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July, 2014

Samples | Android Developers

Welcome to code samples for Android developers. Here you can browse sample code and learn how to build different components for your applications. Use the categories on the left to browse the available samples.

Each sample is a fully functioning Android app. You can browse the resources, source files and see the overall project structure. You can copy and paste the code you need, and if you want to share a link to a specific line you can double-click it to the get the url.

If you want to download a complete project, just click on any source file in the project and click the link in the upper right of the source page.

Favicon Generator - Generate Free Animated Favicon, Scrolling Text Favicon, Favicon.ico | Free Favicon Generator Tool

Favicon ie., favorites icon is also known as a website icon or page icon. This Favicon is associated with a particular website or webpage. Favicon denote that particular website or webpage. A web designer can create such an icon with FaviconGenerator.Org and use them as a brand or symbol which denotes their website. Browsers that support favicons display them in the browser's URL bar, next to the site's name and in lists of bookmarks ie., the favorite website collection menu in the browser.

Tunnelling MySQL Over SSH

Like many people, you store sensitive information in your database. And like some, your database server is on a different host from one or more of your webservers. How do you secure the necessary network connections?

The obvious answer is SSL/TLS. But that requires you to a) use a custom MySQL binary, and b) manage yet another set of certificates. And it requires setting extra parameters when connecting to the database in your code.

A less obvious answer is to use the ssh's built-in port forwarding to tunnel the connection. Here's how.

Note that the commands and scripts in this document assume that you are connecting to a MySQL database named "db" on, port 3306, using username "dbuser" and password "PASS". You will need to change these values to match your own setup.