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The BFG is a simpler, faster alternative to git-filter-branch for cleansing bad data out of your Git repository history:
Removing Crazy Big Files
Removing Passwords, Credentials & other Private data
The git-filter-branch command is enormously powerful and can do things that the BFG can't - but the BFG is much better for the tasks above, because:
Faster : 10 - 720x faster
Simpler : The BFG isn't particularily clever, but is focused on making the above tasks easy
Beautiful : If you need to, you can use the beautiful Scala language to customise the BFG. Which has got to be better than Bash scripting at least some of the time.
Timeshift is a GTK3-based, open source, system restore utility which takes incremental snapshots of the system using rsync and hard-links. These snapshots can be restored at a later date to undo all changes that were made to the system after the snapshot was taken. Snapshots can be taken manually or at regular intervals using scheduled jobs.
Nmon is short for “Nigel’s Monitor”. It’s a systems administrator, tuner, and benchmark all wrapped up in an easy-to-use tool. The utility displays performance information on the CPU, memory, network, disks (mini graphs or numbers), filesystems, NFS, top processes, resources (Linux version & processors) and more.
Krusader is an advanced, twin-panel (commander-style) file manager designed for KDE Plasma. Krusader also runs on other popular Linux desktop environments such as GNOME.
Map your brainstorming sessions with Freeplane, the 13th in our series on open source tools that will make you more productive in 2019.
Detailed statistics, charts & graphs
Data management for Memcached (full CRUD support)
Memcached cluster health dashboard
Memcached host dashboard
Update check
Nice & comfortable UI
Clean & well documented code
Responsive and mobile ready
This software is currently in early alpha state and so i want to warn - There is currently no ciritcal bug i know about but maybe still some potential for (Memcached) data loss - from my point of view its not critical in development cause it's a non-persistent memory store we're talkin about - but it's just fair to warn you before you use it! :)
Ever wanted to get rid of Outlook ? DavMail is a POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP gateway allowing users to use any mail client with Exchange and Office 365, even from the internet through Outlook Web Access on any platform, tested on MacOSX, Linux and Windows
Office 365
Są rośliny, które ze względu na ekspansywność lepiej uprawiać w pojemnikach. U mnie takim gagatkiem okazała się mięta. Taki pojemnik powinien być spory, a to oczywiście duży koszt. Zatem znowu pojawia się okazja do recyklingu i tu na scenę wchodzą: stara podbitka z ganku i po raz kolejny sosnowe deski z palet. Drewno z odzysku …
Pamiętam bałagan i wnerw za każdym razem, gdy potykałam się o buty wchodząc lub wychodząc z naszego działkowego domu. Gdy po raz kolejny wykonywałam potrójnego tulupa przed drzwiami olśniło mnie, że jest proste rozwiązanie. Leży odłogiem w garażu i czeka żebym zabrała się do roboty. Postanowiłam zrobić wreszcie szafkę na buty z deseczek odzyskanych z palet. Lepiej późno niż wcale… Recykling …
With beautiful countryside, stunning villages and plenty of bluebells during spring, Surrey is an amazing place for a stroll
Whether you’re 5, 55 or 105, discover for yourself the joy of decorating your own piece of pottery. We have a huge selection of pieces to choose from and lots of books, stamps, sponges and stencils to inspire you. Our well trained and friendly staff will be available to offer advice and ideas.
We've collected our handy cheat sheets in one convenient place.
Boxes is a simple, configurable command line program which can draw any kind of box around its input text. It filters text and draws shapes around it – it’s practically a text filter. In fact it is designed to be integrated with your editor as a text filter (supports Vim default). It can draw shapes ranging from simple boxes to complex ASCII art.
n open source chat/messaging aggregator. With Franz 5, you can access a variety of messaging apps in one window and simply toggle through them. The source code for Franz can be found on GitHub.
I find Franz 5 useful for aggregating my Gmail, Trello, Hangouts, GitHub, and LinkedIn messages (so far).
If you've been a working adult for more than a decade, you probably remember the high cost and complexity of doing audio- and video conferences. Conference calls were arranged through third-party vendors, and video conferences required dedicated rooms with expensive equipment at every endpoint.
Curious about visiting Poland? It's a very interesting country to explore, and there are countless of things to do and beautiful places to see. I've made this list of 55 Reasons why I think everyone should visit Poland at least once in their life!
Network-wide ad blocking via your own Linux hardware
No client-side software required
Install by running one command:
curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash
Inspired by our fortnightly eMagazine, S__ts & Giggles and our Facebook Pages, Emergency Services Humour & Military Banter, these mugs have some of our favourite quote!