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In this article, you will learn about some free, open source, and exciting, text-based tools or utilities to help you do more with boredom on the Command line.
Lately, there has been a lot of experimentation with very short programs that synthesize something that sounds like music. I now want to share some information and thoughts about these experiments.
First, some background. On 2011-09-26, I released the following video on Youtube, presenting seven programs and their musical output:
Have you ever seen a train running on Linux command line? Have you ever seen ‘Tom and Jerry’ on Linux command line? Well, working on Linux command line is not that serious always. There lies a fun factor too. Here in this space, we shall discuss the idiosyncrasies of Linux command line.
Assumption: Ubuntu Linux is used for all the examples in this article. The command line utilities described in this article may or may not be present by default on your Linux system.
I find PHP command line interface very useful, for CRON jobs, testing and whenever apache is not necessary. Basic commands here: CLI php.net manual. In this article I’m writing some CL flags and few lines of related functions / PHP code I find useful
Nie od dziś wiadomo, że PHP obsługuje operacje wejścia/wyjścia. Nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, aby pisać aplikacje konsolowe, które “rozmawiają” z użytkownikiem. Generalnie wszystko sprowadza się do jednego wiersza kodu, który pobiera wpisany przez użytkownika tekst, a następnie zwraca go na przykład do zmiennej.
In this tutorial, you are going to learn what a console is, and more importantly, how you can leverage it to learn JavaScript and DOM quickly.