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Rate limiting an API is often required to ensure that clients do not abuse the available resources and that the API is reliably available when multiple clients are requesting data concurrently. Buckets can be created based on various parameters of an incoming request (eg. Authorization, IP address) to configure how requests are grouped for limiting.
Rate limiting functionality is already available in some proxies (eg. Nginx, HAProxy). However, they often use in-memory stores that make rate-limiting when running multiple proxies (e.g. for load balancing) unpredictable. Configuration for these limits also gets complex since it includes many actions such as routing, request/response re-writing, and rate-limiting.
Sphinx is not...
Sphinx is not focused on preventing Denial of Service (DoS) attacks or requests from malicious clients. The goal is to expose rate limiting information to clients and enforce balanced use by API clients.
Sphinx is not a request forwarding service. Sphinx only allows for very simplistic forwarding to a single host per instance of the rate limiter. Any advanced routing or request handling should be handled by a real proxy (eg. Nginx, HAProxy).
Sphinx is not an HTTPS terminator. This keeps the burden of configuring SSL certificates and security outside of Sphinx. Ideally, there is real load balancing and HTTPS termination before a request hits Sphinx.
If you are going to build an android application (it can be any other mobile platform or web too) that manages all the user data on a central database, REST API will be good architectural option to do the communication between the app and the server.
If you consider Evernote, Wunderlist apps, these apps can uninstalled at anytime and once we install them back and login, all our data will be restored. This is because all the data will stored in a cloud database and communication b/w app and database will be done using a REST API.
This tutorial gives enough knowledge about building a REST API for very beginners. As this tutorial seems lengthy, I had divided it into 2 parts. In the 1st part we learn fundamental concepts of REST and do the required setup. In the 2nd part building actual API (writing PHP & MySQL code) is covered.
The OpenWeatherMap service provides free weather data and forecast API suitable for any cartographic services like web and smartphones applications. Ideology is inspired by OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia that make information free and available for everybody. OpenWeatherMap provides wide range of weather data such as map with current weather, week forecast, precipitation, wind, clouds, data from weather Stations and many others. Weather data is received from global Meteorological broadcast services and more than 40 000 weather stations.
Ever thought about doing a Facebook+Twitter+Google mashup? How about integrating that with PayPal? Is setting up shipping options in your cart a pain? Adding different libraries form different sources add more complexity to your project and ends up to be hard to maintain. Eden simply a set of reusable components, that works with any PHP framework and CMS. Eden makes code logical and readable with dead simple syntax. Eden works with major players including:
Wysyłanie wiadomości SMS
W naszej ofercie dostępne są dwa typy wiadomości SMS - wysyłka wiadomości Eco oraz wiadomości Pro. Obie usługi umożliwiają masową wysyłkę wiadomości SMS i powiadomienia SMS, zawierających treści reklamowe, promocyjne lub informacyjne do milionów odbiorców w sieciach GSM, przy wykorzystaniu bazy numerów osób, które wcześniej wyraziły na to zgodę. Po wysłaniu dowolnej ilości SMS-ów system na bieżąco generuje raport z wysyłki uwzględniający numery oraz czasy doręczenia wysłanych wiadomości.
Google Web Fonts lets you browse all the fonts available via the Google Web Fonts API. All fonts in the directory are available for use on your website under an open source license and are served by Google servers.
Google Maps API jest świetne – bardzo proste, wręcz intuicyjne, rozszerzalne, a w dodatku nieźle udokumentowane. Po prostu świetna robota ze strony Google.
Trafiłem jednak ostatnio na nietypowy problem – tworzyłem stronkę dla firmy, której siedziba mieści się w dwóch odległych od siebie miastach. Nie chciałem tworzyć dwóch osobnych map dojazdowych – stworzyłem więc jedną z dwoma przyciskami wskazującymi na konkretne miasta. O tym jak umieścić kilka lokalizacji na jednej mapie Google Maps przeczytasz poniżej.
This is my fourth tutorial covering features of the Google Maps API v3. This time I will show you how to use the street view service. I have built an app for this tutorial, an interactive visit of Paris. You’ll be able to visit certain locations, walk through Paris or take virtual tours.
This is my third tutorial on the Google Maps API v3. I’m going to show you how to use some other google maps features by building an interactive travel map. Everyone will be able to add new locations on the map and view the locations added by others. We will also be using MySQL databases to store the values of different locations so let’s get started.
What google maps features you’ll learn?
* Adding a map to your site
* Adding controls for the map and settings the options for the controls
* Responding to events
* Adding markers, settings options for markers and dynamically changing marker settings
* Geocoding a location
* Creating tabbed infowindows (using jquery, jquery ui and some sample code from google code)
Najpopularniejszym serwisem dostarczającym mapy w Internecie jest Google Maps. Nie oznacza to, że konkurencja pogodziła się z porażką na tym polu. Jedną z ciekawszych alternatyw dla Google Maps jest Bing Maps. Oprócz API dostępnego w języku Javascript programiści mogą korzystać z Silverlighta oraz usług sieciowych. Co więcej, programiści PHP również mają możliwość korzystania z map Bing. Gdyby nie jeden drobny szkopuł, Google mogłoby poważnie obawiać się konkurencji ze strony Bing Maps. Niestety mapy w wydaniu Bing nie są zlokalizowane na polski rynek i wyszukanie adresu lub trasy dojazdu graniczy z cudem.
Let’s be honest…WordPress’ search functionality isn’t great. Let’s be more honest…no search functionality is better than Google’s. Luckily for us, Google provides an awesome method by which we can use their search for our own site: the Google AJAX Search API. Let me show you how to implement this awesome API within your own website!
Javascript author extraordinaire David Flanagan released Canto.js recently, a lightweight wrapper API for canvas, introduced here and documented at the top of the source code.
GAPI is now at version 1.3 - This version contains fixes for the handling of very large metric values represented in scientific notation. Thanks to austinrehab for raising this issue.
Development is complete on the Google Analytics filter control. You can now filter your results using a simple GAPI filter string, for example:
$filter = 'country == United States && browser == Firefox || browser == Chrome';
You can create simple query strings that represent the logic Google Analytics requires, but it is abstracted enough to be more readable and easier to work with.