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April, 2013

The funny side of Linux command line - MyLinuxBook | MyLinuxBook

Have you ever seen a train running on Linux command line? Have you ever seen ‘Tom and Jerry’ on Linux command line? Well, working on Linux command line is not that serious always. There lies a fun factor too. Here in this space, we shall discuss the idiosyncrasies of Linux command line.

Assumption: Ubuntu Linux is used for all the examples in this article. The command line utilities described in this article may or may not be present by default on your Linux system.

Git Basics | Atlassian Git Tutorial

The Git Basics tutorial provides a succinct overview of the most important Git commands. First, the Setting Up a Repository section explains all of the tools you need to start a new version-controlled project. Then, the remaining sections introduce your everyday Git commands.

By the end of this module, you should be able to create a Git repository, record snapshots of your project for safekeeping, and view your project's history.

10 Wireframing and Prototyping Tools for 2013 - Designmodo

Creating a website or application is not limited to deciding what to put on the homepage or what photos to use to match the site’s subject. Visual designs are necessary to attract searchers and be user friendly. Therefore, project developers must first be able to visualize a good output and see how it could get the interest of people. Well, this requires lots of creativity and project managers, web designers, and developers need wireframing and prototyping tools to put up their proposed sitemaps and application flow.

Since it is already 2013, what are the latest prototyping and wireframing tools that can help designers and developers take their workflows and designs to the next level? Of course, technology does not stop advancing so there are really a lot of new tools out there – and here are some of them:

Rainbow - Javascript Code Syntax Highlighting

Rainbow is a code syntax highlighting library written in Javascript.
It was designed to be lightweight (1.4kb), easy to use, and extendable.
It is completely themable via CSS.

15 Free Wireframing Tools for Visualizing Ideas

Wireframing tools are commonly used by many designers, developers and project managers to visualize application flow and sitemaps. While it is hard for a team or clients to understand the written description of the look and feel of the website or application,wireframing tools make it easy for the team and the clients to imagine what the structure of the website or application should look like.

The prototyping process should be fast and does not take away much time from the project, because it can be edited and modified many times until reaching the final project structure. Therefore, many designers and developers look for free wireframing tools and online mockup tools to be able to create a project wireframe quickly and share it with the client or the rest of the team.

Here, you can find 15 free wireframing tools for visualizing ideas and project structures. Some of these tools are totally free, while others provide a trial or limited version of the paid one. You can review these wireframe tools and share with us your feedback and ideas. If you know other wireframe and mockup tools, share it with us in the comments below.

Tuts+ Premium Course: What’s New in Laravel 4

The coding world moves pretty fast. Since my last coverage of Laravel, Laravel Essentials, much has changed for the better. While plenty of that course still applies, a variety of adjustments and additions have been made to the framework. This course will get you up to speed on those changes as quickly as possible.

Google Developers - YouTube
Tiny, opensource, Bootstrap WYSIWYG rich text editor from MindMup

This tiny (5KB, < 200 lines) JQuery Bootstrap plugin turns any DIV into a WYSIWYG rich-content editor, inspired by CLEditor and bootstrap-wysihtml5. Here are the key features:

Automatically binds standard hotkeys for common operations on Mac and Windows
Drag and drop files to insert images, support image upload (also taking photos on mobile devices)
Voice dictation input (only in Chrome)
Allows a custom built toolbar, no magic markup generators, enabling the web site to use all the goodness of Bootstrap, FortAwesome and so on...
Does not force any styling - it's all up to you
Uses standard browser features, no magic non-standard code, toolbar and keyboard configurable to execute any supported browser command
Does not create a separate frame, backup text areas etc - instead keeps it simple and runs everything inline in a DIV
(Optionally) cleans up trailing whitespace and empty divs and spans
Requires a modern browser (tested in Chrome 26, Firefox 19, Safari 6)
Supports mobile devices (tested on IOS 6 Ipad/Iphone and Android 4.1.1 Chrome)