32 private links
The introduction of AJAX marked a huge leap forward in the history of the web. The ability to communicate with a web server without reloading the page has revolutionised how web applications are built. The primary technology that enables AJAX (XMLHttpRequests) has evolved significantly since the initial conception of dynamic websites.
A nice feature added to XMLHttpRequests in recent years is the ability to handle file uploads. Traditionally many developers have resorted to using technologies like Flash to upload files to a server. The problem with this approach is that the user needs to have a third-party browser plugin installed.
In this post you’ll learn how to upload files to a server using native JavaScript technologies. The example we’re going to use supports uploading multiple files in a single request. However, you can apply the same principles to single-file uploads too.
Many landscape photographers’ love for wilderness, drives them to venture far in search of wild and remote locations. The lure of solitude and unfamiliar scenery motivates many to photograph far off the beaten path. Adventure photography at it’s best.
Backpacking, rafting, canoeing, trekking, climbing, and other self-propelled modes of travel are a few of the ways these remote locations are accessed and used. Those adventures are often with other people and the rewards can be stunning scenery, wildlife, and of course: the wilderness experience.
On a canoe trip with my son we discovered this campsite on the shore (see image below). Earlier in the day I photographed the mountain reflecting in the lake before realizing the setting would make for a stunning photograph of a camp scene.
Zdecydowana większość aktywnych internautów zapewne bez problemu rozpoznaje mapy od Google. Jednak, nie zawsze musi tak być :). Jako programiści możemy w znaczny sposób zmienić wygląd map. Jak to zrobić?
Users expect to get to information anywhere, anytime and expect it to be fast. Meeting all those expectations and providing users with what they want is the single best way to keep clients focused on your product, service or website.
HTML5 is the latest iteration of HTML addressing modern needs and expectations of websites. It deals with things like semantic markup, providing information about content it describes, it is becoming new standard for all good web developers and browser vendors love it as it does its magic on.
Another amazing and wonderful collection of jQuery and CSS3 for you is presented here. In this collection we are showcasing 40 jQuery and CSS3 loading animation and progress bar plugins and tutorial. One thing keep in your mind that CSS3 animations are not yet supported in old browsers so you have to try modern browsers if you want to see the live action of these outstanding plugins. With loaders and progress bars users know that something is still going on that’s why loaders and progress bars are very essential for users.
W związku z coraz większą liczbą powiadomień o nienaturalnych linkach postanowiliśmy zebrać w jednym miejscu nasze doświadczenia związane z wycofywaniem działań ręcznych.
Opiszę tutaj stosowaną przez nas procedurę, która sprawdziła się w przypadku wielu serwisów, w tym dużych witryn e-commerce.
(Analogiczną procedurę — oczywiście bez ostatniego kroku — stosujemy dla przejmowanych stron bez działań ręcznych, aby zabezpieczyć się przed ew. filtrami algorytmicznymi i ręcznymi w przyszłości).
W zdecydowanej większości przypadków zgłaszane pliki disavow.txt zawierają tylko wpisy obejmujące całe domeny, więc w poniższej procedurze zakładam właśnie takie rozwiązanie.
ZoneMinder is the top Linux video camera security and surveillance solution. In this document I will cover how to get ZoneMinder up and running on Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS or Dapper Drake with the recent updates included.
The three main reasons for surveillance are security, safety and nosiness. Whether you need a visual check on a sleeping baby, or a video of a stranger putting your cat in a wheelie bin, Zoneminder fits the bill. Zoneminder is a sophisticated camera manager, including support for multiple image sources, motion detection, email alerts, and X10 automation. It supports most V4L (Video for Linux) devices, and can control network IP cameras. The web interface makes it ideal for use on our headless server.
In the following tutorial, we will take you through the process required to build a headless surveillance server which can manage image feeds, upload images to another PC, and is accessible from the internet, even using a mobile phone.
Installation Requirements
You will need a computer. Options include:
A Normal Computer: This is strongly recommended. Many installs use a VM in EC2. Phabricator installs properly and works well on a normal computer.
A Shared Host: This may work, but is not recommended. Many shared hosting environments have restrictions which prevent some of Phabricator's features from working. Consider using a normal computer instead.
A SAN Appliance, Network Router, Gaming Console, Raspberry Pi, etc.: Although you may be able to install Phabricator on specialized hardware, it is unlikely to work well and will be difficult for us to support. Strongly consider using a normal computer instead.
A Toaster, Car, Firearm, Thermostat, etc.: Yes, many modern devices now have embedded computing capability. We live in interesting times. However, you should not install Phabricator on these devices. Instead, install it on a normal computer.
Kolejnym przykładem nowoczesnej metody wykonania stropów drewnianych są belki stropowe wykonane jako drewniane wiązary kratowe połączone przez płytki kolczaste.
Strop to pozioma przegroda między kondygnacjami domu, której podstawowym zadaniem jest przenoszenie obciążeń pochodzących od ciężaru własnego i ciężaru użytkowego oraz oddzielenie pomieszczeń kondygnacji wyższej od tych znajdujących się na niższej kondygnacji. Ma on za zadanie również usztywnić budynek w kierunku poziomu i zwiększyć jego sztywność przestrzenną. Odpowiednia izolacja stropu sprawia również ograniczenie przenikania ciepła i dźwięków.
1.7. Wymagania techniczno-montażowe dla konstrukcji stropów
1.7. Wymagania techniczno-montażowe dla konstrukcji stropów
Konstrukcja stropu w budynku musi przenosic obciążenia własne, obciążenia stałe i zmienne związane z używalnością stropów.
Wymagania przedstawione dotyczą elementów konstrukcji stropów o osiowym rozstawie belek stropowych nie przekraczającym 400 mm i minimalnym przekrój belki stropowej wynoszącym 38 x 184 mm.
Strop winien być zaprojektowany tak by przenieść przewidziane obciążenia przy minimalnym ugięciu z zachowaniem wymaganej sztywności.
1.2. Materiały na konstrukcję budynku
1.2. Materiały na konstrukcję budynku
Głównym materiałem stosowanym do budowy domów o konstrukcji szkieletowej jest drewno sosnowe. Na poszycia ścian, stropów i połaci dachowych są płyty drewnopochodne 6 płyta OSB/3, płyta V-100 bądź sklejka. Przy czym na poszycie ścian mogą być stosowane także płyty gipsowo-włóknowe. Do łączenia drewnianych elementów konstrukcji stosuje się gwoździe, wkręty, zszywki i łączniki metalowe.
Phabricator, an open source software engineering platform
Phabricator is a collection of open source web applications that help software companies build better software.
Unless you continually monitor page weight, you won’t know how your diet is progressing. The average page now exceeds 1.7Mb and increased by 32% in 2013 alone. If your developers are secretly gorging themselves on fattening widgets, any of the following assessment tools will highlight their gluttony. They’re all free and take a few seconds to run — what are you weighting for…
The White Balance setting you choose will change the colour balance in your pictures, making it warmer or cooler depending on how the sort of light you’re shooting in affects things.
Using Auto White Balance is the simple option, but your camera’s White Balance presets give you more control over colour.
In this tutorial we’ll explain exactly how these work and how to fine-tune your white balance settings to ensure the most accurate colours possible.
Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed to harness the power of RRDTool's data storage and graphing functionality. Cacti provides a fast poller, advanced graph templating, multiple data acquisition methods, and user management features out of the box. All of this is wrapped in an intuitive, easy to use interface that makes sense for LAN-sized installations up to complex networks with hundreds of devices.
Wireframing and mockup tools are very important for the developers as they make the process of creating a cloud computing based SaaS app or website fundamentally easier. They are the most crucial tools when it comes to communicating a prototype’s usability and functionality to clients. Therefore, almost all developers spend loads of their time in searching good and high quality mockup and wireframing tools.
Below, we have put together top 42 mockup and wireframing tools for developers. With these tools, they can provide their clients a streamlined and uncluttered visual to supplement verbalized ideas and designs. Check this out and get to pick one!
Topic of today’s post stays a bit aside from day-to-day coding and development but nonetheless covers a very important subject: our application log files. Our apps do generate enormous amount of logs which if done right are extremely handy for problems troubleshooting.
It’s not a big deal if you have a single application up and running, but nowadays apps, particularity webapps, run on hundreds of servers. With such a scale figuring out where is a problem becomes a challenge. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some kind of a view which aggregates all logs from all our running applications into single dashboard so we could see a whole picture constructed from the pieces? Please welcome: Logstash, the logs aggregation framework.
Although it’s not the only solution available, I found Logstash to be very easy to use and extremely simple to integrate. To start with, we don’t even need to do anything on the application side, Logstash can do all the job for us.