chat widget will definitely help you communicate with your visitors in real-time and potentially make more sales.
This is a collection of 10 free website chat widgets that you can install on your websites.
Designing and sending HTML newsletters can be a little tacky sometimes. The output of HTML in email apps is still much more limited than in web browsers, which means that you have to adapt the way you are designing your email templates. Following are a few tips to improve the HTML of your newsletters.
Continuous Reel Slideshow lets you showcase images in a reel like fashion, one image at a time and in an continuous manner, with no breaks between the first and last slide. The reel can be played from left to right (horizontally), or top down (vertically), and pauses onMouseover. You can implement controls to allow users to manually move the reel forward and backwards, instead of it playing automatically.
Linuksowych programów do tworzenia i odtwarzania muzyki jest coraz więcej. Jeszcze niedawno nie było dobrego narzędzia do montażu wideo, teraz istnieje już kilka, np. takich do tworzenia małych,domowych filmów z wakacji, ale i takich, które mogłyby posłużyć do dużych, profesjonalnych produkcji filmowych. Również narzędzia do obróbki audio bardzo ostatnimi czasy wyewoluowały.We wpisie opisałem te, które według mnie są najprzydatniejsze i najciekawsze.
Installing eGroupWare
There is a more condensed QuickInstallGuide available, too.
- Read Installation Checklist
- Setup Requirements
- for Windows, Linux or MacOSX using XAMPP
- Downloading & unpacking the eGroupWare package
- Package Formats ...
- eGroupWare Setup
- Start Installation
- Manage Header
- Create Database and Install Programs
- Configuration
- Establish an Administrator Account
- Advanced Administration of Applications
- Backup and Recovery of the Database
- Update the Installation
How to reinstall egroupware: Reinstall
Manual|User Manual / Installation of eGroupWare
The user manual is published by Outdoor Unlimited Training GmbH.
EGroupware Support and hosting by Stylite GmbH
eGroupWare to system wielu elementów połączonych ze sobą, stanowiący elastyczną platformę CRM przeznaczoną do obsługiwania zadań takich jak: grupowy (korporacyjny) kalendarz, książka adresowa, kompleksowa obsługa poczty elektronicznej, rejestr kontaktów, zarządzanie projektami, menedżer plików, listy dyskusyjne, ewidencja zgłoszeń i wiele innych. Wszystkie te moduły mogą korzystać ze wspólnej bazy danych oraz wyjątkowo funkcjonalnych "list kontroli dostępu" (ACL) służących kontroli przepływu informacji oraz sterowaniem praw dostępu do nich. Dzięki modułowej konstrukcji, oraz licencji typu Open Source, eGroupWare stał się najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijanym systemem klasy CRM na świecie. Jego zdecydowana przewaga w stosunku do innych systemów tej klasy ma swoje źródło nie tylko w otwartym kodzie, ale także elastyczności, skalowalności i wieloplatformowości tego projektu.
One of the biggest demands for server installation is the groupware suite. There are plenty of them available. From Exchange to Zimbra (and everything in between), you will find groupware suites of all types, sizes, functionality, and reliability. One of those suites that I have found to be a bit better than most is eGroupware. Although eGroupware is not the easiest to install, it doesn’t come close to the complexity of installing Zimbra. And eGroupware has all of the features users and administrators would expect of a powerful groupware suite (and more!):
* Calendar
* Email
* Contacts
* Documents
* Project management
* Time sheet
* File manager
* Wiki
* News
* Polls
All of this is packed within a very user-friendly interface. But, as I said, the installation isn’t the easiest. It’s time-consuming and requires that numerous dependencies be resolved before the installation can be completed. The good news is that most of the dependencies will be spelled out for you during the installation process.
We know it’s hard to find quality nature vectors and, to save you some time, we’ve made a selection of over 50 superb nature designs to inspire you in your art work. Here they are.
Each and every person who owns a website will likely have some sort of Analytics script installed to monitor traffic. And it is probably Google Analytics.
Don’t get me wrong, Google Analytics is an Awesome packages and gives you tons of data about your visitors but just sometimes you need something different (or you don’t like Google and want to host your data elsewhere :) ).
Whatever your reason, you need look no further.