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We have all experienced the limitations of the relational model and the operational burden of running a large fleet of databases. At PlanetScale, our vision is to build a database developers love without compromising on any of the database features required to run an application that can scale up as needed. To achieve this, we knew we needed a database engine with a track record of powering companies that deal with humongous amounts of data and traffic. That’s why we chose Vitess.
MyWebSQL is the ultimate desktop replacement for managing your MySQL databases over the web. With interface that works just like your favourite desktop applications, you don't need to keep switching over webpages to get simple things done. Just login to your database and manage your database as if your are working on your desktop!
Linux configuration, Automation, Security – Sysadmin/DevOps blog
Like many people, you store sensitive information in your database. And like some, your database server is on a different host from one or more of your webservers. How do you secure the necessary network connections?
The obvious answer is SSL/TLS. But that requires you to a) use a custom MySQL binary, and b) manage yet another set of certificates. And it requires setting extra parameters when connecting to the database in your code.
A less obvious answer is to use the ssh's built-in port forwarding to tunnel the connection. Here's how.
Note that the commands and scripts in this document assume that you are connecting to a MySQL database named "db" on remotehost.com, port 3306, using username "dbuser" and password "PASS". You will need to change these values to match your own setup.
Alternative #2: PDO – PHP Data Objects
The PDO extension supports twelve drivers, enabling it to connect to a variety of relational databases without the developer having to learn a number of different APIs. It does this by abstracting the database interaction calls behind a common interface, enabling the developer to utilize a consistent interface for different databases. This of course gives it a major advantage over both the MySQL and MySQLi extensions who are limited to only one database.
Last time I wrote about a few tips that can make you more efficient when using the command line on Unix. Today I want to focus more on pager.
The most common usage of pager is to set it to a Unix pager such as less. It can be very useful to view the result of a command spanning over many lines
MySQL Proxy transparently passes information between a client and a MySQL server. The proxy can audit the information flow in both directions and change it if necessary, which could be useful for protecting the MySQL server from malicious queries or for altering the information clients receive without actually making changes to the database. The proxy can also do load balancing between MySQL servers, and perform flow optimization by directing SELECT statements to read-only slave servers, which enhances MySQL scalability by allowing you to add more servers for read operations.
Dzisiejszy wpis ponownie będzie krótki i prosty, ponownie też podejmę temat zapytań SQL przydatnych w codziennej pracy programisty. Czym w takim razie się zajmiemy? Otóż, w związku z tym, że "czasem" musimy wykonać pewne instrukcje w zależności od istnienia bądź nieistnienia rekordów dodanych w konkretnym przedziale czasu (np. wczoraj, w ostatnim tygodniu), w tym wpisie chciałbym pokazać, jak to zrobić w prosty i przyjemny sposób. Zapraszam do lektury.
Daniel Nichter przedstawił na łamach InfoWorldu listę 10 opensource'owych narzędzi dla administratorów baz danych MySQL, które powinny im znacznie ułatwić życie. Przytaczamy poniżej tę interesującą listę – wielu z tych programów wcześniej nie znaliśmy.
The pg2mysql converter is an online tool to convert/migrate existing PostgreSQL databases into MySQL. Simply dumping from Postgres and importing to MySQL does not work because of differences in syntax and data types. To use this converter, just create a postgres SQL dump (pg_dump -U username -s dbname > dbname.sql), and copy and paste it into the text area below. Click the Convert to MySQL button and the page will re-load with your new MySQL code that you can copy out of the textarea into a text editor to save and import into your MySQL database.
We all know that working with phpMyAdmin can be tedious, because we are working on the browser and have to wait for every post back. Therefore, if we are working frequently with MySQL, we should have a desktop application as an alternative to working with phpMyAdmin. Whether you are developing a desktop software or a web based application, there is a pretty good chance you will consider MySQL for data storage. Due to its popularity and open source business model, numerous tools and utilities are available that will help you easily design and manage your MySQL databases. We at Admix Web have put together a list of really useful free tools and utilities for MySQL that can help you improve your productivity in the design and development world. I hope you find them useful!
Lately, there’s been quite a fuzz about lazy registration. It turns out that the less the user has to think, the higher the conversion rates are! What a thought! If everybody seems to have a Facebook profile, why not add a one-click user registration? I’ll show you how to do that today.