Monthly Shaarli

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February, 2013

Threesixty-slider by creativeaura

Three Sixty Image slider plugin
This is a jQuery plugin to create 360 degree product image slider. The plugin is full customizable with number of options provided. The plugin have the power to display images in any angle 360 degrees. This feature can be used successfully in many use cases e.g. on an e-commerce site to help customers look products in detail, from any angle they desire.

Travel Pal - zestaw podróżny 3w1 ładowarka, latarka, alarm dźwiękowy cena 124.99 PLN

3w1: ładowarka, latarka LED oraz alarm dźwiękowy. Wszystkie funkcje w 1 urządzeniu zasilanym solarnie, przez USB i na dynamo!

Gitalist - a modern git web viewer


A web git viewer for your git repository (local or server)


Multiple repository support
Multiple branch support
Commit comparisons
Atom feeds
Color coded commit history
Gitweb.cgi URL compatibility

Good enough to use, but with some rough edges

PHP Master | Avoid the Original MySQL Extension, Part 2

Alternative #2: PDO – PHP Data Objects
The PDO extension supports twelve drivers, enabling it to connect to a variety of relational databases without the developer having to learn a number of different APIs. It does this by abstracting the database interaction calls behind a common interface, enabling the developer to utilize a consistent interface for different databases. This of course gives it a major advantage over both the MySQL and MySQLi extensions who are limited to only one database.

BC-002 ~ BikeCharge Dynamo
My favourite programming quotes | Java Code Geeks
GITLAB: Self Hosted Git Management Application

Self hosted Git management software

A fast, secure and stable solution based on Rails & Gitolite.
Free and open-source Distributed under the MIT License.

SEO check site

Fajna stronka do sprawdzania ogólnie jakości witrynby pod kątem SEO

h5ai · a modern HTTP web server index for Apache httpd, lighttpd, nginx and Cherokee ·

h5ai makes browsing directories on HTTP web servers more pleasant. Directory listings get styled in a modern way and browsing through the directories is enhanced by different views, a breadcrumb and a tree overview.

10 Wireframing Tools for Increased Productivity

We live in an age where time flies by and therefore we can’t handle each and every aspect of our daily lives at our comfort and convenience. We are sure you are familiar with the concept of time is money and that stands correct in every single line of work. If you are a designer you will know how valuable time is because the more you have the more you earn. Of course, there is absolutely no possible way for you to increase the time you have, but thankfully there are tools that can increase your productivity and efficiency. An increase in efficiency of course means less wastage of time hence earning you more money.

How you can be more efficient is by using certain tools that help you along the development. This particular list is exactly about such tools. Wireframing and UI concept prototypes come in very handy if you are a designer. While, most ways would have you wasting time, there are tools that you can use to speed up the process. In order to save you more time, we came up with a list of ten wireframing tools for increased productivity. We hope you enjoy the read.