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Who said food needs to be boring.
A tornado is a sadistic, dangerous, revolving column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, the base of a cumulus cloud. Tornadoes come in many shapes and sizes, but are typically in the form of a visible condensation funnel, whose narrow end touches the earth and is often encircled by a cloud of debris and dust Tornado are natural disasters which mostly attacked on America and Australia these tornado can destroy a huge area and the quantity of these disasters are increasing every year. Today we have collected Exclusive And Shocking Tornado Photography which will amazed you. Have look and give us feed back through your nice comments.
Tworzenie zapasowych kopii danych jest bardzo ważne. Są nawet przypadki, w których jest to wręcz obowiązek – na przykład w firmach, czy na serwerach. Niestety prawie żaden użytkownik komputera nie myśli o robieniu kopii zapasowych swoich równie ważnych (dla niego samego) danych, prac, czy chociażby zdjęć z wakacji. A złośliwość rzeczy martwych jest bezwzględna, awaria dysku, a później płacz i lament, ;) z powodu utraty danych. Oczywiste jest to, że nie ma sensu tworzyć kopii zapasowych na tym samym dysku, ale w czasach tanich dysków, również dysków na USB prawie każdy może sobie pozwolić na to. A po za tym kopie możemy tworzyć na zdalnym komputerze/serwerze.
How do you target Internet Explorer in your CSS? Do you use CSS hacks, conditional stylesheets or something else?
It’s the perfect trollbait. There have been plenty of discussions about this, and I don’t mean to start a new one. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but the thing is that it’s not purely a philosophical matter. I am writing this article because I noticed there’s a lot of misunderstanding on the subject of CSS hacks.
People have been advocating three different approaches: conditional stylesheets, CSS hacks, or conditional classnames. All these techniques have their pros and cons. Let’s take a look.
One of the unsung heros in the HTML5 universe is XMLHttpRequest. Strictly speaking XHR2 isn't HTML5. However, it's part of the incremental improvements browser vendors are making to the core platform. I'm including XHR2 in our new bag of goodies because it plays such an integral part in today's complex web apps.
Turns out our old friend got a huge makeover but many folks are unaware of its new features. XMLHttpRequest Level 2 introduces a slew of new capabilities which put an end to crazy hacks in our web apps; things like cross-origin requests, uploading progress events, and support for uploading/downloading binary data. These allow AJAX to work in concert with many of the bleeding edge HTML5 APIs such as File System API, Web Audio API, and WebGL.
This tutorial highlights some of the new features in XMLHttpRequest, especially those that can be used for working with files.
jVectorMap is a jQuery plugin employed to show vector maps and visualize data on HTML pages. It uses SVG in all modern browsers like Firefox 3 or 4, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE9, while legacy support for older versions of IE from 6 to 8 is provided with VML. Using jVectorMap is pretty simple as for any other jQuery plugin. All you need is to connect JavaScript and CSS files of the plugin:
HTML5 and CSS3 frameworks are becoming more and more popular every day. It really makes web developers’ lives easier, because there are so many benefits, e.g. Development time. It has reduced considerably, especially if you don’t have much experience with the framework and you use it in appropriate situations; Frameworks contain “hacks” for most common browsers. To solve the same problem with the positioning of elements in IE can make you bored very quickly; Simplifies support. It will be easier to read your same code, written six months ago, if you always use the same class names. So if you are a developer you should certainly look through this roundup of Handy HTML5/CSS3 Frameworks! If you know of any other useful frameworks you would like to share, please leave a response in the comments.
We just would like to introduce you some effects or solutions which you may think are made using Javascript (or his friends) but after reading this post, you would be proud of CSS! All of them are made using Pure CSS
HTML5 is a language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web.Basically, HTML5 is the advanced version of HTML.In particular, HTML5 adds many new syntactical features. These include the <video>, <Audio>, and <canvas> elements, as well as the integration of SVG content.
Today we want to share 2 great HTML5 resources.The first one is created by Focus.com which is a HTML5 infographic showing Browser compatibility,HTML readiness and comparison with Flash etc. and
The second one is HTML5 cheatsheet created by Techking.
<A ADD_DATE="1308303920" HREF="http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics" PRIVATE="0" TAGS="html5,drag_and_drop">HTML5 Rocks - Native HTML5 Drag and Drop</A><DD>For years, we've been using libraries like JQuery and Dojo to simplify complex UI elements like animations, rounded corners, and drag and drop. There's no doubt, eye-candy is important for making rich, immersive experiences on the web. But why should a library be required for common tasks that all developers are using?
Drag and drop (DnD) is a first class citizen in HTML5! The spec defines an event-based mechanism, JavaScript API, and additional markup for declaring that just about any type of element be draggable on a page. I don't think anyone can argue against native browser support for a particular feature. Native browser DnD means faster, more responsive web apps.
HTML5 is a language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web, a core technology of the Internet. It is the latest revision of the HTML standard. Web developers are taking it very seriously and declaring it as future of web design and flash killer. There are many advantages and disadvantages of HTML5 but this is a spate issue. In this roundup I present to you a completion of 30 extremely useful HTML5 tutorials and tricks. I hope this collection will help you in learning HTML5 effectively.
When you have decided that you want to usability test, one of the first things you have to consider is what you are going to usability test. Although this may sound like a very straightforward question, there are a number of facets you need to consider to make your test successful and to ensure you are testing the right things.
Of course, what you are trying to test can vary a lot depending on the product or service you are working on, but there are some simple rules that you can follow to ensure you get the best, most effective results you can from your testing process.
I'm making a small JS library for building mobile apps that should work on webkit browsers Safari, Chrome. One of the problems to solve was how to implement event delegation.
What is event delegation? I think that very good explanation has David Walsh on his blog post about event delegation and the explanation how various libraries implement event delegation.
So if you are using jQuery you probably know .delegate() and .live() method. Basically what you trying to achieve is to have just one addEventListener that covers big area like the body, table or other portion of your code and avoid to have multiple addEventListener's. I think the .live() method in jQuery have one addEventListener positioned on the body HTML element.
My intention was to build simple yet flexible solution that will work on all modern browsers.
CSS3 is indeed a great improvement to the CSS specification. It allow web developers to add stylish effects to their websites, without any headaches. That said, several tools can definitely be life savers when building websites using CSS3. In this article, I have compiled the 10+ most useful tools for all your CSS3 coding.
I really wanted to do weekly inspiration about print ads this week, ads really bring out a creative side for a designer you most sell the product at the same time make the design look amazing which make it a great mission for graphic designers. If done right you can really catch the customers. Designing for print is a hard thing to do if you don’t have all the right asset’s. In this post you will find 20 Creative and Awesome Print Ads, I hope this post give you the inspiration you need to get start creating your next print ad.
Wild Life Photography is the most adventurous kind of photography. When we think about the wild life it brings the adventure and excitement in our minds. I would love to capture the wild life of wild animals in my camera. This post features some adventurous examples of Wild Life Photography
One of the few things that isn’t as simple to do with css as it should be is creating columns of equal heights. A variety of methods do exist, each with its pros and cons and I want to present 4 methods here.
Let’s think for a moment about what we mean by equal height columns.
We generally don’t mean that we want the content inside each column to be of equal height. If that were the case there really isn’t a problem as the height of the columns will naturally be the same height.
Today we are back with some of best and most useful Android Apps for a web developer. Android is the World’s second largest Mobile Market. Android, the operating system which is used in mobile systems and world’s best selling operating system for Smartphones.
Android market has big collection of paid and free apps such as business apps, travel apps, games, design apps and many more. But today we are going to represent best free android apps for web developers and web designers. These apps are very useful for designers and developers who loves to work on Smartphones.
Writing applications for multiple operating systems and a wide range of mobile devices can be challenging. The high demand for sophisticated mobile applications requires significant hardware. One solution is to provide Web applications, because they can run cross-platform on mobile devices. You don't need to use proprietary technology (such as Objective-C with Cocoa on the iPhone); you can use common Web technology. In essence, just one version of the application is needed. The main hardware power is provided by servers. In this article, explore the use of Web development in the mobile application space with a simple example that taps into the HTML5 standard.
Android Operating System is growing ever since its inception and now there will be no turning back for it. The success stories continue and more and more applications are coming out. However, the constant and significant tool of wallpaper remains the same.