32 private links
PHP Open Monitor is a Web-based network monitor written with PHP. It lets you specify the hosts and ports that you wish to monitor. It can notify you via email/ICQ each time some host/port goes.
Given two arrays, the function diff will return an array of the changes.
I won't describe the format of the array, but it will be obvious
if you use print_r() on the result of a diff on some test data.
htmlDiff is a wrapper for the diff command, it takes two strings and
returns the differences in HTML. The tags used are <ins> and <del>,
which can easily be styled with CSS.
Unbeknownst to me, sending text messages can be as easy as sendmail, because you can send your text to an email address and it will be delivered. There are two pieces of information you must know: the phone number and the carrier's text message email domain. Needing to know the recipient's carrier is not ideal, but necessary.
Today I read an article from Matthew Weier O'Phinney on Planet-PHP about Programming PHP with VIM. Since he want's to continue his series and I wrote a similiar text these days, I thought to post the text I wrote so far.
Maybe we can continue together to write a nice teaser to for PHP with VIM. It would be fine, to have one place (vim.org, php.net/docs ?) to collect all those nice helper scripts and plugins. The main benefit could be, that all the scripts can be installed together without overlapping key mappings.
So much for now, since I'm with my family to celebrate easter. Happy Easter to everybody celebrating it today!
A QR Code is a matrix code (or two-dimensional bar code) created by Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. The "QR" is derived from "Quick Response", as the creator intended the code to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed. QR Codes are common in Japan where they are currently the most popular type of two dimensional codes.
Qr Code is type of Barcode that you use on your website. This type of barcode you can read by mobile phones like iphone or all with Android system (youtube link with example of use : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IphTJHiKGos&feature=related ). Inside you can insert some informaction like link or text and this message we read by your phone. Normaly you to create this you can use google chart but the syntax use terrible this class create link for you in easy way you pass only some information and you get corect link fot google chart
New demo page wad add : demo was created for .net but funzionality is the same
As return give you link or image html tag that you can use on your page.
-Useful for any PHP website
-Cross-browser compatible
-simple to use (2 line of code)
-detailed documentation included
Welcome to Day 1 of Cheat Sheet Week. Today we are kicking off Cheat Sheet Week by posting our favorite PHP cheat sheets.
Having the right code snippet at the right time can definitely be a life saver for web developers. Today, I’ve compiled 10 really awesome PHP code snippets that will, I hope, be very helpful in your forthcomming developments.
Super simple page caching
Calculate distances in PHP
Convert seconds to time (years, months, days, hours…)
Force file download
Get current weather using Google API
Basic PHP whois
Get latitude and longitude from an adress
Get domain favicon using PHP and Google
Calculate Paypal fees
This code snippet checks if a page has been modified since it was last displayed. If so, it sends a "304 not modified" header and exits, otherwise the content is rendered. Prepend this snippet on top of every PHP file you want to apply this intelligent caching-mechanism. Especially useful if you (have to) serve static content via php and want it to be cached like ordinary HTML or CSS.
Charts and graphs are present on various types of sites in order to improve the user experience and show in a easier and more likeable way data for the visitors. These charts and graphs can be created using technologies like PHP, Flash, Javscript (jQuery, MooTools, Prototype) and CSS, but you don’t have to reinvent the wheel unless you have a lot of time at your disposal. What you can do is download and use these following charts and graphs made by ninja developers.
It’s been more than two years since I posted a simple tutorial on Thumbs Up Thumbs Down Voting with PHP, MySQL and jQuery. That post receives the second most page-views on this blog. People created voting scripts on it. More and more talks happened on its security. Some even mailed me. And admittedly, it was least secure. Refresh the page and vote again! But then again, it was just to show how things work and not meant for production at all.
We will learn how to create a dynamic ajax based shoutbox with jQuery from scratch. It will be very interesting to know how to use the ajax function of jQuery and how it can be used to insert and recover data from a MySQL database via PHP in a way asynchronous
Ostatnio wiele mówi się o bazach danych NoSQL (NotOnlySQL). Jako, że nie zauważyłem nic w polskim światku PHP na ten temat, stwierdziłem, że pora wypełnić tę lukę i zagłębić się w temat.
Chyba mam pewnego rodzaju uraz. Jeśli chodzi o dane to lubię je ostatecznie przechowywać w tablicy i w ten sposób się do nich odwoływać. Na szczęście PHP daje możliwość definiowania klas, których obiekty w pewnym ograniczonym stopniu będą zachowywać się jak tradycyjne tablice.
W tym wpisie postaram się przybliżyć w jaki sposób osiągnąć taką udawaną tablicę, oraz z jakimi ograniczeniami to się wiąże.
Most of us have a favorite PHP editor we use every time we feel like writing some code for our websites and applications.
However our favorite PHP editor may not always be available on other computers we use besides our own. In this post I’ve listed the best PHP editors you can use no matter where and no matter when. Choose your favorite!
The other day I needed to populate a database with some placeholder content. Doing this manually was out of the question so I decided I’d find a text generator, specifically a Lorem Ipsum generator. For anyone unaware, Lorem Ipsum is non-sense, placeholder text used in publishing and design. It allows the developer to see their work completely populated with text, without having to actually create the text. Obviously, for this purpose, any kind of text generator would work to some extent, but traditionally Lorem Ipsum is used.
To get to the point, I successfully located several web-based generators, but no stand-alone PHP class or function. To be honest, I didn’t look too hard and someone a little more determined not to write any code most likely would have found it, but I decided to create my own PHP Lorem Ipsum generator. Here is a rundown of some of the features in the current version: