32 private links
At Moz, we strive to include social media metadata in all new pieces of content that we publish. This allows us to optimize for sharing Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinerest by defining exactly how titles, descriptions, images and more appear in social streams.
Think of it as conversion rate optimization for social exposure.
Social media monitoring tools are may be the best way for you to check what people have to say about you or your company brand. On that way, you could have a conclusion about the steps you need to take to improve your reputation and make your customers happy. These monitoring tools offer great social media analytics tracking, countless data sets and reputation management. Monitoring is not only for you to have an idea on how you or your company progressed in a given period of time but also help identify quality control or customer care problems that may have sometimes gone unnoticed.
It’s no secret that monitoring your social mediaprofile is really hard but luckily we have these constructive social media monitoring tools to help us track and monitor your brand’s performance and helps you reach your social media goals. These are only some of the countless ways to track and manage your brand’s engagement and reputation on the social Web.
60+Useful Social Network Websites
Graham Bill Google, Tools
Today i like to showcase some useful social network that more popular nowadays. There are a lot of people around the world using social network websites for communication to share news, article, find friends, bookmark news, keep in touch with each others. The most popular social network such as facebook, twitter, digg, stumbleupon, reddit, delicious, Linkedin…etc.
Social Media is playing very important role in the marketing of products and websites. This is the reason the integration of Social Media into websites has become more essential now. In this post I collected the best jQuery Social Media Plugins for web developers to make their websites social media friendly with a wow effect of jQuery.
Social Bookmark intergation become one from essential things forany new blog, through submissions to those popular networks your site can gain many benefits to start with from back-links, returning visitors and google love.
There are many social bookmark icon sets out there on the web but only few are beautiful and free so today I have made a small roundup of my favourite social bookmark icons for bloggers. We wish you enjoy this collection.
Facebook being 2 top most visited site after Google has so much potential in regards of traffic that every blogger/website owner should use it. Facebook launched their Like button some time back and it spread like fire after being launched. Nearly all blogs use it now a days. Here is a simple tutorial if you want to integrate like button in your WordPress blog.