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GoAccess' dashboard gives you an overview of server metrics by displaying summaries of different reports as panels on a single scrollable view.
Logstalgia is a website traffic visualization that replays or streams web-server access logs as a pong-like battle between the web server and an never ending torrent of requests.
Requests appear as colored balls (the same color as the host) which travel across the screen to arrive at the requested location. Successful requests are hit by the paddle while unsuccessful ones (eg 404 - File Not Found) are missed and pass through.
The paths of requests are summarized within the available space by identifying common path prefixes. Related paths are grouped together under headings. For instance, by default paths ending in png, gif or jpg are grouped under the heading Images. Paths that don’t match any of the specified groups are lumped together under a Miscellaneous section.
Imagine that you have just written a post on your blog, tweeted about it and watched it get retweeted by some popular Twitter users, sending hundreds of people to your blog at once. Your excitement at seeing so many visitors talk about your post turns to dismay as they start to tweet that your website is down — a database connection error is shown.
h5ai makes browsing directories on HTTP web servers more pleasant. Directory listings get styled in a modern way and browsing through the directories is enhanced by different views, a breadcrumb and a tree overview.
Jeżeli w swojej pracy bądź pasji tworząc nową aplikację trafiliście na konieczność współdziałania php z bazą mssql i do tego na serwerze opartym o debian/ubuntu na pewno trafiliście na problem braku sterownika do połączenia.
Aby móc połączyć naszą aplikację php z serwerem mssql konieczne będzie zainstalowanie i skonfigurowanie freetds.
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