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November, 2011

Web IDE EAP - Web IDE - Confluence

Early Access Program for JetBrains WebStorm & PhpStorm

WebStorm & PhpStorm are two IDE's for web developers.
Read more about PhpStorm & WebStorm features, stable releases, purchase options or download the latest EAP here.

Piwigo is an open source photo gallery software for the web |

Host and share your photos with Piwigo

Piwigo is a photo gallery software for the web, built by an active community of users and developers.

Extensions make Piwigo easily customizable. Icing on the cake, Piwigo is free and opensource.

Open source anti-theft solution for Mac, PCs & Phones – Prey

Silent but deadly

Basically you install a tiny agent in your PC or phone, which silently waits for a remote signal to wake up and work its magic.

This signal is sent either from the Internet or through an SMS message, and allows you to gather information regarding the device's location, hardware and network status, and optionally trigger specific actions on it

Jak zacząć sprzedaż fotografii w bankach zdjęć? | Banki Zdjęć - zarabianie na zdjęciach - microstock - giełdy zdjęć - zdjęcia reklamowe - sprzedaż zdjęć - zarabianie w Internecie

Sprzedaż zdjęć w Internecie, temu zagadnieniu poświęcimy kilka następnych akapitów. Jeśli nie miałeś wcześniej styczności z bibliotekami zdjęć i chciałbyś sprawdzić czy będziesz w stanie sprzedawać zdjęcia w serwisach microstock, to zapraszam Cię do lektury naszego poradnika.
Czym są banki zdjęć? Jak sprzedać swoje zdjęcia przez Internet?

Wannatrak | Free Science & Engineering software downloads at

Open Source GPS Tracking System. It allows to use mobile phones with J2ME support as mobile trackers and see its tracks on Google Maps online. There is a web RESTful API for GPS data input. See details on

Gallery 3 User Contributed Modules and Themes

Modules are used to extend or change core G3 behavior. There are two types of modules with in Gallery3:

Core: modules required in order to function properly.
Contributed: modules that extend the functionality of the basic gallery3 product. 

The real difference between the two types is who supports and is responsible for them.

The core team is responsible for maintaining core and optional modules. There are coding and documentation standards that must be met for general release. Changes to the core modules have a stringent review process in place to insure that any changes provide a high quality product with know impact of current and future installations.

For Contributed modules, the community is responsible for the maintenance of these modules. This is not to say a core team member may develop and assist in the enhancing a contributed module, but they are not part of the core product. The core team does not require or enforce standards and using the review process is optional. These are truly a case of use at your own risk.

This listing does not include modules and/or themes that are only available via the Gallery 3 forums and which don't have a corresponding codex page.