Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

February, 2012

Android Sounds - Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. Android Sound and Media
    1.1. Overview
    1.2. Prerequisites
  2. Example for SoundPool
  3. Thank you
  4. Questions and Discussion
  5. Links and Literature
    5.1. Source Code
    5.2. Android Resources
    5.3. vogella Resources
Android Programming

Android Development Tutorial
Android ListView and ListActivity - Tutorial
Android Intents - Tutorial
Android SQLite Database and ContentProvider - Tutorial
Android Service and BroadcastReceiver Tutorial
Android Live Wallpaper - Tutorial
JSON in Android - Tutorial
Android Notifications - Tutorial
Android Threads, Handlers and AsyncTask - Tutorial
Android Homescreen Widgets- Tutorial
Android HTTP Access - Tutorial
Android XML - Tutorial
Android Dialogs
Android Drag and Drop Tutorial

Using PhoneStateListener to listen to state change in Android

My previous article explains how to use the TelephonyManager. One of the important functionality of TelephonyManager is listening to different phone state events. The method listen(PhoneStateListener listener, int events) is used to add a phone state listener. The first parameter is the PhoneStateListener class and the second parameter is the int value contains various phone state to listen. We can listen for following events:

Android Service and BroadcastReceiver Tutorial

Developing services with Android Gingerbread and Eclipse

This tutorial describes how to create and consume Android services. It is based on Eclipse 3.6, Java 1.6 and Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich).

Activities | Android Developers

An Activity is an application component that provides a screen with which users can interact in order to do something, such as dial the phone, take a photo, send an email, or view a map. Each activity is given a window in which to draw its user interface. The window typically fills the screen, but may be smaller than the screen and float on top of other windows.

Tutorial For Android: Get Phone State When Someone is calling using BroadcastReceiver Example

In this article we shall try to listen to the phone state when contacts are calling us.

First of all we need to set our Manifest file to listen to the Phone State, to do that we need to edit our it.

libvirt: Wiki: Tips
DAZ 3D - 3D Software, 3D Models, and 3D Content by DAZ 3D
Android Development Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. What is Android?
    1.1. Android Operation System
    1.2. Security and permissions
  2. Android components
    2.1. Activity
    2.2. Views and ViewGroups
    2.3. Intents
    2.4. Services
    2.5. ContentProvider
    2.6. BroadcastReceiver
    2.7. (HomeScreen) Widgets
    2.8. Other
  3. Android Development Tools
    3.1. What are the Android Development Tools?
    3.2. Dalvik Virtual Machine
    3.3. How to develop Android Applications
  4. Android Application Architecture
    4.1. AndroidManifest.xml
    4.2. and Resources
    4.3. Assets
    4.4. Reference to resources in XML files
    4.5. Activities and Layouts
    4.6. Activities and Lifecycle
    4.7. Context
  5. Installation
    5.1. Pre-requisites for using a 64bit Linux
    5.2. Eclipse and automatic Android SDK
    5.3. Manually install Android SDK
    5.4. Install a specific Android version
    5.5. Android Source Code
  6. Android virtual device - Emulator
    6.1. What is the Android Emulator?
    6.2. Google vrs. Android AVD
    6.3. Emulator Shortcuts
    6.4. Performance
    6.5. Hardware button
  7. Tutorial: Create and run Android Virtual Device
  8. Error handling and typical problems
    8.1. Clean Project
    8.2. Problems with Android Debug Bridge (adb)
    8.3. LogCat
    8.4. Emulator does not start
    8.5. Error message for @override
    8.6. Missing Imports
    8.7. Eclipse Tips
  9. Your first Android project
    9.1. Create Project
    9.2. Two faces of things
    9.3. Create attributes
    9.4. Add UI Elements
    9.5. Edit UI properties
    9.6. Code your application
    9.7. Start Project
  10. Starting an deployed application
  11. Menus and Action Bar
    11.1. Definition of menu entries
    11.2. Action bar tabs
    11.3. Context menus
  12. Tutorial: Menus and Action Bar
    12.1. Project
    12.2. Add a menu XML resource
  13. Preferences
  14. Tutorial: Preferences
    14.1. Using preferences
    14.2. Run
  15. Layout Manager and ViewGroups
    15.1. Available Layout Manager
    15.2. LinearLayout
    15.3. RelativeLayout
    15.4. GridLayout
  16. ScrollView
  17. Fragments
    17.1. Overview
    17.2. When to use Fragments
  18. Fragments Tutorial
    18.1. Overview
    18.2. Create project
    18.3. Create layouts for landscape mode
    18.4. Create Fragment classes
    18.5. Create layouts for landscape mode
    18.6. Activities
    18.7. Run
  19. DDMS perspective and important views
    19.1. DDMS - Dalvik Debug Monitor Server
    19.2. LogCat View
    19.3. File explorer
  20. Shell
    20.1. Android Debugging Bridge - Shell
    20.2. Uninstall an application via adb
    20.3. Emulator Console via telnet
  21. Deploy your application on a real device
  22. Thank you
  23. Questions and Discussion
  24. Links and Literature
    24.1. Source Code
    24.2. Android Resources
    24.3. vogella Resources