Monthly Shaarli

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June, 2012

mssql i freetds w ubuntu lub debian | Leader's Mind Dev Blog

Jeżeli w swojej pracy bądź pasji tworząc nową aplikację trafiliście na konieczność współdziałania php z bazą mssql i do tego na serwerze opartym o debian/ubuntu na pewno trafiliście na problem braku sterownika do połączenia.

Aby móc połączyć naszą aplikację php z serwerem mssql konieczne będzie zainstalowanie i skonfigurowanie freetds.
Można zrobić to w kilku szybkich krokach – oto one:

Animated JavaScript Slideshow – 5KB - Web Development Blog

This dynamic JavaScript slideshow is feature packed and under 5KB. It is the long awaited update to my previous script here. A few new features include description support, link support, no naming restrictions, portrait image support, graceful degradation and active thumbnail status. This script was built ground-up and will soon be included at scriptiny where all my scripts will be added as they are updated, debugged and incorporated in the new TINY namespace. I will also document the scripts more thoroughly and publish multiple examples. I will continue to publish scripts there and support as I have time via the new community forum. I will try and post more frequently here on a wide range of web development related topics