Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

January, 2016

GoAccess - Screenshots

GoAccess' dashboard gives you an overview of server metrics by displaying summaries of different reports as panels on a single scrollable view.

The Salary Calculator - Take-Home tax calculator

Wondering how much difference that pay rise would make? The April 2015 values have now been made available to show you the most up-to-date information. Use the Take-Home Salary Calculator to work out just how much more you will have each month:


Awesome PHP
A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Table of Contents

Awesome PHP
Dependency Management
Dependency Management Extras
Framework Extras
Micro Frameworks
Micro Framework Extras
Static Site Generators
Dependency Injection
Continuous Integration
Code Analysis
Debugging and Profiling
Build Tools
Task Runners
Asset Management
Date and Time
Command Line
Authentication and Authorization
Filtering and Validation
Data Structure and Storage
Internationalisation and Localisation
Third Party APIs
PHP Installation
Development Environment
Virtual Machines
Integrated Development Environment
Web Applications
PHP Websites
Other Websites
PHP Books
PHP Videos
PHP Reading
PHP Internals Reading

OpenShot Video Editor | Simple, powerful, and free video editor for Linux!

It's Showtime!
Enjoy this video which showcases many of OpenShot's features: 3D animation, curve-based camera motion, compositing, transitions, audio mixing, and vector titles.

OwnCloud 8 Released - Create Personal/Private Cloud Storage in Linux

Cloud storage stands for virtualised pool of network storage most commonly hosted by third parties. Cloud storage is a network-based service which physically do not exist but remains somewhere in the cloud. To be more clear, cloud storage means sharing data over network, rather than having local servers or personal device.

Cloud storage is all around us in our smart phones, on desktops and servers etc. The Dropbox application which is now available on smart phone is nothing but cloud storage application. Google Drive is another cloud storage application which lets you store and access your stored data from anywhere and anytime.

This article aims at – Building your personal cloud storage using ownCloud application. But what is the need of building personal cloud when there are third party hosting. Well all the third party hosting limits you to work with the given configuration and storage limit. With the ever expanding list of photos, videos, mp3’s of storage is not sufficient, moreover cloud storage is a relatively new concept and there are not many third party cloud storage host and the available one is too much costly.

ownCloud community has recently released their special release ownCloud 8. They have come up with incredible changes in terms of quality, performance and innovations to provide excellent cloud experience with “ownCloud“. If you are already working with its older version, you’ll definitely experience significant improvements in Document handling.

Logstalgia - a website access log visualization tool

Logstalgia is a website traffic visualization that replays or streams web-server access logs as a pong-like battle between the web server and an never ending torrent of requests.

Requests appear as colored balls (the same color as the host) which travel across the screen to arrive at the requested location. Successful requests are hit by the paddle while unsuccessful ones (eg 404 - File Not Found) are missed and pass through.

The paths of requests are summarized within the available space by identifying common path prefixes. Related paths are grouped together under headings. For instance, by default paths ending in png, gif or jpg are grouped under the heading Images. Paths that don’t match any of the specified groups are lumped together under a Miscellaneous section.

Defensive BASH programming - Say what?

Here is my Katas for creating BASH programs that work. Nothing is new here, but from my experience pepole like to abuse BASH, forget computer science and create a Big ball of mud from their programs.
Here I provide methods to defend your programs from braking, and keep the code tidy and clean.

How to Record Programs and Games Using 'Simple Screen Recorder' in Linux

One of the best ways to learn a particular subject is by explaining it to others. Needless to say, each time I write an article I am first also teaching the topic to myself and making sure I am conveying it in a way that will be easy to understand and follow. Doing screencasts is a magnificient way to accomplish this goal.

BleachBit - A Free Disk Space Cleaner and Privacy Guard for Linux Systems

When you are browsing the internet, installing and uninstalling software, it’s really possible that you leave traces everywhere. It may eat your hard disk space without you realize or in a browser world, your trace may consist of your private information. To anticipate this, there is a software which can delete all traces called Bleachbit.


Childsplay is a collection of educational activities for young children and runs on Windows, OSX, and Linux.
Childsplay can be used at home, kindergartens and pre-schools.
Childsplay is a fun and save way to let young children use the computer and at the same time teach them a little math, letters of the alphabeth, spelling, eye-hand coordination etc.
Childsplay is part of the project.

PHP Best Practices: a short, practical guide for common and confusing PHP tasks

PHP is a complex language that has suffered years of twists, bends, stretches, and hacks. It's highly inconsistent and sometimes buggy. Each version has its own unique features, warts, and quirks, and it's hard to keep track of what version has what problems. It's easy to see why it gets as much hate as it does sometimes.
Despite that, it's the most popular language on the web today. Because of its long history, you'll find lots of tutorials on how to do basic things like password hashing and database access. The problem is that out of five tutorials, you have a good chance of finding five totally different ways of doing something. Which way is the "right" way? Do any of the other ways have subtle bugs or gotchas? It's really hard to find out, and you'll be bouncing around the internet trying to pin down the right answer.
That's also one of the reasons why new PHP programmers are so frequently blamed for ugly, outdated, or insecure code. They can't help it if the first Google result was a four-year-old article teaching a five-year-old method!
This document tries to address that. It's an attempt to compile a set of basic instructions for what can be considered best practices for common and confusing issues and tasks in PHP. If a low-level task has multiple and confusing approaches in PHP, it belongs here.
What this is
It's a guide suggesting the best direction to take when facing one of the common low-level tasks a PHP programmer might encounter that are unclear because of the many options PHP might offer. For example: connecting to a database is a common task with a large amount of possible solutions in PHP, not all of them good ones—thus, it's included in this document.
It's a series of short, introductory solutions. Examples should get you up and running in a basic setting, and you should do your own research to flesh them out into something useful to you.
It points to what we consider the state-of-the-art of PHP. However, this means that if you're using an older version of PHP, some of the features required to pull off these solutions might not be available to you.
This is a living document that I'll do my best to keep updated as PHP continues to evolve.
What this isn't
This document is not a PHP tutorial. You should learn the basics and syntax of the language elsewhere.
It's not a guide to common web application problems like cookie storage, caching, coding style, documentation, and so on.
It's not a security guide. While it touches upon some security-related issues, you're expected to do your own research when it comes to securing your PHP apps. In particular, you should carefully review any solution proposed here before implementing it. Your code is your own fault.
It's not an advocate of a certain coding style, pattern, or framework.
It's not an advocate for a certain way of doing high-level tasks like user registration, login systems, etc. This document is strictly for low-level tasks that, because of PHP's long history, might be confusing or unclear.
It's not a be-all and end-all solution, nor is it the only solution. Some of the methods described below might not be what's best for your particular situation, and there are lots of different ways of achieving the same ends. In particular, high-load web apps might benefit from more esoteric solutions to some of these problems.