Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

September, 2013

How to Use Tumblr for SEO and Social Media Marketing - Moz
PHP DebugBar

The DebugBar integrates easily in any projects and can display profiling data from any part of your application. It comes built-in with data collectors for standard PHP features and popular projects.

Laravel 4 Deployment — On Coding — Medium

Laravel 4 is a huge step forward for the PHP community. It’s beautifully written, full of features and the community is presently exploding. It’s with this in mind that I would like to show how to deploy Laravel 4 applications, using Artisan.

Best Free jQuery Form Plugins to Improve User Experience - Treehouse Blog

Webpage forms are quite commonplace for a number of different purposes. Some examples include user registration, e-commerce checkouts, profile settings, or even contact forms. Input fields are much easier to style with modern CSS3 techniques – but what about improving the overall user experience?

In this post I want to showcase a number of free open source jQuery plugins to help developers create easier web forms. Visitors want to fill out forms quickly and without much hesitation. You don’t want too many flashy page elements distracting from the task at hand. Think of these additional features more like guidelines to help users fill out forms concerning unique or unfamiliar content.