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Authentication is required for virtually any type of web application. In this tutorial, I’d like to show you how you can go about creating a small authentication application using Laravel 4. We’ll start from the very beginning by creating our Laravel app using composer, creating the database, loading in the Twitter Bootstrap, creating a main layout, registering users, logging in and out, and protecting routes using filters. We’ve got a lot of code to cover, so let’s get started!
I have been busy trying to make a small website with a simple cms. It uses the twig for the layout.
I wanted the cms to have a login so after searching here and there, and after a bit off trial and error I came to a working system.
Although it works, I am not really sure if its a good approach or if there are any thins that can be better. Especially on the authenticate matter. Also I wonder if the authenticate function is necessary on the $app->put and $app->put routes.
Any thoughts on this code is appreciated.
Lately, there’s been quite a fuzz about lazy registration. It turns out that the less the user has to think, the higher the conversion rates are! What a thought! If everybody seems to have a Facebook profile, why not add a one-click user registration? I’ll show you how to do that today.
Beginning August 16th, Twitter will no longer support the basic authentication protocol for its platform. That means the only way to authenticate users will be through a Twitter application. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Twitter as your one-click authentication system