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November, 2013

Basic Food Photography Tips - Photographytuts

In today’s age of the Instagram, almost everyone is a foodie – a term for people who loves documenting what they eat each meal. It is almost an automatic thing to take out one’s camera and take photos of the food served on the table.

It has come to a point wherein some food establishments have to put up a “no food photography” policy, because diners sometimes complains of too much camera flash originating from the next table.

High-speed photography ideas: how to capture water balloons as they explode | Digital Camera World

Using your flash and split-second timing to shoot high-speed photography of water balloons exploding can create spectacular results. In this tutorial we’ll show you step-by-step how to do it.

Car photography: how to create awesome speed without leaving first gear | Digital Camera World

Giving your car photography a sense of speed doesn’t have to be difficult or dangerous. In this easy-to-follow car photography tutorial we show you how to use a ‘bolt-on’ technique get dramatic photos with blurred backgrounds.

Awesome PHP Debuggers for Developers

PHP a well-known scripting language used for web development or we can say PHP is the most used scripting language in today’s web industry. Even most of popular CMSs are also developed and support PHP which makes PHP more popular as well. As the users increases respectively (to use PHP language for web development) there is need of PHP debuggers also increase. Because everyone wants that their code should be fine and error free. Debugger tool helps you in debugging errors in web applications and scripts by which makes innovative web development easy. In This post I have mentioned top 10 widely used PHP debuggers by developer, have a look –

Migrating from a Subversion repository to GitHub | Java Code Geeks

One of greatest attractions of GitHub is the community and the tooling that allows this community to share code. Each contributor can clone the repository, make their changes and then send you a pull request. As the project maintainer your job is now a whole lot easier and more manageable. No more patch files to worry about.

Follow the recipe bellow to move your SVN repo to Git.
Best of all, you get to keep the entire commit history of your project.

First Look at Thelia 2: Next Generation E-commerce? - SitePoint

Unless you’re from France, you may not yet have heard about Thelia, an e-commerce system that is getting some international attention, due in no small part to the buzzwords thrown around in the media material released for the launch of the beta version of Thelia 2 in late September.

The full version won’t be launched until the end of this year, but when an e-commerce system is described in terms of open source, Symfony, HTML5, Bootstrap, Propel, PHPUnit, Travis, Smarty and semantic microdata, it warrants some attention.

Push notifications from php to Android devices with Minibots Class | Barattalo

More than two years ago I wrote a post about sending push notifications from php to an iOS app called Pushme.To. That code, now, no longer works, and service no longer exists. Now I’m using an Android device and so, I’m going to show you how to send push notifications in a simple way to another app, for Android. The app is called Notify My Android and it’s free.

RHEL / CentOS 6.x KVM Virtualization Installation and Configuration Guide

How do I setup and manage a virtualized environment with Kernel based Virtual Machine (KVM) in CentOS or Red Hat Enterpise Linux version 6 server on IBM server? Can you provide step-by-step commands of how to install and manage Virtual Machines (VMs) on a physical server using KVM for RHEL/CentOS version 6.4?

Tutorial details
Difficulty Advanced (rss)
Root privileges Yes
Requirements VT enabled server
Estimated completion time 1h
KVM is part of RHEL and CentOS Linux. You can easily install the same using the following commands. Please note that only the package names have changed in RHEL/CentOS 6.x. If you are using RHEL / CentOS 5.x, read our previous CentOS / Redhat (RHEL) v.5.x KVM Virtulization guide for more information.

Obsługa płatności Bitcoin w PHP

Przygotowanie klienta Bitcoind do obsługi w PHP
Na początku musimy posiadać aktualną wersję Bitcoind, zsynchronizowaną i działającą. Polecam aktualną wersję z git-a, gdyż ma wiele usprawnień związanych z obciążeniem IO (dostępu do dysków). W konfiguracji Bitcoind musimy podać dane dostępowe, poprzez RPC (zdalne wywołanie) oraz zwiększyć liczbę keypoool (ilość początkowych adesów),  aby nie mieć problemów z dodawaniem nowych adresów.

The Dirty Tricks of Food Photographers | Photocritic

We’re having a bit of a food photography fest here on Photocritic today, what with it being International Food Photography Day. We’ve already put forth our best tips for capturing delicious food, but if you need a bit more help when it comes to styling, these are some of the dark, devious, and dirty tricks that you can use. You’ll never look at the photos in food magazine the same way again.

Bitcoins for free!

Bitcoiny za darmo - losowanie + możliwość powielenia wygranej w blackjack

How to set up web-based network traffic monitoring system on Linux - Linux FAQ

When you are tasked with monitoring network traffic on the local network, you can consider many different options to do it, depending on the scale/traffic of the local network, monitoring platforms/interface, types of backend database, etc.

ntopng is an open-source (GPLv3) network traffic analyzer which provides a web interface for real-time network traffic monitoring. It runs on multiple platforms including Linux and MacOS X. ntopng comes with a simple RMON-like agent with built-in web server capability, and uses Redis-backed key-value server to store time series statistics. You can install ntopng network traffic analyzer on any designated monitoring server connected to your network, and use a web browser to access real-time traffic reports available on the server.

Learn Photography: classic tips, tricks and tutorials

Learning photography isn’t a journey you should have to take alone. Below we’ve gathered some of our best photography tips, tricks and tutorials to help you learn photography fundamentals in all of the popular genres.

Laravel Cheat Sheet
Shooting raw format photos: 8 questions every beginner wants answered | Digital Camera World

Shooting raw format photos means fewer pictures on your card and more time spent editing your images. So why do nearly all pros do it? Below find answers to 8 common questions every beginner has about shooting raw format.

Beginner photography tips: the most common mistakes and how to avoid them | Digital Camera World

In our latest Shoot Like A Pro series we take an in-depth look at some of the most common problems that plague new photographers and explain some simple methods and jargon-free beginner photography tips for avoiding them.  This week we de-mystify your DSLR and look at some of the beginner photography mistakes with camera settings.

Moon Photography: 6 Tips for Better Moon Photos - dPS

The moon is something so familiar to us, and yet so strange that it’s mesmerizing. It’s at once commonplace and extraordinary. As photographers, we are drawn to it in an attempt to convey the intrigue we feel when we look at it.

Laravel 4 Real Time Chat — On Coding — Medium

Laravel 4 is a huge step forward for the PHP community. It’s beautifully written, full of features and the community is presently exploding. We’re going to use it to create a socket based, real time chat application.

Water reflection techniques: how to increase the impact of your landscapes | Digital Camera World

Nothing can bring your landscape photography to life more than a sharp, stunning water reflection. In this tutorial we explain how to photograph a reflection and suggest several key techniques and tips for finding suitable subjects.

countercomplex: Algorithmic symphonies from one line of code -- how and why?

Lately, there has been a lot of experimentation with very short programs that synthesize something that sounds like music. I now want to share some information and thoughts about these experiments.

First, some background. On 2011-09-26, I released the following video on Youtube, presenting seven programs and their musical output:

Daytime long exposure: photography tips for smoothing water and blurring skies | Digital Camera World

Daytime long exposure photography is the landscape cliche that just won’t quit. Love them or loathe them, long-exposure landscape shots are here to stay, and judging by the amount of slow-motion seascapes in particular that are emailed to us each week, it’s clear that many of you love creating them as much as we do.

OAuth Middleware for Slim | LornaJane

OAuth can be anything you want it to be, the standards are lax and give you plenty of room for getting the right implementation for your system. However you proceed, though, you'll need to check an access token on every request - and in a Slim application, a middeware can help enormously since it hooks in to every request by design. I've recently implemented this and thought I would share.

Beginner photography tips: common problems with focus and sharpness | Digital Camera World

In our latest Shoot Like A Pro series we take an in-depth look at some of the most common problems that plague new photographers and explain some simple methods and jargon-free beginner photography tips for avoiding them. This week we turn our attention to focusing and maintaining sharp images.

Authentication With Laravel 4 | Nettuts+

Authentication is required for virtually any type of web application. In this tutorial, I’d like to show you how you can go about creating a small authentication application using Laravel 4. We’ll start from the very beginning by creating our Laravel app using composer, creating the database, loading in the Twitter Bootstrap, creating a main layout, registering users, logging in and out, and protecting routes using filters. We’ve got a lot of code to cover, so let’s get started!

What is white balance? | Photocritic

You may have spotted the lightbulb, cloud, electricity and woodshed symbols on your camera’s screen or menus. You may have also ignored them as being yet another degree of complexity that you don’t need to know about.

Alternatively, you may have seen people on the Internet earnestly discussing colour temperature and swearing by all sorts of essential products that will guarantee perfect results, if you re-mortgage your house this one last time. And ignored it as another expense that you can probably do without.

Well that thing you’re ignoring is one of the most powerful ways of making your photos convey the scene you wanted to capture: white balance.

PHP developer intro - Bitcoin

Linux Apache MySQL PHP + Bitcoin tutorial.
For this introduction we assume that you have GNU/Linux server with Apache and PHP and that you wish to interact with the Bitcoin network from a web application. We assume some knowledge of Bitcoin and experience in PHP.
While this is written for PHP, the same principles apply for other languages. See the associated API reference pages for info on other languages.
The easiest way to get started is to run Bitcoin in daemon mode with which PHP communicates via local HTTP requests. A library called JSON-RPC is used to call the various functions of bitcoind, which will respond back with a JSON object.

Symfony2 – A High Performance PHP Framework | Classic Informatics Private Limited

What is Symfony2 Framework?
A set of bundles containing configuration and bridge classes
These glue the components together, giving the developer a consistent experience
Symfony 2 is a PHP Framework for web development
Symfony 2 is MVC
Symfony 2 is OOP
Symfony 2 is not Symfony 1 (>=PHP 5.3)
Symfony 2 is HTTP-centric
Symfony 2 is like bits of Rails and like bits of Java
Why Symfony2?
Based on project needs Symfony can be used as:
Full framework
Micro framework (single file apps)
Symfony Components (stand alone)
Symfony comes with tight integration with many open source projects like Monolog, Assetic, Doctrine, Propel.
Powerful and easy routing.
Very advanced and useful template engine TWIG

Best camera settings for taking pictures at twilight | Digital Camera World

Do you struggle with colour rendition and sharpness when shooting in low light? In this quick guide we run through some of the best camera settings for taking pictures at twilight.

CSS Button Generator
Must read and share: 10 foods that burn fat | the daily post

Are you planning to get rid of some extra fats from your body?...

Here are the 10 best fat burning foods 

  1. Oats : Its not only tastes great but also reduces your hunger. Oats contains fiber which helps and stabilizes the levels of cholesterol.

  2. Eggs : Eggs are the rich sources of proteins and low in calories. and it is good for fat burn. Eggs helps us to build the muscles and develops the good cholesterol.

  3. Apples : Apples are enriched with powerful antioxidants and other supplements. Most importantly it contains Pectin which helps to reduce the fat cells in the body.

  4. Green Chillies : Green chillies contains Capsaicin which helps to develop the body growth cells and burns the calories in quick time.

  5. Garlic : Garlic contains Allicin which has anti-bacterial properties helps us to reduce the fat and removes the bad cholesterol.

  6. Honey : Honey is the best one to burn fat. Add honey in warm water and take it daily in the early morning.

  7. Green Tea : Green Tea is the most effective one which helps you to lose weight. It contains Antioxidants which helps and stabilizes our body weight.Take daily 2 cups of tea for a better results.

  8. Tomatoes : Tomatoes helps us to burn the fat in quick time. It also helps us to stay away from cancer. So Take tomatoes in your diet regularly. Every time you eat a tomato, your body releases the hormone cholecystokinin, which stretches the valve between the stomach and intestine. This leads to increased satiety and helps you reduce your daily calorie intake. (Also good for the skin and helps prevent acne and wrinkles.)

  9. Dark Chocolate : Dark chocolate contains Flavonoids, anti-inflammatory properties which helps to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood. It boost the growth of serotonin in the blood and also burns the fat.

  10. Wheat Grass : It boosts our metabolism and helps to reduce the fat.

  • Cinnamon: Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon added to coffee or lunch, lowers the levels of blood sugar, reduces insulin secretion and helps your body burn fat instead of storing it. Additionally, cinnamon is a natural sweetener and by using it to replace sugar you can reduce your daily caloric intake. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to your milk or foods to help your metabolism process the sugars found in foods.
    Side note - I have tried adding cinnamon to my coffee... im not a fan! I have added it to my oats in the morning though along with sweetner, its not bad!
Building a Web App With Symfony 2: Development - SitePoint

In Part 1, I have shown you how to set up Symfony 2 and link up the database. We also covered some fundamental concepts of the framework. In this part, we will link things up by creating routes, controllers, entities/repositories, and views to get the site up and running.

TinyMCE i wklejanie tekstu z edytora tekstowego | - blog programisty i web developera

Osobiście nie przepadam za wszelkiej maści edytorami wizualnymi (WYSIWYG). Uważam, że więcej z nimi problemów niż korzyści. No ale wiadomo, klienta zdanie web developera za bardzo nie interesuje i chce po prostu dodawać treść tak samo łatwo jak w Wordzie. Co w takiej sytuacji zrobić?

W ostatnim czasie pozytywnie zaskoczył mnie TinyMCE 4. Można go praktycznie w dowolny sposób dostosować – od wyboru funkcji na pasku narzędzi po stworzenie styli dostosowanych do potrzeb klienta. Dodatkowo możemy wewnątrz edytora dostosować CSS tak, by treść wyglądała praktycznie tak jak na docelowej podstronie. Inną bardzo przydatną rzeczą jest możliwość usunięcia wszelkich „śmieci” z tekstu wklejanego prosto z edytora tekstu.

Beginner photography tips: common mistakes with exposure and colour | Digital Camera World

In our latest Shoot Like A Pro series we take an in-depth look at some of the most common problems that plague new photographers and explain some simple methods and jargon-free beginner photography tips for avoiding them. This week we turn our attention to exposure and colour, and investigate some of the reasons why your pictures might not look the way you want them to.

Is this a good Slim + Twig authenticate application? / Questions / Discussion Area - Slim Framework for PHP 5 Support


I have been busy trying to make a small website with a simple cms. It uses the twig for the layout.

I wanted the cms to have a login so after searching here and there, and after a bit off trial and error I came to a working system.
Although it works, I am not really sure if its a good approach or if there are any thins that can be better. Especially on the authenticate matter. Also I wonder if the authenticate function is necessary on the $app->put and $app->put routes.

Any thoughts on this code is appreciated.

High contrast photography: how to expose a forest scene in strong light | Digital Camera World

Venturing into the woods to capture the first light streaming through the canopy is one of the special moments in photography. There’s a true feeling of satisfaction in shooting forest photography, particularly on bright autumn mornings, but it also presents its share of challenges – namely, how to get a good exposure. In this tutorial we explain how to set up your camera to shoot high-contrast photography, and then edit your bracketed exposures on the computer.

Moving from subversion to git with gitolite »

The following notes provide details on the conversion of several repositories from subversion to git making use of two tools to help with the process:

gitolite which provides a framework to help managing a central git repository. From
svn2git to convert existing repositories from subversion to git. From:
This is the second time I performed such conversions and it was a lot easier the second time around due to greater familiarity with git and the tools being used to perform the conversion. These notes should make it even easier the next time I need to do this.

Responsive Website Using BootStrap | HTML5 and CSS3 Tutorials at Script Tutorials

If you have not used BootStrap so far, or more than that – have not heard about it – I would recommend you take a closer look to this framework. The fact is that this is really a great choice for those who appreciate the convenience and speed of website development. Today I will tell you about how to create a responsive template using BootStrap 3, which will include elements such as: two navigational menus, slider, promo block, a variety of content blocks, various form elements and footer. One more important moment – in this template, we do not use images, it means that our result is focused on speed.

Laravel 4 Multisites — On Coding — Medium

Laravel 4 is a huge step forward for the PHP community. It’s beautifully written, full of features and the community is presently exploding. Today we’re going to explore how to build multisite applications with it.

How to install and configure Cacti on Linux - Linux FAQ

Any system admin working in a service provider network would certainly agree that Cacti is one of the most widely used tools in network management solutions. It is open source, has built in user authentications and user permission features, shipped with frequently used graph templates like bandwidth, 95th percentile, hard disk usage, CPU usage, load average, RAM statistics and many more. Cacti also supports 3rd party templates and plugins. If those are not enough, one can write and use one’s own templates, and that is the beauty of open source software.

RegExper: Regular Expressions Explained - SitePoint

Those with several years development expertise will realize it’s a regular expression. But even the most astute guru will take a few moments to determine that it checks the validity of an email address. Only a superior subset of that group will comprehend that it’s fairly superficial and won’t check all possibilities.

Regular expressions are extremely powerful search patterns which can be used for string matching and replacement. They’re supported in the majority of languages including JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Java, C#, Python and Ruby.

Individual rules are normally straight-forward, e.g. [a-z] matches a single lowercase character and c.t matches a three letter string starting with ‘c’ and ending with ‘t’ — such as ‘cat’. However, when rules are combined, an indecipherable string of seemingly random codes starts to appear. The one above is relatively simple compared to many you’ll find in the wild.

Creating your own regular expressions is difficult enough and many of us resort to using the force. But it’s easy compared to parsing someone else’s code — which is normally written by someone who has an irrational aversion to comments!

Fortunately, Jeff Avallone has created a solution to your regex woes. RegExper transforms meaningless JavaScript-based expressions into a graphical representation:

How to Optimize Photos for Search Engines - Digital Photography School

When I first started in journalism a few lifetimes and two careers ago, a writer had three things to worry about: writing a solid story, getting it in on time, and keeping your editor happy. That was basically it. Today, that list of concerns has grown to include things like keywords, meta tags, headings, titles, internal links, externals links, and– of course– images. It’s almost enough to make someone who typed NBC news copy in the early 80s on a manual typewriter shake his head and abandon all hope of reaching any kind of audience.

10 Lesser Known Commands for Linux – Part 3

Overwhelmed with the response of last two articles of “Lesser Known Linux Article” series namely.

Taming Slim 2.0 | Nettuts+

Slim is a lightweight framework that packs a lot of punch for its tiny footprint. It has an incredible routing system, and offers a solid base to work from without getting in your way. Let me show you!
But that’s not to say that Slim doesn’t has some issues; it’s one-file setup becomes cluttered as your application grows. In this article, we’ll review how to structure a Slim application to not only sustain, but improve its functionality and keep things neat and systematic.

10 Must-Have Bootstrap Tools and Generators For Web Developers | PSDtoHTMLHINT

With each transitory day, we perceive a lot of fresh websites being presented to the online world and this is precisely why rivalry is getting harder. If you wish to endorse your products fruitfully, you must combat for it as online visitors have a huge selection to choose from. Well the worthy thing is that a lot of tools are being presented and used by web proprietors and this evidently makes the competition a healthy one. At the end of the day, your goal should be to earn profit and apparently develop a long-standing steadiness so that your business can grow more.

If you are developer, you must be attentive of the bootstrap. If you familiarize it to your website, your website’s reputation will acquire a boost for sure. Why? Since Bootstrap has a responsive framework which is way too significant in keeping sites apparent.

Bootstrap tools and generators have a lot of benefits and they can assuredly aid any developer a lot. Add-ons, per-styled modules of library and a lot other features are a highpoint for Bootstrap. So, if you are considering for minor and great things to make your website appear overwhelming, you should make use of the Bootstrap tools and generators. Today, we are presenting some of the best bootstrap tools and generators for web developers. Majority of these listed tools are designed based upon the expert’s requirements.

Selling Downloads with Stripe and Laravel - SitePoint

Digital goods are an increasingly valuable commodity. Whether you're a designer selling templates or font files, a developer charging for packages of code or a musician selling MP3s, selling digital goods online is often far easier than physical goods – with much lower production costs and no delivery charges.

In this article I'll show how you can implement a simple store selling digital goods using PHP along with Stripe, a payment provider who aims to make it easier than ever to take online payments since you don't need to set up special merchant accounts or deal with complex payment gateways.

Tilt-shift photography: how to use 1 lens for 6 very different effects | Digital Camera World

Tilt-shift photography is commonly misconstrued solely as producing miniature effects in your images. But tilt-shift photography is much more than producing toy towns. In this tutorial we show you six vastly different effects you can produce with the same tilt-shift lens.

Understanding Google’s Penguin Updates & How It Affects You

One of the biggest talking points among SEO consultants has to be Google’s constant barrage of animal updates. Among these, its Penguin updates have arguably had the most impact on the industry. Since it first waddled into view in April 2012, the Penguin updates have completely changed the SEO landscape. It has made link-building, so important to SEO, more complex.

Must-Have Social Media Meta Tag Templates for Improved Sharing and SEO - Moz

At Moz, we strive to include social media metadata in all new pieces of content that we publish. This allows us to optimize for sharing Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinerest by defining exactly how titles, descriptions, images and more appear in social streams.

Think of it as conversion rate optimization for social exposure.

Radary: anuluj sobie mandat! - |

analizę prawną praktyki służb drogowych takich jak Główny Inspektorat Transportu Drogowego, Straż Miejska i Straż Gminna dotyczącą karania za wykroczenia drogowe ujawnione za pomocą stałych rejestratorów (radarów), za niewłaściwe parkowanie ujawnione przez funkcjonariuszy pod nieobecność kierowcy w samochodzie, oraz za wykroczenie polegające na odmowie wskazania przez właściciela pojazdu sprawcy wykroczenia.