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November, 2010

16 Free Javascript Code Syntax Highlighters For Better Programming

If you are programmer or actually if you at least have some basic coding skills, you’ll find this article useful. For example just look at this page source – without highlighting that whole code is just a bunch of plain black text and it is really hard to find specific things if everything looks the same. Thankfully there are many highlighting scripts available, for example Notepad++ also supports and highlights different code snippets. These code syntax highlighters actually are doing mainly the same thing, but with more options, big coding language support, better integration – really in our days you just need to choose one – there are too many tools available anyway.

40 AJAX Professional Solutions - PART 1 | Top Design Magazine - Web Design and Digital Content

Because is very useful and powerful, it is considered as a standard approach to design modern web-applications.Using Ajax you can develop interactive solutions for lightboxes, form validation, search, tooltips, navigation and tables. Always keep in mind its drawback in terms of usability and accessibility. Extensive Ajax means that you can easily confuse your visitors giving them to much control and features.

100 Spectacular Examples Of 3D Abstract Art

Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. Abstract Art always attracts the design lovers and just imagine If the abstract art and 3D art come together in a graphic design. Nothing can be more beautiful than A Abstract 3D art graphic. Today in this article I collected a huge list of beautiful 3D abstract art. Enjoy!

The difference between good SEO and bad SEO

Nowadays more and more people are using the internet to develop their business. Using the internet you can create and gradually evolve your website to let the people know about your business. However, in order to run a successful and profitable business, you need to increase traffic to your website. In order to do this you need to take help of search engine optimization or SEO. SEO is the technical side of marketing on the World Wide Web.

Top 20 Sites to Download Free Website Templates | CreativeFan

Do you like freebies as much as I do? Then read on and you’ll learn where to find free website templates that any designer, webmaster and blogger would be proud to have.

Well, here is a showcase of websites that offer free web templates. Just in case you don’t know, a website template is a web design that allows you to build a website or a blog. Besides, website templates are easy to edit and customize. Don’t you agree it takes less time and efforts to replace the default content with a custom one than create a brand new design?

As for the free website templates, you can download them right away. Thus, you can have your website up and running in a matter of hours and you won’t have to pay for the design. Now you know what free website templates are and it’s time to visit the top websites offering this kind of freebies.

50 Images from National Geographic`s 2010 Photo Contest | Top Design Magazine - Web Design and Digital Content

This is one of the most anticipated annual photo contests. The deadline for the submissions is on November 30th so if you have an interesting photo, submit it. Below you can see 50 images collected from different categories.

70 Jaw Dropping Examples Of Surreal Photography

Surreal Photography- As the name says, surreal photography is all about unleashing your dreams, pushing the limits of your imagination, giving creativity a new meaning and bringing it out through the medium of photography. This article is a showcase of jaw dropping Surreal Photographs. Enjoy!

Awesome Vintage Tech Ads | UNEASYsilence

You can laugh now, but some years ago you were getting a very nice deal by buying a $3398 10MB hard drive.

30 Awesome Ajax Lightbox and Modal Dialog Solutions

Modal Dialog and Lightbox are Ajax solutions for displaying the content inside the browser without reloading the whole page. Lightboxes overcome the use of the pop up window to suit on the modern browsers and it is being used everywhere these days. It is widely used for displaying of media files, webpages , messages, forms etc in a nice looking overlay.

In this post, I’ll be featuring 30 awesome lightbox and modal dialog boxes that you can use on you web applications.

Newbie [] :: Gambas 2 - szybko prosto i przyjemnie

Środowisko programistyczne Gambas 2 pozwala na zapoznanie się z programowaniem w języku ? No właśnie – jest to swego rodzaju visual basic dla linuksa. Wszyscy którzy już zetknęli się z visual basic – poczują się w Gambas 2 jak „U siebie w domu”. Gwoli sprawiedliwości jedno trzeba przyznać, że nie wszystko jest tak samo jak w visual basic to jednak nawet poczatkujący programista nie powinien mieć żadnego problemu z opanowaniem tego przyjaznego środowiska programistycznego.

mth.House Internetradio - Germany's NR1 in House Music
50 Awesome Retro Wallpapers | Top Design Magazine - Web Design and Digital Content

Don`t you miss the good old days? The days when there were no social networks, mobile phones were still just a concept or when freedom of expression was much higher. Let’s celebrate those times with a special set of 50 beautiful retro wallpapers.

80+ Creative & Unique Business Cards

If you are looking for an unique way to brand your business card, then you’ve got to check this post. I’ve collected over 80 creative and unique business cards from different types of business. Some of them are visually appealling, some have fancy die cut, some are edible, and some are just crazy. The examples in this post proves that business cards don’t have to be printed on card stock in standard size. Business cards can be done on any material in any form.

CSS Border Radius
7 Brand New Impressive Javascript Experiments

We have got new chrome experiments to showcase again! Always look forward for this post to show you what have been happening in HTML 5 and javascript development. Make sure you check out each of the experiment here, pretty sure they will blow you away!

Using CSS Text-Shadow to Create Cool Text Effects

The CSS3 text-shadow property has been around for some time now and is commonly used to recreate Photoshop’s Drop Shadow type shading to add subtle shadows which help add depth, dimension and to lift an element from the page. This isn’t all the text-shadow property is capable of though, by getting creative and playing around with the colours, offset and blurring we can create some clever and pretty cool text effects!

Magento for Designers: Optimization | Nettuts+

Magento is a stunningly powerful e-commerce platform. In this miniseries, we’ll learn how to get started with the platform, getting to know the terminologies, setting up a store and all related aspects of it and finally learn how to customize it to make it our very own.

In this final part, we’ll be tackling one of the biggest complaints people have with Magento: its performance. We’ll review a number of different methods you could apply to significantly boost the platform. Excited? Let’s get started!

30 Fantastic Social Bookmark Sets For Bloggers | nenuno creative

Social Bookmark intergation become one from essential things forany new blog, through submissions to those popular networks your site can gain many benefits to start with from back-links, returning visitors and google love.

There are many social bookmark icon sets out there on the web but only few are beautiful and free so today I have made a small roundup of my favourite social bookmark icons for bloggers. We wish you enjoy this collection.

A Complete Beginner's Guide to Web Accessibility

Most beginners in development and designing will not look deeply into accessibility, the purpose of this article is to educate beginners as early as possible of the possible pitfalls and how to avoid them. It is like a cookie jar is atop the shelf and a kid is trying to reach it but can’t. What happens next? Frustration enters! Not providing a way for your visitors to get a grab of that cookie jar is very not fine, especially when they really need it.

Dynamic Drive CSS Library- CSS3 Gradient Menu Buttons

These fancy looking buttons brings together CSS3's border-radius, box-shadow, and linear gradients to create glossy looking menu buttons that use NO images. They consist of just a regular UL list that can easily be left, centered, or right aligned. Visually these buttons look best in FF3.5+, Chrome, and Safari 4+, while in other browsers, they still look presentable enough.

10 Free Alternatives to Photoshop | Tech King

Everyone has heard of Adobe Photoshop. It is one of the most popular and expensive image editing programs you can buy. For those of you who do not have the hundreds of dollars to plop down on software I have compiled a list of nice photo editing applications you can use instead.

A quick intro into CSS3 gradients – Freelance Web Designer Lee Munroe

CSS3 gradients are available to use in Webkit (Safari, Chrome) and Mozilla (Firefox) browsers. They’re not exactly new but I only recently started using them consistently myself so I’ve put together this quick article.

FYI this isn’t the holy grail of CSS3 gradients, it’s more of a reminder for me or quick getting started guide.

HTML5 Forms Validation in Firefox 4 - Mounir Lamouri's Blog

HTML5 Forms specifications introduce some new input types, attributes and other awesome features. One of the transversal features is native browser-side form validation.
For Firefox 4, we tried to focus on that feature and ship it as complete as possible. All following features descriptions are available with Firefox 4 beta 7 except some which are going to be available in following betas (it's clearly specified when that's the case).

25 Most Useful Online Services and Applications to Make Your Life Easier | DJDESIGNERLAB - Find All Your Design Inspirations From This Laboratory

There are some online services and applications that are very useful in modern lifestyle. To contributions, engaging and interacting with each other and best communications these services and applications is most powerful and useful in all purposes. Today we showcasing some Most Useful Online Services and Applications that make your life easier.

Show Image Under Text (with Acceptable Fallback) | CSS-Tricks

WebKit supports the cool background-clip CSS3 property, which you can use to do some pretty neat stuff. The first time we touched on it was the iPhone Slide-to-unlock idea where we set a gradient to animate through the background of the text. Then we touched on it again for the transparent borders idea.

Let’s take a look at using it to have an image be visibile only through the letters of the text. One more cool thing that we no longer need to drool over print designers ability to do.

PHP – Konwersja domen IDN do Punycode |

DNS (ang. Domain Name System, system nazw domenowych) to system serwerów, protokół komunikacyjny oraz usługa zapewniająca zamianę adresów znanych użytkownikom Internetu na adresy zrozumiałe dla urządzeń tworzących sieć komputerową. Dzięki wykorzystaniu DNS nazwa mnemoniczna, np., może zostać zamieniona na odpowiadający jej adres IP, czyli

W czasie, gdy DNS był projektowany nikt nie pomyślał o tym, że zakres znaków [a-z0-9] będzie niewystarczający. W 2003 roku pierwsze domeny najwyższego poziomu (ang. TLD – Top-Level Domain) .info, .jp, .kr, .lt, .pl, .se itd. zaczęły rozszerzać zestaw znaków używanych w nazwach domen. Aktualnie większość TLD obsługuje domeny IDN.

40 Edgy Digital Fonts for LED Banner Designs

LED banners – an approach very fresh, popular & catchy for advertising on websites. Inspired by modern and techy feel, these banners look edgy and up-to-date.

But just like any other form of advertising, it has its pros & cons. Most LED banners are colorful, flashing & scrolling – so it’s hard to miss its catchy appearance on your screen. On the other hand, it could be difficult to read. But picking the right choices of digital fonts, it can be very attention-drawing.

45 Amazing Examples Of Reflection Photography

Reflection Photographs looks really cool. There are various ways of capturing a reflection, sometimes we just capture the reflection of an object and sometimes we capture both the object and its reflection. Today in this article I am going to showcase some of the amazing reflection photographs to inspire you. I hope these photographs will inspire you to click more beautiful reflections photographs. Enjoy!

Sigma Ajax UI builder | Download Sigma Ajax UI builder software for free at

Written in javascript and PHP, SigmaVisual is web based visual AJAX UI builder for professional developers. Developers save their time in building up prototype as well as real web applications. TreeBar, TreeGrid, Layout, Menu are supported

Useful jQuery Plugins for Every Project | CreativeFan

jQuery plugins can enhance the usability, functionality and overall experience for any website, and they can also significantly save development time when creating a new website. Although there are a lot of different jQuery plugins to choose from, and generally it depends on what your project is, there are some jQuery plugins that are useful for a variety of projects.

Here you’ll find some useful jQuery plugins for any project that you’re working on. Best of all, you can use them right out of the box or even modify them a bit to to meet your specific needs.

Bugs…Nasty Bugs

Nothing like a good insect to make you feel all itchy.

Beginning WordPress Development: A Look at Common Functions

WordPress is a great blogging and CMS platform. It’s easy to use and customize, and there’s basically nothing you can’t do with it. If you haven’t used WordPress, give it a try by installing it on your own computer using a web server package like xampp or WampServer. You’ll need access to WordPress in order to follow along with this guide.

In this guide, we will take a look at some common functions in WordPress for use in custom WordPress theme development.

Who called me? Free reverse phone directory.

This is a user supplied database of phone numbers of telemarketers, non-profit organizations, charities, political surveyors, SCAM artists, and other companies that don't leave messages, disconnect once you answer, and simply interrupt your day.

If you received a strange call, unwanted SMS message, or just came across a number you don't recognize and want more information about, most likely you are not the only one. Search for this phone number to see the reports of others. If there are no reports yet, leave your comment to start a conversation.

10 Best PHP Frameworks

PHP is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that was originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose, PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document and interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which generates the web page document. In this article I am going to create a list of Ten Best PHP Frameworks for our readers.

Fun with Photoshop (20 Photos)
20 Shockingly Cool HTML5 Canvas Applications | CreativeFan

HTML5 offers a wide variety of advanced functionality over what HTML was originally capable of.  Perhaps the most powerful aspect of HTML5 is the HTML5 canvas.  The canvas element is a drawable region defined in HTML code with height and width attributes. JavaScript code can access the canvas through a full set of drawing functions allowing for dynamically generated graphics.

In this post, you’ll find 20 shockingly cool HTML5 canvas applications that show just a bit of the power of the canvas and demonstrates what you can accomplish with it.

Breadcrumb Navigation with CSS Triangles | CSS-Tricks

Did you know you can make triangles with pure CSS? It’s pretty easy. You just make a block level element with zero width and height, a colored border on one side, and transparent borders on the two adjacent sides. They are fun for all kinds of things, like little arrow sticking out from speech bubbles, navigation pointers, and more. Often times these are just visual flourishes, undeserving of dedicated markup. Fortunately, pseduo elements are often a perfect fit. That is, using :before, :after, or both to create these block level elements and place the triangle. One neat use that came to mind in this vein: breadcrumb navigation.

10 Awesome Pure CSS Graph and Chart Techniques | Speckyboy Design Magazine

Lets be honest, CSS would typically not be the first technology you would go to for building a visually effective interactive graph or chart, certainly not without at least a touch of Javascript. There are quite a few technologies you would think, Flash comes to mind first, followed by Javascript (thousands of jQuery plugins), you may even go for an SVG chart, or you may even like to use a graphic editor with interactive capabilities like Fireworks or Photoshop.

Having said all that, creating a pure CSS chart that is both visually beautiful and highly interactive, especially with CSS3, is very much possible, as this round-up proves.

Huge Collection of Free User Interface Icons | Designs Mag

The role and purpose of icons is user interaction is very important these days. Icons can enhance the user experience and user friendly icons are really appreciative but they should be unique and easy to understand. There are so many icon websites available on the web but what we are presenting here is only high quality and web2.0 free icon packs collected from various websites, designers galleries and blogs.

Black and White Photography: 25 Beautiful Examples | Vandelay Design Blog

Many designers love to view photographs for design inspiration. In this post we’ll showcase some beautiful black and white photos for your own inspiration. If you like a particular photo and you want to see more, click on the image or the link in the photo credit and you’ll be led to the source where you can view more work from the photographer.

IE PNG Fix - TwinHelix

This script adds near-native PNG support with alpha opacity to IE 5.5 and 6. Now you can have full translucency and no more ugly grey borders! Full CSS background positioning and repeat are supporting (including CSS sprites). It requires only one line in your CSS file, and no changes to your website HTML. <IMG> tags and background images are both supported.

15 Fire Elements in Vector | Web Design Blog

It’s time for another vector release of fire elements, consisting of 15 different flame related vectors.

You will get one EPS, AI and SVG file with the above flames.

These vectors are free for personal use only.

50 Exceptional Winter Inspired Nature Photographs

If You are a nature lover you definitely going to like this collection. This post contains 50 exceptional nature photographs inspired by winter. There are places, trees and mountains covered with eyes. I am sure these photographs will inspire you to take more beautiful nature photographs like these photos. Enjoy!

157 HQ Amazing Wallpapers | Web Design Blog

Talk about beautiful, hello again…i am sure when you see these pictures you will skip whatever text comes between the pictures and go directly to them, i know i would…

These are truly amazing pictures of high quality, just waiting for you to drop them on your desktop and maybe put them on a cycle because my friends, you will have a tough time deciding which one you would prefer so why not just put them all and get them to change from time to time…

Whether you want just one of them and choose from the gallery below or you want the whole package(download link below)…it’s all up to you.

You will get a pack of 157 JPG files.

Without further delay…we give you wallpapers!

28 Handy CSS Cheat Sheets for Designers

Is there a time that you would like to have a refresher course or suddenly forget about that thing ? If yes, then you need some handy CSS cheat sheets. Post it on your web notes, bookmark it, or a sticky note to have a instant guide for your CSS. CSS or Cascading Style Sheet really help designers to customize their website conforming on the different browsers.

In this post, I’ll be featuring CSS cheat sheets for designers that will be helpful for you.

Pure CSS GUI icons (experimental) – Nicolas Gallagher – Blog &amp; Ephemera

An experiment that uses pseudo-elements to create 84 simple GUI icons using CSS and semantic HTML. Shared as an exercise in creative problem solving and working within constraints. This is not a “production ready” CSS icon set.

30 Beautiful Christmas Icons Sets to Decorate Your Blog | DesignModo

Christmas holidays are coming, and this signifies that it is high time to get well prepared to the celebration. As you decorate your home and office to saturate them with the Christmas atmosphere, you should decorate your blog for your readers to feel the real spirit of Christmas.

You ask yourself how you can inspire your blog with a Christmas spirit? We have an answer for you! Hereinafter, you can see he list of the most beautiful Christmas icons that will help you to decorate your blog.

2010 Christmas Vectors | Web Design Blog

Hello dear folks, since it’s almost the season to be jolly we got to be prepared for it so here we are again with another pack of Christmas vectors!

This time it’s more about Christmas motif rather then the jolly fat man and his rain-dears or big red noses, Christmas trees, snow flakes Christmas globes and nice ribbons is what you get.

So get your vector pack now and start your work early so you can enjoy your Eggnog when it’s close to Christmas day!

You will get a pack of 7 EPS files with everything you see below.


These vectors are free for personal use only.

Proface | Download Proface software for free at

PROFACE is a User Interface Prototyper developed in Java. The objective of Proface is not code generation, but allow design/creation of interface idea with colors, buttons, texts, images, links and others.

JavaScript Jabber Messenger | Download JavaScript Jabber Messenger software for free at

An Open Source JavaScript Jabber Messenger, build with the Ext and Prototype Library.

Top Design Magazine – Web Design and Digital Content » 30 extremely funny printed ads

What’s cooler than an advertisement? A fun and creative one. Below is a list of 30 super funny commercials that will definitely make your day more beautiful .

40 Useful Cheats Sheets for Graphic Designers

Is there a time that you really don’t know the easiest way to create your design applications? Then there are things that could help you, these are cheat sheets. Cheat sheets give you a good refresher on the topic you want to learn. Just google on your keywords and surely you will find a bunch of cheat sheets that will help you. You’ll find cheat sheets on graphic design applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Fireworks.

In this article, I’ll be featuring 40 useful collections of cheat sheets for designers

35 Best CSS3 @font-face Kits

FontSquirrel is not only a great source to find high-quality free fonts but also awesome in so many other ways. One of them is its feature of providing @font-face kits for free. FontSquirrel has a huge amount of ready made kits which can be downloaded in matter of seconds and used anywhere you want. If you own some commercial fonts and wanted to use them in your website via @font-face, then FontSquirrel come into play with their @font-face kit generator. Overall it is best source for all your @font-face needs. Today we have collected 35 css3 @font-face kits from FontSquirrel which can be download and used for free. Enjoy.

How to use Google Maps Street View

This is my fourth tutorial covering features of the Google Maps API v3. This time I will show you how to use the street view service. I have built an app for this tutorial, an interactive visit of Paris. You’ll be able to visit certain locations, walk through Paris or take virtual tours.

Designing Search Boxes with HTML5 and CSS3 -

Search is one of the most important part of any website. Here I will show a few practical techniques for designing search forms and a few tricks to make usable and good-looking search functionality.

Smashing Magazine did a piece on Search Boxes which inspired me to write this post. Instead of listing various types of designs, I will show you how to build them!Here, with the help of three examples, I will show how to code search boxes with HTML & CSS and how to spice things up with a bit of jQuery.

Starting with Git: Cheat Sheet | Think Vitamin

A while ago an open source project I'm involved with,, moved to github. I had to quickly brush up my git skills after years of being happy and confident with Subversion; I learned a lot and so I thought I'd share my "cheat sheet" - the commands that I use on a day-to-day basis when working with git.

I will just discuss the command line tools, since those are the same on every platform. GUI tools and IDE plugins are available for git so it is worth taking a look at what is available for the development environment you use.

Object-oriented JavaScript follow up part 2: Technical - Nefarious Designs

Following on from part 1 of my follow-up to “Object-oriented JavaScript”, part 2 provides a technical update to some of the theories and examples.

Without further a-do, let’s jump in with the technical stuff:

13 Super Useful Photography Cheat Sheets | Resources

There’s a lot involved in photography, and so many things to remember it can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. Cameras can seem complicated, and photo editing software is packed with features. Then there are concepts like lighting and composition that must be mastered in order to achieve those perfect shots. With so many things to learn, sometimes a little help is welcomed. So for this post, we’ve rounded up a collection of photography cheat sheets and quick references that should come in very handy.

35+ Stunning Examples of Infrared Photography | Inspiration | PelFusion Design Magazine

In infrared photography, the film or image sensor used is sensitive to infrared light. The part of the spectrum used is referred to as near-infrared to distinguish it from far-infrared, which is the domain of thermal imaging. Wavelengths used for photography range from about 700 nm to about 900 nm. This type of photography can produce really amazing and dream-like images.

Just for your inspiration, we have collected 35+ Stunning Examples of Infrared Photography

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A List Apart: Articles: Get Started with Git

If you’re a designer or developer, you’ve probably heard about Git, and you might know that it has become immensely popular, especially among the open source community. Though it may seem cryptic at first, this version control system could change the way you work with text, whether you’re writing code, or a novel.

This article covers why version control is important, how to install the Git version control system, and how to get started with your first repository. Once you start using Git, you’ll want to throw everything into it, from full-blown apps to blog post drafts, because it’s so easy and versatile.

Cool And Useful USB Flash Memory Drives – 36 Amazing Gadgets | Design your way

In the last years, the USB flash memory drives have evolved a lot, from the capacity of 256mb to 128gb and maybe even more. The interesting thing is that their capacity isn’t the only thing that evolved, the design also suffered some lovely changes. New and inventive designs are put on memory sticks almost every week, the products being either really cheap and accessible or expensive and luxurious. In this article, you will see the coolest of all USB flash drive collection, having bad ass looking drives, useful ones, crazy looking ones but more important, inventive and interesting pieces of work.

Fun with HTML5 Forms | Think Vitamin

Do you remember your first form? The first time you realised you could send emails through your site, thanks to a hosted service like Bravenet (remember them?!).

Or perhaps you hacked together a cgi script or even some PHP. But when that first email arrived with the subject line ‘test’ you realised that your website had now become interactive. You could now not only interact with your users, but also tailor your site based on their input.