32 private links
Dzisiejszy wpis ponownie będzie krótki i prosty, ponownie też podejmę temat zapytań SQL przydatnych w codziennej pracy programisty. Czym w takim razie się zajmiemy? Otóż, w związku z tym, że "czasem" musimy wykonać pewne instrukcje w zależności od istnienia bądź nieistnienia rekordów dodanych w konkretnym przedziale czasu (np. wczoraj, w ostatnim tygodniu), w tym wpisie chciałbym pokazać, jak to zrobić w prosty i przyjemny sposób. Zapraszam do lektury.
Technology nowadays is capable to capture high speed fast-moving objects that are invisible to the human eyes. This article clearly tells that photographers are allowed to “freeze time” to capture images that happens faster than a blink of eyes. High Speed Photography is an art of capturing the photos with rapidly occurring event. Photographer used different techniques and waited the right moments. I have compiled some amazing High Speed Photography showcase showing how brilliantly photographers can grab hold a moment of impact or sudden movement for your inspiration. Take a look.
Calendars can be seen frequently in most web pages today especially in blogs and personal websites. As for corporate sites or e-commerce sites, it is utilize to layout announcements, up-coming events, contest and much more. What makes a calendar almost essential? It allows users to know what is new, what to be expect on specified date and track back older information all at one glance.