32 private links
In this tutorial we will build a fun little tool for internal/personal usage that posts random tweets at pre-defined times with Laravel and the Twitter API. We will use some of Laravel 4′s powerful features such as Artisan commands, Eloquent ORM and some external packages to make creating an application to post tweets with Laravel 4 quick and easy!
Our application will:
Allow us to insert a tweet into the database
Allow us to insert tags into the database
Link tags to a tweet
Have a command that grabs a random tweet and appends tags in a random order
Laravel is a modern and robust PHP framework. There are several tutorials available here on CodeForest, but I still receive plenty of questions on getting started with Laravel, How to use Composer and similar.
Database seeding in Laravel 4 can be quite cumbersome for things such as user information. Luckily there are tools that can help us with that!
Recently I have been using http://randomuser.me/ for filling up my database with randomly generated user profiles.
In this tutorial; we will create a number of database objects, which will later be made available through API endpoints. We’ll then use these, together with AngularJS, to create an online shop. We’ll finish things off with an overview of creating and emailing PDF documents.
Authentication is required for virtually any type of web application. In this tutorial, I’d like to show you how you can go about creating a small authentication application using Laravel 4. We’ll start from the very beginning by creating our Laravel app using composer, creating the database, loading in the Twitter Bootstrap, creating a main layout, registering users, logging in and out, and protecting routes using filters. We’ve got a lot of code to cover, so let’s get started!
Laravel 4 is a huge step forward for the PHP community. It’s beautifully written, full of features and the community is presently exploding. Today we’re going to explore how to build multisite applications with it.
Digital goods are an increasingly valuable commodity. Whether you're a designer selling templates or font files, a developer charging for packages of code or a musician selling MP3s, selling digital goods online is often far easier than physical goods – with much lower production costs and no delivery charges.
In this article I'll show how you can implement a simple store selling digital goods using PHP along with Stripe, a payment provider who aims to make it easier than ever to take online payments since you don't need to set up special merchant accounts or deal with complex payment gateways.
Laravel 4 is a huge step forward for the PHP community. It’s beautifully written, full of features and the community is presently exploding. We’re going to use it to create a socket based, real time chat application.
In the first part of this series we created the bare bones of a subscription-based website using Laravel. We also set the site up with roles, and granted a pending role to new users. We’re now at the point where we can perform basic registration, login, and logout. In this second part, we’ll integrate Recurly to set up our paid membership plans.
Laravel 4 is a huge step forward for the PHP community. It’s beautifully written, full of features and the community is presently exploding. It’s with this in mind that I would like to show how to deploy Laravel 4 applications, using Artisan.
The coding world moves pretty fast. Since my last coverage of Laravel, Laravel Essentials, much has changed for the better. While plenty of that course still applies, a variety of adjustments and additions have been made to the framework. This course will get you up to speed on those changes as quickly as possible.
Laravel Philosophy
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development should be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by implementing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.
Laravel aims to make the development process a pleasing one for the developer without sacrificing application functionality. Happy developers make the best code.
Learning Laravel
One of the best ways to learn Laravel is to read through the entirety of its documentation. This guide details all aspects of the framework and how to apply them to your application.
In addition to this guide, you may wish to check out some of the Laravel books that are available on the books page. These books serve as a good supplemental resource for learning the framework.
If you’re hoping to learn why tests are beneficial, this is not the article for you. Over the course of this tutorial, I will assume that you already understand the advantages, and are hoping to learn how best to write and organize your tests in Laravel 4.
Version 4 of Laravel offers serious improvements in relation to testing, when compared to its previous release. This is the first article of a series that will cover how to write tests for Laravel 4 applications. We’ll begin the series by discussing model testing.